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The Benzodiazepine Thread Version 5

Man I find temazepam so heavy and sleepy. I remember when i was eating 2mg alpraz bars like skittles i'd still only need 30 - 40mg of temaz and i'd be out like a light. I'm surprised it's one of the few you haven't tried it seems the most prescribed here.

Yeah I'm not a fan of hypnotic benzos - I figured if temazepam was anything like nitrazepam, it wasn't worth the effort of acquiring (and there doesn't seem to much circulating, so it seems I'm not the only one who feels this way).

I've found the anxiolytics like diazepam etc. are just much better overall - they provide relaxation and anxiety relief, but also seem even better for sleep than nitraz was. Nitrazepam created a kind of uncomfortable, forced drowsiness, where the drug would make me feel even more physically tired but my mind would still refuse to shut down, so I'd end up too tired to do anything but not tired enough to go to sleep, rolling around in bed for hours. By contrast, if I'm tired but can't sleep, 10 - 15mg of diazepam will have me drifting off quite comfortably, and it can also be taken when you need to chill out during the day.
I've just got hold of some Temazepam, and was wondering about the effects and if there was a potential "high" that this benzo may produce?
I've just got hold of some Temazepam, and was wondering about the effects and if there was a potential "high" that this benzo may produce?

Some people refer to the "temaze drunkedness" as some kind of state desirable. It occurs with large doses obviously and is like... being drunk. Minus the smelly breath and nausea. Basically stumble off to bed. Punch a cone which feels like 5 and stumble crawl to bed. I don't recommend. One guy I knew pissed himself in this state and was staggering about the house with a big wet patch. Takes all sorts.
I have a friend who enjoys them as well, whereas I find them non-recreational in exactly the same way you described temazepam - I guess everyone is just different. I mean I loved lorazepam, and most people I've spoken to don't seem to care for it (I assume because it doesn't have the physical intoxication of other benzos).

Although it's true that way back in the day I did like taking a fairly tiny dose - usually only 2.5mg - of nitrazepam with codeine back when I was a daily CWE'r. It added a bit of noddiness to the high that codeine lacked after the first month or two of using it, and the codeine counteracted the dysphoric effect of the nitrazepam.
Just tried K-Pins for the first time 1mg.. Didn't know what to expect. It's the only benzo I haven't come across, so I was really excited.

In short, to me it's effects sit squarely in the middle of xannies and temazepam. It has a mild psychedelic effect especially when taken after a couple of cones, and yet it was so hypnotic you get lost in the experience and nod off. The last thing I remembered was enjoying some peaceful HD quality closed eye visuals of some fucked up landscape, transfixing me to la la land. : )

Xannies keeps me in that happy mind altered place (with sleep only able to come when seriously tired or at higher doses), temazepam slaps the drowsiness on with hardly any visuals and is less entertaining in comparison, it just mongs you out. Yet K-Pins manages to bring the best of both worlds? Me likey!
Any psychedelic effect I think can be attributed solely to the weed :p

Clonazepam is nice, but you have to be careful with it. Of all the benzos, it's one of the trickiest in terms of how fucked you feel v. how fucked up you actually are, especially if you combine it with other downers. Also has a lot of blackout potential. Dose carefully (and ideally only if you already have a moderate tolerance to benzos).
Hypnotic benzos are like Junk-lite...In high doses. Most other benzos are like alcohol plus...If that makes any sense?

I like temazepam, but imo it's kinda weak and very easy to get a massive tolerance to- I'd rather have midazolam or even etizolam any day. Then again, I'm a junkie so I like the down downers.

Kolonopin is far more like alcohol than opiates- makes me crazy. I tend to black out on it.

In other news, cant wait to get my gram of etizolam. Have had a six-eight month break from benzos, should be fun. at very least my insomnia will be gone for a while...The last gram I bought lasted over a year!
Yeah, I noticed things going wacko even after 1mg and I had to force myself to stay in my room in bed fighting this sudden sexy urge to go out in my undies to look at the moon or something really dumbass. (my parents were outside in the loungeroom). Next minute I know, its morning.

