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The "Best" Anxiolytic?

Thanks for the reply and I'm sorry to hear that your experience with Selank is lacking in effects. The racetams I've taken were Noopept and Aniracetam, both requiring additional supplementation with choline which they deplete very fast, something that might be an issue with your use of Selank. Perhaps you just ran out of choline, preventing the Selank to work properly, at least I hope that's the case. I hope I hear from you once and if you add choline to your diet while on Selank.

Snowy_Hell, what form was your Aniracetam in and what was your dosage? I found some online but I need to know this before buying.
Hey, I didn’t read the whole thread so I’m not sure if someone mentioned that Pfizer’s patent on lyrica is up and pregablin has gone generic as of a few months ago . I got it prescribed for the first time last month and I really liked it . I was surprised that it worked so well considering I’ve taken gabapentin in heroic doses and felt nothing . So if your still interested in trying pregablin then its not expensive anymore .
Since it was so expensive thru pfizer my insurance required a pre authorization . Probably till they update there system and realize that pregablin is cheap now . They approved 9 generics for pregablin in one shot when usually the fda will approve a couple . I did not want to wait the few days for the PA so I paid for the script in cash . I got 120X75mg pills and It was cheap.
Hey, I didn’t read the whole thread so I’m not sure if someone mentioned that Pfizer’s patent on lyrica is up and pregablin has gone generic as of a few months ago . I got it prescribed for the first time last month and I really liked it . I was surprised that it worked so well considering I’ve taken gabapentin in heroic doses and felt nothing . So if your still interested in trying pregablin then its not expensive anymore .
Since it was so expensive thru pfizer my insurance required a pre authorization . Probably till they update there system and realize that pregablin is cheap now . They approved 9 generics for pregablin in one shot when usually the fda will approve a couple . I did not want to wait the few days for the PA so I paid for the script in cash . I got 120X75mg pills and It was cheap.

My physician will never prescribe lyrica to me, so I'll never benefit from a partial insurance refund, which would still be prohibitively expensive and I have a yearly cap on how much I'll get from the company before I'll start paying out of pocket.
Still looks extremely expensive to me. In fact,this is twice the price than the last time I looked.
My physician will never prescribe lyrica to me, so I'll never benefit from a partial insurance refund, which would still be prohibitively expensive and I have a yearly cap on how much I'll get from the company before I'll start paying out of pocket.
Still looks extremely expensive to me. In fact,this is twice the price than the last time I looked.

Lyrica which is pregablin like I mentioned just went genetic a few months ago . You are still looking up lyrica . I didn’t use insurance and paid $50 got 120x75mg pills and I know they made money on me because I was reading a pharmacist forum and they were talking about how they can’t go wrong stocking all the different mg ones because they are so cheap for the pharmacy to buy . They said less then 10 bux.
again they approved 9 different generic brands which is unusual and that drove the price down to basically the sans you would pay for any med without insurance .
About your doctor prescribing you that’s something else but I would give it a try . I was really pleasantly surprised when I picked up my first script last week . I go in again today did the next and I’m excited . I would even give up my Xanax script and stick to the lyrica but luckily I get both .
Okay, you know what. Fuck the Aniracetam. I just did research and so many people compared it to Adderall which is a stimulant. Then I found this
Aniracetam Mechanism of Action
Like all racetams, the mechanisms of action are not fully understood. However, research has shown that aniracetam has the following effects on the brain:

  • AMPA receptors are activated by the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Aniracetam binds to AMPA receptors, amplifying their response to glutamate activation and causing the release of noradrenaline

What the hell is it with adrenaline being advertised as a cure-o-tonic for all problems? Why in the holy hell would someone who suffers from too much apprehension and anxiety need more adrenaline in their body, exactly?
To top it off, so many of these pharmaceuticals (SNRIs, Buspar, Adderall) openly state "CAUSES ANXIETY" on their list of side effects and still they peddle this bullshit as an anti-anxiety. Sigh.

