The band everyone loves but you hate..

Harvey Danger...."paranoia paranoia everybody's coming to get me"

stfu you fuckin jerkoff - that song used to piss me off every time it came on


That's Pantera and how i remembered them....then a few years later, i had ppl asking me if i like Pantera - and im like "no why would i like Pantera?"

all of a sudden they're a new band

fuck outta here
there's plenty of what i like posted all over the music threads

that's not what this is about tho, right?

ok then
ive been on a Distillers kick the last few days - im listening them right now (true story)

Coral Fang is my favorite album

does that make you softies feel better?

sorry i offended you guys with telling you about what i think sucks in the appropriate thread