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I just found out that my best friend is Surprising me tonite by driving me out to this here shindig. She knows I love Voight Kampff. So I guess I will see everyone there.

goodness...its point of no return..might be leavin here shortly..gotta figure out wtf is goin on...i deffinately wanna make it..bout to go get tire fixed ...blah so much to do...hopefully u will see me i blind or did anyone already post directions? ~damon~
oh shit, saw essex is gonna be here too..he is mos def a bad ass behind da decks...bump that shit! ~damon~
The venue is in Milford?? At Pulse nightclub??
Looks like Randy is gonna lose his ass once again!!!
Thank God for "other people's money"

count me OUT....
so how was it all my midwest kids... sorry DDP couldnt come party with you but me and gury had to represent some seperate home town shit... yall understand right... hit me up and let me know whats up... any one who is hittin beat junkie up in south bend should stop in indy and go to xfest and rock it with the whole ddp crew, keep an eye posted for our headliner on halloween it will deffinantly turn some heads west of ohio for some sick dark good old halloween fun!!!

late ry
the party was awesome. and i do mean awesome.

voight kammp threw down such an amazing set. whoever didn't go, missed a hell of a party!

met some great kids, had a great time... and hopefully will be spending a lot more time in cinci, cause you guys were so accomadating.

see, i told you i was really smart... "usually."

to all the people i met and hung out with... you guys really know how to party.
We didn't loose our ass dirty white kid. Sorry to hear that your trying to damn us with bad luck, but it was dope. I had fun thanks to all who came!
dirtywhitekid said:
The venue is in Milford?? At Pulse nightclub??
Looks like Randy is gonna lose his ass once again!!!
Thank God for "other people's money"

count me OUT....

sorry to dissapoint, "dirty white boy" but the party went til 6:00 am and was a total success if you ask me. but don't take my word for it, just read the message boards.
i was pleased w/ a few things about this party. nice that it made it all night despite the fact that the cops were there the entire night. I was 100% sober and feared no reprisal from the federalies but its a real vibe killer for me to see cops relentlessly patroling the venue, flashlights a blazing, looking for drugs:\

That being said, i have one beef w/ those who put this party on. If your party if full of cops, MAYBE just maybe, it would be ok to take it upon yourselves to tell kids puddled up in the corner to chill the fuck out or go home. Gas mask guy needed booted for a laundry list of reasons. It just looks bad, and it confirms everything that the cops think about parties. Just a thought


adam Jay ripped it. the sound in both rooms was seriously hurting but his set was still dope as usual.

Titonton was UN friggin REAL. he really got the late night crowd movin. Big ups to T for being a true artist and such an enthusiastic performer:)

I forget the name but the guys on before VK spinnin all that Ragga were hard as hell:) wish i had some extra loot to buy a cd.


thanks to linds for lettin me crash. nice meeting little sister danke for the kandie;) good meeting dave, brandon, jason, and the ladies (names escape) glad you could come down for the party arron, hope you're feelin better.

all in all this was an ok party. ooooooohh i forgot 1 thing, Fuck both those dance floors. My toes are way fucked up from not being able to slide on that carpet or the stick dancefloor

see everyone again soon
yes, id agree that major dance floor maintenance was to be had... but i still had an awesome night anyways.
That group before VK was Louisville's own ISS :)

(see andy, i told you louisville is the shit)

anyway, i had a good time, mostly cause of my friends... sorry i had to kick y'all out kinda early, i woulda loved to make everyone breakfast.

the carpets sucked and the other thing i woulda changed is the way it was set up timeslot-wise. i know it was a *techno* party but there was plenty of non-techno music... unfortunately the time after v-k and before tintonton was all techno in *both* rooms. i woulda had techno allll night in one rooms and the *other stuff* in another... or else just made it so that there was always an alternative. as it was, there was nowhere to get away from that souless beat ;)

VK was awesome but it shouldn't have taken so long to get the sound guy.

ISS- yep, they're the shiiiiit :)

guess that's all we caught... :(

great to see damon and taddpole again...(omg, after all these years! =D)

arron, andy, tango bitches and trained monkey boys- y'all comprise my ideal list of fellow partiers <3
marea- sorry we missed it.
We tried our best to stop the puddles in the room, believe me. We were breaking them up all night. Instead of addressing this as a promoters concern, maybe you should address it with your fellow peers. We also collected all products that we found upon searching, such as vics and masks- but sometimes those things can slip by.

Overall, this party was a great sucess. The carpet did suck and I agree, but there was an area for dancing without carpet, rather large too.

Sorry for the sound issues, but we did attend to them as soon as possible and we tried to keep it running smoothly all night.

Hope everyone had fun because I did.

And about the cops- maybe kids should party responsibly and then they wont have anything to worry about. And honestly if you see a uniformed policemen, why the hell would you try to sell drugs anyway?
iss was fuckin fantastic...and voight kampff did their damn thang..even when they needed the engineer...amazing...loved the live drums..that is awesome...anyhow...yeah...i was too tired to stay to the to see a good amount of talent was just a lil past cincy...not too far... and i got 3 of them PHAT azz posters for nov 1st *all dnb* it was a success...if you were didnt have to worry bout the cops...though i looked like i was drunk drivin home for a sec there..glad i didnt get a ticket...what happened to the first place it was supposed to go down at?
Instead of addressing this as a promoters concern, maybe you should address it with your fellow peers.

If you allow me to kick em.....s'all good;) j/k On a side note...I've seen police at quite a few of Randy's parties, its called crowd control. Unless you give them a reason to be dicks, they're nicer than security at Redzone;) *edit edit edit further comment*

So sad to miss out on this party:( Luvs ya Randy and crew!!! I'm glad to hear of another successful party from this dynamic duo of crews=D
BTW.,...happy mf'in bday kim!!!!
ahhhh!! haha.
i didn't go.. but i understand this was in the soon-to-be pulse nightclub in milford..

this is funny to me.. cuz about 2 months ago.. the ma'am and i were rollin out that way (mazel's like whoa..) and she was like "you gotta check out this spot.. it'd be great for a party" that spot was.... pulse nightclub.

she's shown me..and we've found about 4-5 other spots too, most of which i would describe as "in the cut". (NO.. i am NOT throwing anything..anywhere..ever.. it's fun to take a peek around for cool spots tho.. i have been for years)..

if randy got on with the local law enforcement for this.. i'm assuming that would make the milford area fair game.. (which means intelligent, venue-hungry promoters should be in their cars scouring the

glad to hear this went well.

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