Anyway, why would one want to get etizolam rather than midazolam if presented with a choice? Mid (ime) is far stronger and lasts longer. Eti seems weak(er) by comparison. And I guess if we are talking hypnotics/sedation, Nitrazepam deserves a mention as well yeah? Hard to get but they always seem to give me rather comical dreams (on the odd occasion I remember them, that is).
Hey guys I am currently prescribed .5 mgs of Xanax three times daily and take about 4 to 5 mgs of Etizolam throughout the day on average sometimes more. I am thinking about tapering down a bit and wondered if anyone has any experience with Flubromazepam. I currently have access to it and was thinking about purchasing a solution from my vendor. I have heard it is somewhat like Etizolam just lasts much longer. Does anyone here have any experience with it and do you think it could be used as a good tapering benzo since the half life is much longer then say Xanax or Etizolam?
I don't want to stop taking the Xanax but it seems like there really isn't any cross tolerance between Xanax and Etizolam. Perhaps because Etizolam is a thienodiazepine and not a benzodiazepine. Any thoughts?
Yeah, I noticed things going wacko even after 1mg and I had to force myself to stay in my room in bed fighting this sudden sexy urge to go out in my undies to look at the moon or something really dumbass. (my parents were outside in the loungeroom). Next minute I know, its morning.

Anyway, why would one want to get etizolam rather than midazolam if presented with a choice? Mid (ime) is far stronger and lasts longer. Eti seems weak(er) by comparison. And I guess if we are talking hypnotics/sedation, Nitrazepam deserves a mention as well yeah? Hard to get but they always seem to give me rather comical dreams (on the odd occasion I remember them, that is).

Rather have Etizolam than Temazepam, because the Etizolam is a hell of a lot stronger ime despite not being as euphoric. I've always thought temazepam was kinda like champagne- it's not the strongest by a long shot, but it is particularly nice. I suppose my opinion might be different if I could buy grams of temazepam powder like you can of etizolam.

I'd rather have Midazolam to either of them...That shit is something else. A few years back I got my hands on like 15 boxes of 10x10mg/5ml vials. Shooting them was fucking dangerous so I mainly plugged them...Although that wasn't that much safer- One time I woke up completely naked, face down on my bathroom floor with the shower on (fortunately on cold and not flooding the bathroom)...I thought I had taken 5 vials (25mg), I had actually taken 3 BOXES (30 vials = 150mg). Did wonders for me when I was kicking junk though, midazolam + diazepam never failed to put me to sleep.

What's peoples views on Diclazepam? I like my benzos to be sedating and hypnotic, I'm not really put off if they're heavy or 'dirty' (I much, much prefer diazepam to Xanax for instance)...I've read the big and dandy, but this thread seems better informed...Is it more or less 'industrial strength lorazepam'?
I'd rather have Midazolam to either of them...That shit is something else. A few years back I got my hands on like 15 boxes of 10x10mg/5ml vials. Shooting them was fucking dangerous so I mainly plugged them...Although that wasn't that much safer- One time I woke up completely naked, face down on my bathroom floor with the shower on (fortunately on cold and not flooding the bathroom)...I thought I had taken 5 vials (25mg), I had actually taken 3 BOXES (30 vials = 150mg). Did wonders for me when I was kicking junk though, midazolam + diazepam never failed to put me to sleep.

I take it your aim is to be unconscious? and you are partial to some anterograde amnesia? Apart from the obvious benefits for opiate withdrawal.
What's the recommended oral dose for some one with a medium tolerance to other benzos? (ie 20mg diazepam or 2mg alprazolam once or twice a week)
I took 15mg and had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner and don't remember anything that happened after dessert. Slept like a baby though and woke up feeling the most refreshed I have felt in years. Unfortunately had to flush them due to an imminent plane flight with a stop over in a draconian muslim state but was very surprised to see them being dispensed in the health food/ pharma section of a major supermarket chain in the country I was in.

Is Midazolam good for anything else other than rendering you unwakeably unconcious?
Hi have done no more than one post before but have a terrible diazepam desire for the last 20yrs on/off. Doctor told me that their was only two ways to get killed by diazepam. The first was if you got hit by the delivery van taking the pills to the pharmacy and the other was if a really large bolus of it was injected. Benzo's used to be such an easy thing to get hold of but lately they are like rocking horse shit...non existent and when they turn up they are fuckin wooden
Hi Liminov,

Since you asked about diclazpeam, here's my entirely objective view on the stuff.