On the other hand, this mebicar says it lowers norepinephrine levels which I welcome but I'm taking three pills a day (doubled the dose a few days ago) and I'm feeling nothing. At least there's no negative effects, though.
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Lyrica which is pregablin like I mentioned just went genetic a few months ago . You are still looking up lyrica . I didn’t use insurance and paid $50 got 120x75mg pills and I know they made money on me because I was reading a pharmacist forum and they were talking about how they can’t go wrong stocking all the different mg ones because they are so cheap for the pharmacy to buy . They said less then 10 bux.
again they approved 9 different generic brands which is unusual and that drove the price down to basically the sans you would pay for any med without insurance .
About your doctor prescribing you that’s something else but I would give it a try . I was really pleasantly surprised when I picked up my first script last week . I go in again today did the next and I’m excited . I would even give up my Xanax script and stick to the lyrica but luckily I get both .

I just asked my Russian vendor and he sells 120x75mg pills for $330. I'll look around but I'm not seeing anything as cheap as you got them for. I don't care about my doc per se, whatever he refuses to prescribe I can get elsewhere and he so far refused to prescribe even gabapentin. The system is useless to me, i'm better off doing my own shopping.
Not sure if this was suggested, but have you done research or have experince with herbs or supplements?

I dont have a lot of time here so ill be quick. Herbs and supplements like amino acids have been a god send. Here are the ones that had the biggest impact on me and will start with the strongest/most effective supps and herbs

And please do research on these as there is a ton of info online and plenty if testimonies.

I personally like to mix up and combine a lot of these for max effect.

For me the most potent herbs are Passion flower, valarian root, Skullcap, lemon balm ashwaganda, gotu kola to name a few.
Maca root ,kava and turmeric also work great.
As for supps im a big fan of amino acids like l-theanine, and taurine. Man i wish i had more time but i gave ypu enough info to start doing research
Damn if your doctor refuses to prescribe gabapentin then he forsure will not give you pregablin. If your saying you can go to a different doctor then do that . I paid $50 for 120X75mg pills from the pharmacy . I’m not sure what the street value is . Maybe you can ask your connect to just give you 10 to try and see how you feel . Again I personally really like it . It makes me feel chill like I’m myself but feel good and normal .
goodluck I hope you get a chance to try it .
Damn if your doctor refuses to prescribe gabapentin then he forsure will not give you pregablin. If your saying you can go to a different doctor then do that . I paid $50 for 120X75mg pills from the pharmacy . I’m not sure what the street value is . Maybe you can ask your connect to just give you 10 to try and see how you feel . Again I personally really like it . It makes me feel chill like I’m myself but feel good and normal .
goodluck I hope you get a chance to try it .

No, other doctors are even more strict. This one was not supposed to give me even benzos but he did so sparingly. As I said, I have disavowed the system entirely.
There's no point in sampling lyrica. Even if it works great, that's irrelevant if I can't afford more than 10. I believe you anyway, lots have testified to it being a godsend. Is it a temporary or lasting fix? Ever experienced any WD?
Hey, I didn’t read the whole thread so I’m not sure if someone mentioned that Pfizer’s patent on lyrica is up and pregablin has gone generic as of a few months ago . I got it prescribed for the first time last month and I really liked it . I was surprised that it worked so well considering I’ve taken gabapentin in heroic doses and felt nothing . So if your still interested in trying pregablin then its not expensive anymore .
Since it was so expensive thru pfizer my insurance required a pre authorization . Probably till they update there system and realize that pregablin is cheap now . They approved 9 generics for pregablin in one shot when usually the fda will approve a couple . I did not want to wait the few days for the PA so I paid for the script in cash . I got 120X75mg pills and It was cheap.

Not sure if this was suggested, but have you done research or have experince with herbs or supplements?

I dont have a lot of time here so ill be quick. Herbs and supplements like amino acids have been a god send. Here are the ones that had the biggest impact on me and will start with the strongest/most effective supps and herbs

And please do research on these as there is a ton of info online and plenty if testimonies.

I personally like to mix up and combine a lot of these for max effect.

For me the most potent herbs are Passion flower, valarian root, Skullcap, lemon balm ashwaganda, gotu kola to name a few.
Maca root ,kava and turmeric also work great.
As for supps im a big fan of amino acids like l-theanine, and taurine. Man i wish i had more time but i gave ypu enough info to start doing research

Valerian root is what valium is made from and kava increases adrenaline which I don't want. I'll look into the others, thanks.
That's not true, psychopaths actually are capable of empathy, they can just switch it on and off at will.

