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Teen could face life after cops find pot brownies

is that a new law brought in by our Führer i mean prime minister ol Stevie and his many band of hicks? I always though all Cannabis products where treated the same in Canada. Although they did bring in mandatory minimum sentencing namely 6 months for 6 lousy fucking plants! The quicker we can get that cunt out of office the better. That Neo-Conservative corporate lackey has driven Canada back into the stone age ffs.
I'm starting to think I'm mistaken. I recall when Bill C-10 was being proposed that while extracts remained in the same schedule, they carried a much more severe sentence for possession/distribution/manufacture than the raw plant material of equal mass. I'm trying to find the information but am failing, so until then I'll just say I was wrong.
Edit: I think it was a lapse of memory actually. Production of extracts (for the purpose of trafficking) carries a greater sentence than production of plants. Sorry for the confusion!
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welcome to Texas: the fuck you state.

Yes they are really rough there when it comes to crime, and their prisons and criminal justice system are very harsh or almost backwards compared to the rest of the country. In other states he would get a fine, or just be charged as being a cannabis dealer; but not receive the threat of a life imprisonment.
He could also face 5 years. This title is sensationalist as shit.

but, yes. These laws are clearly outdated.. just because someone CAN be sentenced to life does not mean they WILL however.

Personally, I am happy that the fact that he COULD potentially be sentenced to life makes the news.
It is newsworthy, and should have people screaming in the streets, or at least mumbling on their couches in a giant cloud of smoke.
^ they should be combining the two; taking to the streets, screaming and puffing clouds of smoke en masse.
Of course, civil disobedience is so threatening to some mentalities, that such an action would probably result in bloodshed.
Nothing is more threatening to civil society than unarmed, articulate, passionate human beings.
Fucking cops go and ruin some poor kids life over fucking brownies! That is fucking insane. I know people who have been up on manslaughter and ended up doing less then 5 years ffs. It's shit like this that makes everyone hate coppers

Don't hate the cops. Sure there are bad ones, like in any demographic, but they are just doing their job in upholding the law, they do not make them. Direct your hate at the politicians that pass and uphold such ludicrous laws. A felony for hash oil, really? Pointless waste of a young life...

However, like someone already said, it's the same as with the Aussies getting jail time in Indonesia,. If he was selling it, he should have read up on penalties in his particular state and should have known it constituted a felony. And in learning of this exception they make for hash oil he shouldn't have sold it because the potential profit doesn't weight up to the potential penalty, not by a long shot. This doesn't change the fact that such penalties are LUDICROUS, but you should be aware of them if you are taking the risk of dealing drugs. I know it should be different but unfortunately that's the reality. In my country the penalties are luckily much much lower (First time offense for distribution of a soft drug would constitute a relatively small money fine and maybe a short probation, but the latter isn't even certain) but I am however aware of exactly what penalties I am risking for each drug I use, both in personal-use quantities and larger ones. And I am just a user, not a dealer. Dealers should know this by heart and should conduct their affairs accordingly.

To conclude let me be clear: there is no shred of doubt in my mind that this is very very sad. It's a waste of a young life as this (if he is found guilty on the felony) will haunt him for the rest of his days. The system is fucked up and is in dire need of a complete overhaul, as this situation is unattainable. I just wanted to point out that there is, like to every story, a second side to consider...

Probably a lot of you that will not agree with this, but that's how I view it...
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in Pennsylvania there is a program called ARD where you get like barely probation for your first fuck up. it can be anything drug or alcohol related really, and it applies to anyone who can pay the money for it.

idk if texas has anything like it but i think most states do. title is sensationalist as fuck, and i doubt he'll even go to real jail as a teenager if its his first offense
I say lock him up! Those brownies are full of fat and empty carbs at best. Also trace amounts of banned trans fat and other hot words! He is the reason we are all fat with his illicit brownies.
Don't hate the cops. Sure there are bad ones, like in any demographic, but they are just doing their job in upholding the law, they do not make them. Direct your hate at the politicians that pass and uphold such ludicrous laws. A felony for hash oil, really? Pointless waste of a young life...

