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Teen Kills 4 in DUI, Escapes Jail Sentence


Bluelight Crew
Dec 29, 2008

Ethan Couch got drunk last June, drove with a blood alcohol level three times the legal adult limit, and killed four pedestrians. But instead of the 20 years the 16-year-old Texas teen could have served in prison, he got 10 years of probation, CBS Local reports. Why? Apparently Couch's attorneys' controversial argument worked: They said Couch's wealthy parents were actually to blame, because Couch was used to getting whatever he wanted. He also started driving at 13 and was allowed to drink. (Although the alcohol from the night in question may have been stolen by Couch and his friends ... from a Walmart.)

The defense team argued that Couch needs treatment, and the judge told Couch she doesn't think he could get the therapy he needs in jail, WFAA reports. His attorneys' suggestion: a California facility that costs $450,000 a year, with Couch's dad footing the bill. A psychologist who testified said Couch should also have no contact with his parents during his one or two years in treatment; he actually used the term "affluenza" to describe what the teen apparently suffers from. The only time Couch, who was driving around 70mph in a 40mph zone when the crash occurred, will spend in a detention center is the time it takes for him to be placed in a treatment facility.

IDK yeah at first glance it pisses me off. BUT what do you want a reformed member of society or a criminal? The reason many just get jail time is b/c treatment is expensive and the state isnt willing to foot the bill.
Haha damn a good attorney can work miracles sometimes. I am sure a few timely contributions to the judges reelection fund never hurts either.
I used to think the generation that never heard the word "no" would eventually hear it from a judge and then be in for shock of their lives. This judge is worse than then that idiot's parents.
IDK yeah at first glance it pisses me off. BUT what do you want a reformed member of society or a criminal? The reason many just get jail time is b/c treatment is expensive and the state isnt willing to foot the bill.

It is true the jail time doesn't lead to good things.
But that is true for everyone, and only the rich get off?
Time to change the prison system, but not to selectively let the rich get away with murder (kinda literally).
He killed 4 people through his selfish ignorance, I say lock him up and throw away the key honestly. I don't see why people like this who end the lives of others through stupid bullshit should be afforded the opportunity to become a "reformed member of society". I am happy for this kid to be a criminal so long as he is a criminal that remains in prison.

Fucking crazy how transparent the justice system is, so long as you are rich you can do whatever the fuck you want, and apparently the fact that is true is actually an argument to let rich people off with their crimes now. Unbelievable.
This is obscene.

The whole premise of the defence is that the spoiled brat's actions were due to the fact that he's never had to deal with any consequences, so the judge's response is to continue the trend? Where is the logic in that?

If this kid was poor or black or Mexican he would be in prison for a long time.
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I was gonna post this same article lol why ways that fucker should have got some type of time. At least be in juvey till he's 21. That sentence is pathetic. Should have been in jail till 21 and then have the other 5 years be probation.

That judge must have been under the influence of something as well to give out a sentence like that. Wtf.
Same thing happened in Miami with a blonde girl that pulled a fatal hit and run:


I think she got house arrest or something.

And Donte Stallworth's DUI homicide got him like 30 days in jail.

The reason people don't really think twice about driving drunk is that everyone believes that DUI homicide prosecutions are a joke.
Honestly I don't have a problem with his sentence. America has a 2 tiered justice system. Its not a state secret that money will help you avoid prison.
There are haves and have nots....hes a have, soooo big surprise he can get a thousand dollar an hour mouthpiece and have his parents write checks to the judges re election campaign, maybe build a library somewhere. Pay the families of the victims (tho that is unlikely unless the family of the victims take them to court) this is fucking sick. This spoiled little brat should get a taste of the real world for just a day, one single day. He wouldnt last 60 seconds little prick.
I don't think rich parents have anything to do with it. He obviously just used poor judgement, really goes to show how you can buy over the legal system with a good lawyer.
Can't say him gettin probation over a long jail sentence is the worst out come but this is a very unfortunate story.
This is ridiculous. I agree, he definitely will fuck up again. I wonder if hes ever going to realize what life is like without daddy to run to. Probably not. I really hate the system.
this is fucked up because this person is able to avoid punishment for heinous crimes because his parents are wealthy. "Affluenza" fuck that noize. If you are retarded because your parents gave you everything you want you are still responsible for your own actions. His parents didnt force him to get drunk and kill people with a car, he decided to do that and he should face all the consequences. Hell let him get the treatment then serve the prison time. If i killed four people cause i was high on marijuana it would not matter that what tax bracket my parents were in, i would still get jail time, probably much more than 20 years, it would most likely be 20 years per person.
He killed 4 people through his selfish ignorance, I say lock him up and throw away the key honestly. I don't see why people like this who end the lives of others through stupid bullshit should be afforded the opportunity to become a "reformed member of society". I am happy for this kid to be a criminal so long as he is a criminal that remains in prison.

Fucking crazy how transparent the justice system is, so long as you are rich you can do whatever the fuck you want, and apparently the fact that is true is actually an argument to let rich people off with their crimes now. Unbelievable.

MTE. i couldnt even bring myself to finish reading, thats how disgusting this is.

This infuriates me.

They are basically saying that if you're rich, you can get away with murder in the eyes of the law.


As others have said, he will definitely fuck up, but still. This sets a precedent for similar cases.