Psychopathy is also correlated with higher levels of dopamine release in the brain, which makes sense as they get bored easily and do crazy shit to alleviate that boredom. In this experiment they had people fill out tests measuring psychopathic traits, and the higher someone scored the more dopamine was released when they were given amphetamine:

I'll tell you what else too, there are a lot more psychopaths out there than those who have a diagnosis. People tend to only be diagnosed with psychopathy if they're caught committing a serious crime, since the medical community doesn't tend to use that diagnosis in any widespread serious fashion, only the criminal justice system does (same as "insanity", it's a legal concept not a medical one). Therefore those who either don't get caught or don't break the law will likely never get a diagnosis. There's no way to know how many of those are out there, but the number is likely huge.

Same for sociopaths, generally the word sociopath refers to antisocial personality disorder which is in the DSM under cluster B same as borderline or narcissistic personality disorder, so that can technically be diagnosed by any psychiatrist but in practice a sociopath will not seek out that diagnosis because well why would they want that on their medical record? Same deal with most cluster B personality disorders.
Valerian root is what valium is made from
Uhhhhh... no. It is not. Diazepam and BZDs are synthetically created drugs. Mankind invented them in the 60s.

Valerian root is little more than stinky foot smelling plant material that only helps the bzd naive. Worked for my wife till I let her try some of my bzds one too many times.
Psychopathy is also correlated with higher levels of dopamine release in the brain, which makes sense as they get bored easily and do crazy shit to alleviate that boredom. In this experiment they had people fill out tests measuring psychopathic traits, and the higher someone scored the more dopamine was released when they were given amphetamine:

I'll tell you what else too, there are a lot more psychopaths out there than those who have a diagnosis. People tend to only be diagnosed with psychopathy if they're caught committing a serious crime, since the medical community doesn't tend to use that diagnosis in any widespread serious fashion, only the criminal justice system does (same as "insanity", it's a legal concept not a medical one). Therefore those who either don't get caught or don't break the law will likely never get a diagnosis. There's no way to know how many of those are out there, but the number is likely huge.

Same for sociopaths, generally the word sociopath refers to antisocial personality disorder which is in the DSM under cluster B same as borderline or narcissistic personality disorder, so that can technically be diagnosed by any psychiatrist but in practice a sociopath will not seek out that diagnosis because well why would they want that on their medical record? Same deal with most cluster B personality disorders.

Well, I am one of such "deviants" that haven't been caught yet because I am careful. I don't consider my actions crimes because what I put in my body is my business but had I been caught, who says they wouldn't try to profile me as one too. Society loves scapegoats and they will never, under any circumstances accept the idea that a perfectly normal, decent person is capable of making mistakes or being a deviant. Any civilized behavior on my part would've been dismissed as the traits of a manipulative psychopath trying to gain sympathy or trick people into not fearing me.

I disagree that most psychopaths don't get caught either because most are impulsive and dumb as shit, not the intelligent, calculating predators like Hollywood loves to romanticize them as. They have lower than average IQs, most are high school dropouts, tend to be jobless or working minimum wage manual labor. There are some that are intelligent and even geniuses but they are in the minority. But even the smart ones like Ted Bundy were just pathetic losers with mommy issues.

There is nothing particularly interesting about psychopaths. They are moronic apes who have no empathy and on top of this the latest research now shows that they CHOOSE to not have empathy, which makes them twice as despicable than they already are.

Many things are correlated with dopamine overdrive including me. I'm easily bored and I can get super-obsessed with something that peaks my interest to the point of alienating others but I would never in a million years harm another living being, especially something innocent like a small animal.

Uhhhhh... no. It is not. Diazepam and BZDs are synthetically created drugs. Mankind invented them in the 60s.

Valerian root is little more than stinky foot smelling plant material that only helps the bzd naive. Worked for my wife till I let her try some of my bzds one too many times.

So it has no GABAergic action like the benzos derived from it? I'll add it to the list if you insist. Thanks.
So it has no GABAergic action like the benzos derived from it? I'll add it to the list if you insist. Thanks.
No not that I'm aware of. Valerian root is questionable in its efficacy. Most doctors would dismiss it as any aid in anxiety. And again... no BZDs have been derived from valerian root. Whatever questionably active chemical in valerian is in no way related to BZDs.

