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The Big and Dandy Basic LSD (acid) Questions Thread (Round two!)

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TheAppleCore said:
Apparently I have access right now to some mushrooms. I'm planning on buying some and tripping for my first time over Christmas break, and I had a question...

Should I trip alone, or with my best friend? I don't want to feel uncomfortable or paranoid, but is there a chance of getting lost in negative thought patterns if I'm alone?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

My first psychedelic experience ever was me tripping alone with mushrooms.

Worst night of my life hands down, it was like mental torture, though I did learn from it.
Yea I was kinda wondering why he posted that question in the LSD thread haha, but I figured I might as well answer it. Who cares :p
Ughster said:
Yea I was kinda wondering why he posted that question in the LSD thread haha, but I figured I might as well answer it. Who cares :p
^^Same, but I figured he might get more useful or not reactions over there.
Hofmann Anniversary dosage?

Just wondering if anyone knows the dosage of the Hofmann Anniversary edition blotters?
You're assuming that only one batch was ever made of this freely available piece of blotter art.
A flawed assumption IMO.
IRL they were probably used by several retailers, possibly for DOxx as well and of course a bunch of inactive fakes.
Not to mention the fact that the first sheets were probably laid in 2000, and therefore may vary quite a bit in potency...
Anything between "as potent as on day 1" and "worthless" is possible.
Really? I thought that art was created specifically for that batch and not something that'd been floating around before that was just picked up. Learn something every day. :p
Anyone noticed new design LCD monitors with the 2/4ms response times or whatever, look like a laptop from the mid 90s on acid? im got just getting the tracer effect, its like my eyes and response times are tuned a lot more than usual.

I goto move my mouse cursor and i think a fly is chasing after it

Do an 8 figure continuoulsy and it really, really turns your eyeballs in.
That it was created for the purpose doesn't mean it isn't possible to recreate it. I could do it in 5 minutes using my crappy old PC & printer.
So could anybody.

It would also be a good opportunity to test my "digital age" sheet manufacturing method using LSD laced inkjet ink. ;)
yeah, you can't really know for sure. i usually put doses under black light to see if they're active. of course, this isn't fool-proof; i'm sure lsd isn't the only substance that glows under black light, & it also doesn't tell potency. :/
Grinders Kiefers said:
=D That's the funniest thing I've read all day
It will probably work after some carefully monitored and measured "dry" runs, and save lots of hassle, time and therefore money.

feelgoodhit said:
yeah, you can't really know for sure. i usually put doses under black light to see if they're active.



^ a children's toy but a very good investment at less than $10+S&H

of course, this isn't fool-proof; i'm sure lsd isn't the only substance that glows under black light, & it also doesn't tell potency. :/

True but it helps.
Yeah, if it glows it doesn't mean it's LSD. If it doesn't it means it definitely isn't.
Ptah: I challenge to you an LSD spirit-light test. To be done with 2 maximum close-in range very light peripheral lights... in maximum dark.. phones, or pc leds or dvd standby LEDs etc work fine........ as long as theyre in opposite sides of the room.. stare straight ahead.. and make these lights meet.. in perfect sync, so bright that it blinds you... but the patterns you see cannot ever be reconstructed. (its not just those two lights.. its every light bouncing off every in miles radious that makes it all up, its just where u stand/lie when it happens, and your eye controll and willinglesss)... i accetped them as spirits with opening arms... until i bisbelieved them as they went away.. one was called derek.

or else tell me what the fucking hell my eyes did before.

ie.. this is actually supposed to be a serious post.
^ I dig it but don't totally understand what you're getting at :)
^^You're smarter than me, as I totally don't understand what he's getting at. :)
Ptah said:
^^Same, but I figured he might get more useful or not reactions over there.

I take that as a good endorsement. We've got a nice little crew going in here & on the other LSD threads =D
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