However, like someone already said, it's the same as with the Aussies getting jail time in Indonesia,. If he was selling it, he should have read up on penalties in his particular state and should have known it constituted a felony. And in learning of this exception they make for hash oil he shouldn't have sold it because the potential profit doesn't weight up to the potential penalty, not by a long shot. This doesn't change the fact that such penalties are LUDICROUS, but you should be aware of them if you are taking the risk of dealing drugs. I know it should be different but unfortunately that's the reality. In my country the penalties are luckily much much lower (First time offense for distribution of a soft drug would constitute a relatively small money fine and maybe a short probation, but the latter isn't even certain) but I am however aware of exactly what penalties I am risking for each drug I use, both in personal-use quantities and larger ones. And I am just a user, not a dealer. Dealers should know this by heart and should conduct their affairs accordingly.

To conclude let me be clear: there is no shred of doubt in my mind that this is very very sad. It's a waste of a young life as this (if he is found guilty on the felony) will haunt him for the rest of his days. The system is fucked up and is in dire need of a complete overhaul, as this situation is unattainable. I just wanted to point out that there is, like to every story, a second side to consider...

Probably a lot of you that will not agree with this, but that's how I view it...

I actually do agree with you. People are quick to blame the police, etc. but this guy did make the choice to sell drugs in Texas.
^ A similar scenario happened to a friend of mine here in Fl. He had his van parked and was hot boxing it with a bunch of people when a cop knocked on the door. He asked if they had anymore and one fessed up to having a dime, and the cop dumped it out then told them they had to leave.

This is pretty fucked up. In some states you can get life for manufacturing just for owning a grinder with a screen. It's rare that's they'd actually go that far when charging somebody but the fact it's even a possibility is insane.
I actually do agree with you. People are quick to blame the police, etc. but this guy did make the choice to sell drugs in Texas.

Cops aren't held at gun points to become cops though are they? So pretty much by volunteering for the job they acknowledge that they are willing to work to protect a corrupt system more or less. The "just following order aka just doing their jobs" bit has been used as a justification for everything from genocides to the current war on drugs. It is there fault because if noone signed up the problem would not exist.
Not giving them any blame is passively accepting the behaviour. They reap enormous benefits from their cushy unionized jobs that allow them to violate with impunity. They know how they are harming people and they act out of their own volition.
Cops aren't held at gun points to become cops though are they? So pretty much by volunteering for the job they acknowledge that they are willing to work to protect a corrupt system more or less. The "just following order aka just doing their jobs" bit has been used as a justification for everything from genocides to the current war on drugs. It is there fault because if noone signed up the problem would not exist.

So if noone signed up to be a cop the problem would not exist? That may be so for this particular problem, but I think we would have other problems that are exponentially greater than some guy going to jail because he was selling hash oil, no? I think a society needs some form of law enforcement. Anarchy is a great concept if you have a population that can police itself and will not implode on itself without proper policing. But alas we have a lot of criminals and otherwise bad characters that would make such a situation unattainable. It's not because you sign up to be a policeman that you consciously decide to defend this fucked up system, the reason can just as well be to protect and serve the community in which you live, whether you agree with the laws or not. The fact that you don't agree with some of the laws in place shouldn't be a reason not to become a policeman, as the situation without police would be much worse. And while the laws are being made by politicians, the fact that the system is so fucked up should make you want to become a politician and change them, not to avoid becoming a politician because you would be supporting that fucked up system...

Not giving them any blame is passively accepting the behaviour. They reap enormous benefits from their cushy unionized jobs that allow them to violate with impunity. They know how they are harming people and they act out of their own volition.