I'm not sure why you keep drawing a connection between valerian root and benzodiazepines. They are not related in the slightest; chemically, structurally, pharmacologically or otherwise.
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I disagree that most psychopaths don't get caught either because most are impulsive and dumb as shit, not the intelligent, calculating predators like Hollywood loves to romanticize them as. They have lower than average IQs, most are high school dropouts, tend to be jobless or working minimum wage manual labor. There are some that are intelligent and even geniuses but they are in the minority. But even the smart ones like Ted Bundy were just pathetic losers with mommy issues.

But again you are only looking at the ones who get caught and diagnosed. Of course they only catch the dumb ones. The smart ones are never in that position because they're too busy being CEO's.

I disagree that most psychopaths don't get caught either because most are impulsive and dumb as shit, not the intelligent, calculating predators like Hollywood loves to romanticize them as. They have lower than average IQs, most are high school dropouts, tend to be jobless or working minimum wage manual labor. There are some that are intelligent and even geniuses but they are in the minority. But even the smart ones like Ted Bundy were just pathetic losers with mommy issues.

There is nothing particularly interesting about psychopaths. They are moronic apes who have no empathy and on top of this the latest research now shows that they CHOOSE to not have empathy, which makes them twice as despicable than they already are.

What makes you say this? From both my own reading, personal experience - I'm glad I have it, but jesus, it's disturbing - and having friends who have been close to numerous psychopaths, they are brilliant like no-one else. The two that I have personally known and been close to were some of the most brilliant people I've ever met.

And to go so far as to call them moronic apes. Well, I'd argue you're either ostrich head-sand-ing it, or seriously handicapping yourself should you ever come into contact with one (you will, they're everywhere).
But again you are only looking at the ones who get caught and diagnosed. Of course they only catch the dumb ones. The smart ones are never in that position because they're too busy being CEO's.

They don't get caught just because they're dumb, but because they're pathologically impulsive, a defining trait among them. Intelligent ones get caught too eventually. CEOs, like psychopaths, are a tiny minority of the population. Because they're few doesn't mean they don't do a lot of damage but I'm skeptical of the nonsense that seeks to overdiagnose everyone with everything. People romanticize all sorts of afflictions, not just psychopathy. It's just a trend that will pass and then all the special snowflakes will become the next trendy thing. Today it's gender dysphoria and everyone is suddenly gender-fluid. Not a shred of science backs up any of this crap.

What makes you say this? From both my own reading, personal experience - I'm glad I have it, but jesus, it's disturbing - and having friends who have been close to numerous psychopaths, they are brilliant like no-one else. The two that I have personally known and been close to were some of the most brilliant people I've ever met.

And to go so far as to call them moronic apes. Well, I'd argue you're either ostrich head-sand-ing it, or seriously handicapping yourself should you ever come into contact with one (you will, they're everywhere).

What makes me say it? Research. Serial killers specifically. 80% have been caught, they tested below average. The only intelligent ones were those who used bombs. The rest were gimps with mommy issues. Psychopaths aren't Hannibal Lecter or the Joker like the movies will have you believe. I don't doubt your personal anecdote but it's unfalsifiable. Most clinical assholes I knew that I'd say warranted the psychopath label were dumb as shit and on welfare.
They don't get caught just because they're dumb, but because they're pathologically impulsive, a defining trait among them. Intelligent ones get caught too eventually. CEOs, like psychopaths, are a tiny minority of the population. Because they're few doesn't mean they don't do a lot of damage but I'm skeptical of the nonsense that seeks to overdiagnose everyone with everything. People romanticize all sorts of afflictions, not just psychopathy. It's just a trend that will pass and then all the special snowflakes will become the next trendy thing. Today it's gender dysphoria and everyone is suddenly gender-fluid. Not a shred of science backs up any of this crap.

I'm not romanticising shit mate, all I'm saying is your characterisation of psychopaths as being stupid apes is based on misconceptions. The only data we have on psychopaths is from the ones who are diagnosed. Guess what? The only way most people would ever get such a diagnosis is in the hands of the criminal justice system. Someone with significant psychopathic traits who simply does not commit crimes or does not get caught would never show up on your stats.

