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The Big and Dandy AET Thread


Jun 25, 2006
anyone have experience with aET? if so how much alike or dislike is it from aMT? Could aET be substituted for a "rave" type substance, where from the expereince you seek energy, visual disturbances (tracer visuals, not full blown visions), auditory euphoria, sense of well being, empathy, a small feeling of oneness with everything... you know what Im talking about. I guess I want to know is if it's a social experience or one best kept in the dwellings of your own home. I wont be driving or anything but want to know if it is sutible for raving.

Never tried it, but Dr. Shulgin comments in Tihkal that he can understand how this has been sold as MDMA. Sounds like it would be good for a rave, but I wouldn't try it for the first time at one, or any other drug for that matter.
andruejaysin said:
Never tried it, but Dr. Shulgin comments in Tihkal that he can understand how this has been sold as MDMA. Sounds like it would be good for a rave, but I wouldn't try it for the first time at one, or any other drug for that matter.
Iv read shulgins comments and the one experience report from 85 that I was abel to find.

Im sure someone here has had it inr ecent years as it is still being produced on the grey market.
With the small amount of information there is available, I've always thought it sounded like a much less "trippy" substance than aMT, much less "heavy". It sounds to me like pretty much purely an empathogenic substance, without any real visual disturbance. Nevertheless, it does seem like it would be really optimal to use in a social setting, rather than by yourself. I wouldn't personally choose a rave because that's not my thing, but I'd definitely try it in the presence of good friends.

But then, this is pure speculation. If you'd like me to speculate with a basis in fact, you could send some my way. ;)
It used to be sold as antidepressive and I'm sure there are more human data available.I think it was withdrawn because of Agranulocytosis(?).

700mg was deadly,found this:

" Etryptamine, a new designer drug with fatal effects

Summary Capsules with etryptamine have been commonly available on the market since the middle of 1985. Up to 1962 this CNS-stimulating, monoamine-oxidase-inhibiting drug was sold as an antidepressant (Monase). A case of fatal intoxication is reported. The exact amount of etryptamine taken several hours before death are not known, but it could have been in the range of 700 mg. This drug was detected in tissue by means of common analytical techniques (GLC, GC-MS, HPLC, TLC). Etryptamine cross-reacts with the Emit-st amphetamine assay and can also be detected in urine using these techniques. The level in postmortem blood was 1.1 mg/l. The effects the young man showed were like those known from intoxication with amphetamines, MAO inhibitors, and thymoleptics. Malignant hyperthermia is discussed as a possible cause of death. It is suggested that trade in etryptamine should be controlled.

Key words Etryptamine, fatal intoxication - Poisoning, etryptamin"

2 questions:

1. What was the antidepressant dose of AET?Can't find it.

2. Sasha gives a dose of 100-150mg,is this as the base or the acetate (or HCl..)?It makes a hefty 32% difference (same with AMT) so its advisable to think about it before.It appears though that when mentioned,it was always the acetat.I might have the chance to try it so any input will be appreciated.

The post from f"b:"From what I can remember, 5-MeO-AET is a lot more like a psychedelic, with less MDMA like empathy than AET. About 18 years ago, I had a chance to rey AET, and at 120mg it was "very touchy-feely" (that's how I referred to it until I had a chance to try MDMA years afterwards), which I later realized was the empathic qualities of MDMA. It had less of a stimulant-like effect compared with MDMA, but the empathy state lasted 3-5 hours. Using for comparison the effects I've felt from AMT and 5-MeO-AMT, I'd have guessed that 5-MeO-AET would have very little to no stimulant type effect, wouldn't be too kind to your gut, and would last quite a while.

Not too spectacular, but most probably interesting"
Upjohn pulled Monase -AET as an antidepressant because of some serious side effects, I will try and find out whether this was due to long term exposure or something more serious.
think the antidepressant dosage was somewhere around 20mg, somewhere I'm sure there is the product data sheet.
Anyone who ate AET from a certain big chemical supplier also ate some interesting b carbolines which were present as impurites 30% in some batches. whether the synergism of the carboline added something to the experience is probably something we will never know.
the reason AET is not around in quantity is that it is illegal in the US and I think it is also on the UN list. It also requires a hefty dose so any illegal synth is not very lucrative, doesn't appeal much to criminally inclined chemists.
Any sources for these side effects? I'm curious about what the circumstanes and actual effects were. I had always thought they ultimately did away with it in the US due to it being discovered as a recreational tryptamine.
a quick medline search came up with a reference
J Kans Med Soc. 1962 Aug;63:338-40.
no abstract unfortunately, the kansas medical society journal is not one I have access to!
as Monase was pulled in 1961 I suspect recreational abuse would have had little to do with it.
will see if anything else comes up through pharm journals.
vecktor said:
the reason AET is not around in quantity is that it is illegal in the US and I think it is also on the UN list. It also requires a hefty dose so any illegal synth is not very lucrative, doesn't appeal much to criminally inclined chemists.

