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Temazepam? any recreational use?


Jun 29, 2010
just took 3 2mlg crushed up(do dust) alprazolam xr 1.5mlg of xanax ir and 60 mlg to temazepam

no idea what temazepam is or if its even abusable. ill be alright thought i assume. Dont have any alchohal on me right now but should this get me a buzz?
Well all i can say about that is there all gonna make you tired so lie down and get ready for a nice comfy nap or you can try and stay awake and you will feel alittle clumsy sorta but more than likely yull just lie down and fall asleep nighty nite lol
Dude temazepam is a birth control pill you're probably gonna grow tits.

hope that was sarcasm as temazepam aslo known as restoril is a sleep aid in the benzo family i get 30 mg pills every month and takem with my cloneazepams seroquel nozinan and the restoril for sleep as i have chronic insomnia...
no, i am being serious.
out of the few benzos ive tried (temazepam, lorazepam, clonazepam) temazepam EASILY takes the cake.
temazepam will make you feel goooodd.
Temazepam is considered by many to be the most euphoric benzo. I haven't had a chance to try them myself. Jokes aside unless you have some tolerance it is gonna be hard to stay awake on that. Definately don't do any drinking.
no idea what temazepam is or if its even abusable

temazepam is one of the active metabolites of diazepam (valium) and it is also synthed and marketed as an anxiolytic agent so yes it is a recreational pharm dont listen to other jerks:)
its the most euphoric and recreational benzo imo, its also one of the more dangerous ones. 60mg.< by itself should mess you up, i take 45mg. with 4mg. clonazepam and its benzo heaven.
Temazepam just made me black out. It was prescribed as a sleeping pill but I'd do all this shit like cleaning the house and cooking meals and have no memory whatsoever of having done them. Can't tell you if it made me feel good while I was on it because I didn't remember. Did feel groggy and fuzzy headed the next day though.
aive take a very high dose of lorazepam xanax klonopin and valium before. It made me sleep well. But nothing helps more than temazepam...The thing is I'm not sure if I like it, but it certainly makes xanax look weak. I can take 15mgs, and be a little more than drowsy......:D :|
Temazepam is an outstanding benzo used as an hypnotic almost exclusively, but its also a strong anticonvulsant and anxiolytic.

it's easily the best benzo there is.
i've tried a wide range of benzos (about 11 or 12 different ones) and temazepam sticks out among them all.
been on the temazepam tonight actually.
first time i took it i well underedosed (being cautious back in my early benzo days) (how things change!) my first time i took a 10 mg tablet felt very little apart from very dull and drowsy and gernerally not good :(

anyway 8 months later i give it another go (restoril brand and calm) must say the restoril are a damn sight weaker than the calm! so far in the space of 10 hours ive ingested 6 x Hk valium, (60mg) 14 x 30 mg (420mg) (apparently 30mg) per tab RESTORIL temazepam,10 x 30 mg CALM Temazepam (300mg) and around and hour ago 5 x 2mg (10mg) xanax Onax bars and then approximattely 15 minutes ago a crushed up 80 mg OC oxycontin swallowed down with a lovely pineapple,banana & coconut fruit smoothie :)

any ideas to make my experience better please? ANY OTHER BENZOS MAYBE? (I HAVE A VARIETY) or any other medicines of any kind?

i know some people say benzos detract from the oxy expeience,othres say they make it better...ik know what does make it a great (IMO/IME) is a big fat reefer but seeing as my full time pot smoking days are behind me i have no pot around :(
possibly chill back listen to some tunes (any music particulary nice/recommended whilst under the influence?)

or any movies perhaps (although focusing may be slightly difficult!)

think the oxys are beginning to kick in!

il let you know how i get on (thats if your interested?) also you do same please as id be interesteed how to know how my fellow bluelightersaturday nights turned out (unlees of course you too messy to type,a bit like im getting on now,sorry for the ramblings)

stay safe,have fun ,and look out for each other ;)

Phohp gan mai....raadtree sawat:)

Take care
Damn, I guess I missed out. I ended up passin out from the 6mlg of xanax with the 60mlg of temazepam. I had to take them from my moms stash and she takes them regularly so i guess ill have to wait till next script to take some more. Cheers.
so far in the space of 10 hours ive ingested 6 x Hk valium, (60mg) 14 x 30 mg (420mg) (apparently 30mg) per tab RESTORIL temazepam,10 x 30 mg CALM Temazepam (300mg) and around and hour ago 5 x 2mg (10mg) xanax Onax bars and then approximattely 15 minutes ago a crushed up 80 mg OC oxycontin swallowed down with a lovely pineapple,banana & coconut fruit smoothie :)

That's a hefty dose mate i wouldn't suggest you mix anything more tbh :p 720mg temaz is a bit overkill and also beware of the onax bars cause most of them are fakes.

How come you haven't slept/blackout etc?
Temazepam is amazing, but VERY addictive. I would be extremely carefull if I were you. I got prescribed a bottle of 50 x 10mg per month and I was addicted to the max 3 months later. I'm finally off of them but trust me it was a BITCH to get off.