CEO's are a minority sure, but they're an extreme case that proves a wider point. Consider how many of those same types of people are in middle management positions for example. Plenty of people are in such jobs and the business world is something you succeed in often by manipulating others and playing power games, therefore it inherently draws psychopathic types.

You can read a book like the 48 Laws of Power and if you look out for that kind of behaviour in a business environment you will see it everywhere. It's not exactly a jump to say a psychopath thrives in that shit.

And simply look at what big companies do on a daily basis. Purdue pretty much got millions of people addicted to opiates so they could make billions in profit. The rest of the pharma industry is not much better. Many big investment banks crashed the world economy not too long ago and didn't even blink. You telling me you don't think psychopaths are managing those businesses?

This is before we even get started on politicians...

It's ultimately just common sense when it comes down to it. Human behaviour is driven primary by self-interest. Psychopaths just take that to a next level. It's not a rare thing. It's not special or romantic either. It just is what it is. A part of the human condition.

Given that, use some basic logic - if they're only ever diagnosed if they get charged with a serious crime, just imagine how many others are out there who are never put in that position.
They don't get caught just because they're dumb, but because they're pathologically impulsive, a defining trait among them. Intelligent ones get caught too eventually. CEOs, like psychopaths, are a tiny minority of the population. Because they're few doesn't mean they don't do a lot of damage but I'm skeptical of the nonsense that seeks to overdiagnose everyone with everything. People romanticize all sorts of afflictions, not just psychopathy. It's just a trend that will pass and then all the special snowflakes will become the next trendy thing. Today it's gender dysphoria and everyone is suddenly gender-fluid. Not a shred of science backs up any of this crap.

What makes me say it? Research. Serial killers specifically. 80% have been caught, they tested below average. The only intelligent ones were those who used bombs. The rest were gimps with mommy issues. Psychopaths aren't Hannibal Lecter or the Joker like the movies will have you believe. I don't doubt your personal anecdote but it's unfalsifiable. Most clinical assholes I knew that I'd say warranted the psychopath label were dumb as shit and on welfare.

Well, there I have it. You're strawmanning the shit out of the concept.

1) They are not pathologically impulsive. That would imply they are more prone to impulsive behavior than planned behavior, and that is simply not true. And in fact, more like opposite the truth.

2) It's not a trend, nor is it romanticized. Reading your take on it, I'm curious what has you so up in arms about the whole issue. You seem oddly invested in it.

3) Serial killers are not psychopaths, and comparing them as you've done shows that you aren't actually talking about nor seeing psychopaths, but projecting other conceptual filters onto psychopaths.

4) Also, funny how you shit on my anecdote and then offer one of your own, as if more valid than mine.

5) The fact that you're saying "most clinical assholes I knew that I'd say warranted the psychopath label were dumb as shit and on welfare" shows that you have no fucking idea what it is that psychopathy is. Again, your perspective is dangerously naive if you're basing psychopathy on psych ward idiots.
Not refuting your points psy997, but the very definition of psychopathy is that of mental illness or disease. It's a very broad term. Perhaps y'all are talking about two entirely different concepts and mental states.

The terms psychopath and sociopath are both defined very broadly/vaguely and I think as such are lending to your conflicting views on what a psychopath is and isn't.
Not refuting your points psy997, but the very definition of psychopathy is that of mental illness or disease. It's a very broad term. Perhaps y'all are talking about two entirely different concepts and mental states.

The terms psychopath and sociopath are both defined very broadly/vaguely and I think as such are lending to your conflicting views on what a psychopath is and isn't.

Again I think it's worth pointing out that the medical community does not really use the terms "psychopath" or "sociopath" in general practice. They are pop psychology terms that are only really applied in the context of the justice system and in movies. A psychiatrist running a normal practice would not diagnose anyone as a "psychopath."

The main tool used to diagnose psychopathy is the PCL-R. It's used exclusively either within the criminal justice system or for research studies. It is not used within normal medical practice ever.

"The PCL-R is widely used to assess individuals in high security psychiatric units, prisons and other settings. This may be of help in deciding who should be detained or released, or who should undergo what kind of treatment. It is also used for its original purpose, to carry out basic psychology studies of psychopathy."