It is a straight-foward synth, the dose is about the same of MDMA's, and the materials to produce a-ET are watched to the degree as those needed to produce MDMA.
I had it many years ago before it was scheduled under the UN convention (some got up and walked from the lab!). Just over 100mg was like MDMA with a lot less stimulation - I got some of the yawning you get with AMT happening. The entactogenic effects lasted a bit longer than MDMA, but other than that it didn't have anything to recommend it over MDMA. Many years later, my wife & I got some MDEA and it reminded me a lot of AET (the original dose of AET was over 20 years ago now and I've killed off too many brain cells to give anything other than a vague description of its effects!).

It was withdrawn from use due to fatal cases of agranulocytosis. That alone puts it in the 'try once for experience then forget' category
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Thanks for the infos.Admittedly this agranulocytosis is a serious side-effect,but from what I read it wa the result of chronic dosing (like with Clozapine).

I'm wondering as many took this recreationally as it was available in big quantities-and yet there are no further reports,good or bad.Probably just not memorable.

Another note,this is a reminder of the inherent risks of RC's,I mean with Monase we know a lot because of its former medical use,but all those other compounds-imagine you RC XY produces agranulocytosis!
Do you have a source for this?Or is this from the Springerlink I gave?
What the DEA had to say,from here:
It seems it has been used rather widely...

"...Chemically ALPHA-ET is ALPHA-ethyl-1H-indole-3-ethanamine or 3-(2-
aminobutyl) indole. It is also known as etryptamine or Monase
(brand name, acetate salt). In the early 1960's, it was marketed
by the Upjohn Company as an antidepressant in the United States.
After less than one year of marketing, Upjohn withdrew its New
Drug Application when it became apparent that ALPHA-ET administration
was associated with agranulocytosis. The Food and Drug Administration
(FDS) has notified the DEA that there are no exemptions or approvals
in effect under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Act for ALPHA-ET. A search of the scientific and medical literature
revealed no indications of current medical use of ALPHA-ET in the
United States.
In animal studies, ALPHA-ET has a pharmacological profile similar
to other Schedule I controlled substances. In drug discrimination
paradigms, ALPHA-ET fully substituted for both 1-(2,5-dimethoxy-
4-methylphenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOM) and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine
(MDMA). In a behavioral paradigm that distinguishes between
stimulants, classical hallucinogens and MDMA-like substances,
ALPHA-ET closely resembles MDMA. Recent data indicate that ALPHA-ET,
like MDMA, may be toxic to serotonergic neurons. In human studies,
ALPHA-ET's most prominent effect was an immediate feeling of exhilaration
and intoxication at an oral dose of 150 mg.
DEA first encountered ALPHA-ET in 1986 at a clandestine laboratory
in Nevada. Several exhibits of ALPHA-ET have been analyzed by DEA
and state forensic laboratories since 1989.
Individuals in Colorado and Arizona have purchased several
kilograms of this substance from chemical supply companies.
It has been distributed and sold primarily to high school and
college students. Trafficked as ``ET'' or ``TRIP'', it has been
touted as an MDMA-like substance. The death of a nineteen year
old female in Arizona was attributed to ALPHA-ET toxicity. Illicit
use has been documented in both Germany and Spain. In Germany,
ALPHA-ET has been sold as ``Love Pearls'' or ``Love Pills'' and
its abuse has been associated with a number of deaths. At least
one death has been attributed to ALPHA-ET abuse in Spain...."
I have seen people selling Alpha Ethyl Triazole , under the Acronym AET. I have not, however seen the structure of the functional group 'triazole'. It is claimed to have the similar stimulant effects as amphetamine/MDMA. Iim not a big fan of stimulants but this sounds pretty relavent in this thread. What exactly is Triazole? Is it some kind of Piperazine or something? or similar?

At first I thought it was Alpha Ehtyl Tryptamine, but when I saw the Triazole I knew something was up!