I'm not saying you shouldn't hold them accountable. I'm not saying that at all. Like every member of a society, police should be held accountable for their actions. I'm just pointing out that they do not make these laws they just enforce them. The manner in which they enforce them has to be under constant scrutiny, but not the fact that they enforce these laws. You try to change the laws so they cannot enforce the ones that are bad anymore but to blame them for enforcing laws that the politicians put in place is a bit weird I think. If there's one group that know they are harming people and act out of their own volition it's the current politicians (and like with the police not all politicians are bad, though there are so much of them that they corrupted the system to the state it is in now)...
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I'm not saying you shouldn't hold them accountable. I'm not saying that at all. Like every member of a society, police should be held accountable for their actions. I'm just pointing out that they do not make these laws they just enforce them. The manner in which they enforce them has to be under constant scrutiny, but not the fact that they enforce these laws. You try to change the laws so they cannot enforce the ones that are bad anymore but to blame them for enforcing laws that the politicians put in place is a bit weird I think. If there's one group that know they are harming people and act out of their own volition it's the current politicians (and like with the police not all politicians are bad, though there are so much of them that they corrupted the system to the state it is in now)...

The laws are unjust and they know it. They absolutely are to blame for enforcing laws that hurt people. Why is that so weird to you? As was said before, those who participated in genocides that were enshrined in law are guilty in the same way. They are not automatons, they are sentient beings and hold responsibility regardless of what their laws say.
The Nazis were just doing their jobs too and I don't wanna hear any shit about the Nazi comparison b/c it's accurate as hell and unfortunately I am all too familiar with the fucked laws of my home state.
The laws are unjust and they know it. They absolutely are to blame for enforcing laws that hurt people. Why is that so weird to you? As was said before, those who participated in genocides that were enshrined in law are guilty in the same way. They are not automatons, they are sentient beings and hold responsibility regardless of what their laws say.

I can reverse the question and ask why my opinion is so weird to you? I don't find your opinion weird, I understand it completely, I just do not agree one bit.

So if someone, with an otherwise genuine intention to 'protect and serve', knows there are laws that are wrong or that hurt people, he can't join the police force? We would be without police. Do you have any idea what problems that would create? Yes there are bad apples that aren't fit for policework but that goes for every organization, company or even every group of people with a common goal. But the alternative is either refusing everyone that doesn't agree with some law. That would leave only the hardcore rule-fanatics and those are generally the least fit to police a group of people. Or to dismantle the entire police force because some laws are unjust. Do you not see that the laws need to change, so the politicians need to change or the political system needs to change, not the police force? At least not in the fact that they uphold the law.
No they are not automatons, but you can't expect them to be police and not enforce every law. That would put too much power in the hands of police if they could decide what laws to uphold and what laws not to uphold. The politicians are to blame, once again, not the police. You either have police that upholds every law the politicians make, or you don't have police at all. The first isn't a perfect solution but as of yet we have no better ones. The latter results in total anarchy, which would end society as we know it, along with most of our lives. Besides, we're not talking about police that perform genocide here. We are talking about police that enforce (rediculous) laws in the US. If your country is at such a point that the police is starting to commit genocide you should have left the force (and the country for that matter) long before that. But I don't think the US, or the western world, is anywhere near that point...

I was arrested on distribution charges once. Because I had just slightly more weed on me than is allowed for personal use (5.5g on me while only 5g is condoned). Not for one moment was I mad at the police for arresting me for that offense. But I was mad at the politicians for making and sustaining such ludicrous laws. The police treated me properly so they only did what they were supposed to do, walk up to me and arrest me because I was smoking outside, which is stupid...

The Nazis were just doing their jobs too and I don't wanna hear any shit about the Nazi comparison b/c it's accurate as hell and unfortunately I am all too familiar with the fucked laws of my home state.

That's politics+military, a whole different ballgame. You can't compare militarized nazi Germany with police forces of the western world, that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. You say you don't want to hear shit about the comparison? Well it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Sorry if you're from another place than the western world, it can be an entirely different situation in your country, in which case your statement may be true. I should've elaborated I live in Europe. Besides this thread is about police in the US enforcing ridiculous laws. Not police in the US committing war crimes...
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