TDS Social vs. where Darksiders come to play

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Haha true.. but it's soooo cold! And I'm a little scared of the dark, hehe..

How are you badfish? <3
I've took a few walks today, though one was to pick up some clonazepam. I'm currently forgetting all todays problems with a little high, not very high, as I feel like its missing something (subs, clonazepam, gabapentin). I'm not over doing anything and all legitly scripted to me, just a little extra kpins. Enough drug talk though, sorry if this is pushing the line. Its just helping me get over the fact that someone I was falling hard for, and took a place in my heart is now ignoring me. <snipe>

Anyway, I decided to work my nails. Did a base polish, top polish, and something you put on over the top polish soon after application. My nails look dank. Honestly I wish I had flowy skirt, something like this

I'd be mad comfortable.
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^ hey bud, maybe she's just occupied with something or has a lot on her mind.. but anyways, you sound like you could use some cheering up :) wanna pm?
Anyway, I decided to work my nails. Did a base polish, top polish, and something you put on over the top polish soon after application. My nails look dank. Honestly I wish I had flowy skirt, something like this

I'd be mad comfortable.

what color nail polish did you use? i'm a polish fanatic haha :D I love that skirt and that whole outfit. have you checked out the girly thread in second opinion yet? if not, you definitely should. :)

my cat just upped her creepy factor (which is pretty impressive since she has always been an incredibly creepy kitty). last time i was looking through some of my printed photos i noticed that there were teethmarks and full corners missing where she had chewed up the photos. that's kind of normal for her, but then i noticed that all the photos that she had done this to were photos of old cats i've had. last night she got caught in the act. she actually seeks out pictures of any of my previous cats and tries to destroy them. what a jealous little kitty! still adorable, but damn.
I only used a clear base, a clear top, and some other clear thing you put on after the top.

I'm male and not trying to fully let everyone around me know about my cding habits. When I get my own place I'll probably have a lot more fun with actually getting more into nail polish, and building a wardrobe.

Probably how I'll break it to most of my friends is to invite them over while I'm wearing a skirt of and a cute top. Its not something I'd do all the time but there are times I' like be change my image and become a female. I know one of my friends who I actually told, pretty damn cool with it, wouldn't have a problem at all with me occasionally wearing female clothes and acting a bit more feminine.
Ah, I was wondering about that. Have you read this by any chance? I found it fascinating.

For nails-- have you considered just buffing them? It's tidier and healthier than putting on clear polish, but with similar results. Most drugstores will have what you need-- I just got a three-sided manicure block, with progressively smoother finishes. Only the first one feels like it has any grit, and it's super-fine; the other two just feel like plastic, but give the nails incredible shine. As an added bonus, it improves circulation to the nail bed so that it strengthens the nail and improves cuticle health.

Probably redundant, but you've checked out the Girly thread in SO, right? It's full of all sorts of such tips.
Anyway, I decided to work my nails. Did a base polish, top polish, and something you put on over the top polish soon after application. My nails look dank.
Oooooh! I am obsessed with nail polish! I'll take a photo when I get home to show you what my nails look like today :)
Dave makes a reeeeally good point, buffing your nails makes them look a LOT healthier and shinier than clear coats do. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed :)
-5 isn't cold! You silly Eurpoeans :)

lol, indeed dave ... when it starts to get to -20 then its getting a little cold. Used to work at a ski hill and i remember working the lifts at the bottom of the hill outside when alot of times at night it would get this cold... and thats with out the wind chill...
Hi everyone. I don't post much in this thread, but feel like I need to vent a little and well, you guys are the only ones right now to whom I don't need to lie. I slept bad and woke up a thousand times at night to the sound of my cat being in heat. Then I woke up too early feeling like I haven't even slept yet and now I can't go back to sleep. I'm mad at myself because honestly, I don't have anything major to feel bad about right now, or at least I feel like I don't really care about the things I should care, rather just feel kind of "meh" for no reason. And I crave something to make me feel better. I made a mental promise to myself when I started experimenting with drugs to "only take them to make the good times even better" rather than taking them when feeling bad. Now I crave them almost every day. The thing is I'm not addicted, I can go for a long time without any drugs, but the fact how boring everyday life is without them is always on my mind and it makes me live my life so monotone, not really caring about things, with no enthusiasm - living just to get through the day as simply as possble. I cannot appreciate these little things that make other people happy and life worth living, I only feel like I can reach happines with drugs. The irony of this all is how I took drugs to make some unforgettable and amazing memories, but apparently after some time that came at the cost of making everyday living boring. I brought this on all by myself.
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"only taking drugs to make the good things better"

