BE CAREFUL with this compound, I experienced a strange weakness of the body shortly after the trials, not sure if it is compound related (onset of agranulocytosis) or because of my overly stressful time, but the warning bells went on. It surely is not a relaxer...
Doses tried were 120 and 132mg of the acetat, about a month apart. I'm not at peace yet with the compound, but I will give it another shot when set and setting is perfect. An hour or so it gives perfect euphoria but then goes over the top (TIHKAL gives good descriptions). Its close to MDMA in a way, but lacks the visual. At least the auditory is there. The headspace is psychedelic in a way but gets easily overlooked. "Stimulant without the CV and psychedelic without the visuals".
I'm currently in an overload of work and projects and don't find time to post/read.
Keep the people on the Forum alert to watch the body closely, and to spread exepriments sufficiently apart. You can post this if you will.