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Temazepam? any recreational use?

kida wierd what ive read i get 60 30mg temazepams a month and when i did abuse them i would take at least 5 and have taken 15 at one point of course on the 15 i blacked out passed out and fergot i even took them after staying up the whole night partying.had to get the old lady to explaine that i took them then also took my motorbike out for a scoot and actually dumped it but fergot the whole thig but as far as taking 5 it doesnt do alot for me cept feel abit tired.i find valium like 5 or so of tens make me feel better than restoril even when i take my clonazepams i fall asleep faster than the temazepams,,,also if i take like 8 2mg clones i feel great but then eventualy fall asleep im on 4 clones and 4 temazepams and ten nozinans and dont feel much cept a bit calmer as i have sever anxiety ,but still aint feelin good like i do with valium just calmer which is what i took them for i was buggin out and had to calm down i know though that if i lie down and relax i will fall asleep and get up about 3 hours later with no effects left which is why i kinda abuse them cause the cycle starts over again and then need to calm my ass down again.i dont get nuthin from 60 mgs i have to take at least 5 30 mgs to feel anything ...
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That's a hefty dose mate i wouldn't suggest you mix anything more tbh :p 720mg temaz is a bit overkill and also beware of the onax bars cause most of them are fakes.

How come you haven't slept/blackout etc?

fersure overkill lucky ya never died,ive taken 15 temazepams partied the rest of the night and appairently took my motorcycle out for a ride and dumped it ,,i was drinking beers the whole night also.But when i woke up i didnt remember anything ,just bits and pieces very little ,i didnt remember even taking the pills or dumping my bike or anything ,i freeked out on my GF looking for my pills and she consistantly said you took them all last night and i just wouldnt belive her..
I told my old lady and friends that passed out at my place i was going to the store and my best bud told me i dumped my bike last night and i was like ya rite whatever they all tried to explaine the shit i did the night before and i just didnt believe them till i seen my bike then i kinda rememberd dumping it but for the most part it was a blackout,so to do everything you said you did seems kinda wierd to me you shoulda been passed out by the time you got to the oxys.
And BTW why would you ever even take anything else with oxys.
One 80 mg oxy snorted is more than enough to make you feel no pain and feel very good ,seems like a big waste of pills to me ,but hey to each there owne..
All you temazepam people forget about Triazolam soooooo much better the only benzo I can use recreationally besides Xanax once in a while
It's a decent benzo, better than diazepam in my opinion (which I consider pretty bland) but inferior to many, such as nitrazepam, clonazepam, alprazolam, and midazolam. It has some anxiolytic qualities, and pretty strong muscle relaxing and hypnotic properties. Good all-round benzo, lasts some 6-8 hours. I originally had it prescribed for sleeping but it lost its effect, so I swapped to the stronger nitrazepam.
im on 30mg Temazepam, along with klonopin .5 3x a day, i i have to eat atleast 300mggTemazepam to get the bzo effect, and still isnt euphoric as kpin or valium with no tolerance, which i do, or xanax...
temazepam is one of the most euphoric benzos IME but you gotta take a lot
care to elaborate? or was that sarcasm?

just looked at this post again and dont know realy know if you were refering to me as i was not on yer post but as for the sarcasm point NO this is not sarcasm temazepams are a great sleep aid and if you are a newby to them takeing about 5 30mg temazepams will make you feel very good,but you must stay uprite and aware ,maybe haven a few with a friend listening to music per say and chatting it up .
Otherwise you may as well lie down and go for a nice piecfull nap.
Unfortunatly temazepams as will other benzos will shut the limbic system of your brain off which stores memories and dreams so if you take enough you may have a great night partying whatever feeling good , but when you wakeup after sleeping and probably haveing no dreams you will probably forget most of what you did while you were on them. hope this helps .....
temazepam is one of the active metabolites of diazepam (valium) and it is also synthed and marketed as an anxiolytic agent so yes it is a recreational pharm dont listen to other jerks:)

It most definatly can be used recreationable but the problem i have found is that you develop<--(not sure if that spelled rite lol) Im on them and others rite now.The problem is that youdevelop a tollerence to them and other benzos in the lets say valium family very quik ,actually i found that with the restorils (temazepam) you develop a tolerence very quikly and need more as time passes to get you were you once were.IE i used to get quite a nice buzz and felt great on 5 30 mg pills now i can take 5 of those ten clonazepams 20 nozinans and a couple 200 mgs seroquels and still feel like just going out and shooting pool,feeling very comfortable mind you as it shuts the limbic system of the brain off so ya dont think raceing thoughts constantly ,yer just comfy..
temazepam is one of the active metabolites of diazepam (valium) and it is also synthed and marketed as an anxiolytic agent so yes it is a recreational pharm dont listen to other jerks:)

I only have one problem with this reply(not to say yer wrong ,in actuallity i know yer rite) but i still would rather take say 5 ten mg valiums then only 20 30 mg temazepams.If i had to guess ,and believe me i lived on benzos forever.
I would compaire lets say the 5 ten mg valium to about ten if not more temazepams,now i know that doesnt sound rite and maybe its because i have a high tollerance but thats about how it works with e and to be honest i would rather have the eqivilant of valium over temazepams any day... valium can make a very depressed person feel good ,temazepams dont make you feel good the way that valium do ,again thats not to say that they dont make you feel good but when it comes to say depression valium works and temazepam will work if you take enouogh only because it will make you sleep and not dream.its not quite the same though i do agree totaly its in the same family ,its just that my experience of maybe , well lets say i was taken valiums back when i was 18 ,5 valiums (and wre talkin about tens) and some hash was awsome,lay back and listen to music it was great,now if i did the same with the restoril even if i took 5 which is higher in mgs and smoked my hash and lied down to listen to music i would just fall asleep......
Temazepam frustration....

Got scripts Tuesday for 10mg Temaz and 10mg Adderall (first time ever for these types of meds). Addy was great the first day, only one. Thursday one did nothing, took two more, a little buzz. Kept dosing off n on, with/without tums, sublingually, even dissolved in water and drank. Did sleep a couple of nights, no crash or jitter issues. I have three left out of 30, and am so pissed...I've read nothing but good things about the amp this provides...wtf is up with me? I feel like I wasted 27 addys in four days.

Temaz - took one the first night...no crash issues from the Addy, slept well and no hangover the next day. Tonite I took one....nothing. Took a second one, still nothing. Again, have read so much about the euphoria, but nooooo. Last addy dose (3 dissolved in water) was four hours prior.

I was on 7.5/200 vicoprofen for a couple of years, 8-10/day was maintenance. Have had them a few times since, no amp whatsoever...it was my favorite racer. This sounds ridiculous to me, but is it possible that due to the long term vicoprofen, now I'm high tolerance to everything good?

I've read about the big risks of temaz abuse, I just want to get something out of these lil bastards. Suggestions on the temazepam? Since I've taken two already, about two hours apart...have I ruined the chance of some euphoria if I take more?

Sorry if I rambled, but somehow, I thought the more info you guys have, the better you can answer, maybe? :) Thanks muy :X
All you temazepam people forget about Triazolam soooooo much better the only benzo I can use recreationally besides Xanax once in a while

Im sorry ,callme stupid but I cant quite understand what yer sayin???are you saying that temazepams are better or that Triazolam is better ,I only want to know because if Triazolam is better i wanna try it (though it sounds familliar so i may have ven been on them before),but still i just wanted that cleared up,,
^ triazolam is the stronger sedative, but temazepam is WAY more recreational and euphoric.