Diclaz is, to me, the benzo which feels most like a first generation histamine than a benzo. You might find it works well for what you wanted as you mentioned you're not bothered so much by them being 'dirty or heavy' feeling, and if sedation is what you're after then these may be worth a look into.

Personally I'm surprised that they've become as popular and stuck around as look as they have. But hey, that's them magic of having different subjective effects and opinions For me they were all sedation, mind-fog, and a loss of interested in everythint other than sleeping. The day effects lasted for an annoyingly long time, also.

Last thing: I have to agree with an earlier coment you made about hypnotics being like "junk-lite". For first and likely last foray into flubromazoLAM (not -PAM) had me legit nodding in and out of imaginary conversations while taking an hour to eat one biscuit. Really dangerous stuff.
Dang I miss them 2mg bars so much.

Something about the way they looked, how you could split them into quarters, the speed and strength with which they took hold....ahhh, nostalgia.

Have to eat 6-8 5mg vallies to get a similar effect to just one of those babies. Damn you re-scheduling!
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Any psychedelic effect I think can be attributed solely to the weed :p

Clonazepam is nice, but you have to be careful with it. Of all the benzos, it's one of the trickiest in terms of how fucked you feel v. how fucked up you actually are, especially if you combine it with other downers. Also has a lot of blackout potential. Dose carefully (and ideally only if you already have a moderate tolerance to benzos).

YeH don't drop 14mg of clonaz or u will fall face first into the corner of a brick wall with a massive butchers knife in ur hand landing on the ground knocking myself out haaha

Anyways got some Valium today for the first time in ages managed to get pregabalin so feelin pretty dandy right now :)
Hi have done no more than one post before but have a terrible diazepam desire for the last 20yrs on/off. Doctor told me that their was only two ways to get killed by diazepam. The first was if you got hit by the delivery van taking the pills to the pharmacy and the other was if a really large bolus of it was injected. Benzo's used to be such an easy thing to get hold of but lately they are like rocking horse shit...non existent and when they turn up they are fuckin wooden
Agree that benzos aren't anywhere as easy to find these days :-( I did a little happy dance today tho, my Meth dealers housemate had some 10mg valium- and he was happy to share! Yay! And the original Roche brand :) just what i needed toalm the farmwhere after a bit of a Meth binge
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Clonazepam is only scripted in Australia for epilepsy & its my fav coz of price, length, strength & wide range of effects like muscle relax, anxyolytic, sedative and all the rest.
I'm 50/50 on clonazepam. It's very relaxing, nice and long lasting (although sometimes too much) and has a nice balance of sedation/muscle relaxation/anxiolysis. And that minty taste is brilliant :) On the other hand, it's one of the more fiendish benzos (which, combined with how long it takes to kick in, can easily lead to overconsumption), and one of the easiest to get fucked up on without realizing it, as opposed to something like xanax, which hits you fast and heavy. Especially combined with alcohol, it's lead to multiple serious "blackout and do stupid shit" situations for me, so I'm careful with it now days.

Imo the two best benzos are xanax and ativan, with clonazepam as a third. Ativan is perfect for a strong but clean anxiolytic effect without getting you visibly fucked up (the perfect functional benzo), whereas xanax hits hard and fast with that cool sinking feeling in the belly 10 minutes after sticking a bar under your tongue and shoves relaxation down your throat, the closest to recreational that benzos get. Valium probably comes in at fourth as the jack of all trades, anxiolytic and muscle relaxing to a decent degree, not too strong or weak, decent duration, not to fiendish, but a tad too sedating for daily use and it seems to cause more memory problems than any of the others except xanax.
Tapering off bupe again and going to be using diazepam to help with sleep/anxiety.

How much do you guys think I can take and for how long to avoid any significant withdrawals? Might be how long is a piece of sting....

2.5mg a few times a week OK? For about 6 weeks I'd guess. Have been addicted to benzos many years ago so it's a bit risky...but such small amounts I'm hoping will be OK.