makes no sense

EVERYTHING is good in some way, no? :)
Ah, I'm not a morning person apparently. I meant more like, the good times even better. Like it would be okay to take something on a party, which was a place I would've had a good time anyway. But it wouldn't be okay to take something on a bad day just to make myself feel better. I guess it gave me a false sense of security.
Oooooh! I am obsessed with nail polish! I'll take a photo when I get home to show you what my nails look like today :)
Dave makes a reeeeally good point, buffing your nails makes them look a LOT healthier and shinier than clear coats do. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed :)

Just gotta see what my sister/mom have. I'd got for that. I'm trying to keep them healthy. I'm not really trying to try other colors and such atp as I'm living at my parents house atm. If I had my own place again, I'd be more open to occasionally pain my nails. I haven't dressed up or done anything girly in a while. I'd enjoy spending a day as a women, but that'll have to wait till I get my own house, hopefully later this year. Once I get a job I'll probably start working on buying some clothes, as I've thrown out the clothes I've own in the past cuz I was worried my roommate or friends would find them and start asking questions. I'm still not very open about the fact I have some gender things in my life. I'd like to live primarily as male, but want to let the female in my out once in a while. I'd love to spend say a Saturday getting up in the morning dressing up as a female and going through to the next morning as one. Ultimately I'd love to find a women who I could be with that doesn't mind me being a women/her lesbian lover once in while.

I'm starting to feel a little better, but really only due to me abusing some clonazepam.
Just gotta see what my sister/mom have. I'd got for that. I'm trying to keep them healthy. I'm not really trying to try other colors and such atp as I'm living at my parents house atm. If I had my own place again, I'd be more open to occasionally pain my nails. I haven't dressed up or done anything girly in a while. I'd enjoy spending a day as a women, but that'll have to wait till I get my own house, hopefully later this year. Once I get a job I'll probably start working on buying some clothes, as I've thrown out the clothes I've own in the past cuz I was worried my roommate or friends would find them and start asking questions. I'm still not very open about the fact I have some gender things in my life. I'd like to live primarily as male, but want to let the female in my out once in a while. I'd love to spend say a Saturday getting up in the morning dressing up as a female and going through to the next morning as one. Ultimately I'd love to find a women who I could be with that doesn't mind me being a women/her lesbian lover once in while.

I'm starting to feel a little better, but really only due to me abusing some clonazepam.

dude i used to say the same shit

when i was a teenager idk how old you are

but i figured out that guys can be pretty too

i want girls to love being girls

so why shouldn't i love being a guy?

logically it makes sense but my heart is still catching up =p

Ah, I'm not a morning person apparently. I meant more like, the good times even better. Like it would be okay to take something on a party, which was a place I would've had a good time anyway. But it wouldn't be okay to take something on a bad day just to make myself feel better. I guess it gave me a false sense of security.

no i understand what you're saying, but i think that your logic has a flaw

you only do drugs when you want to make the good times even better.

IMO life is nothing but good times and wrong perspectives lol :)

drugs or not

so if life is ALWAYS supposed to be a good time... and you just take drugs to make the good times better...
I'm 22. I've been questioning gender roles since I was in elementry school, and crossdressed when I was like 11 or 12 for the first time. Slowly started to understand my gender fluidity over the past couple years. I've come to accept that there is some female with in me, and I'd like to express it every now and then. I want to live my main life as male, as I enjoy being male and enjoy male female relationships (I don't like males sexually in anyway, even when dressed as a female/in a female mind set)
well don't forget to love the male part of yourself too

and you might not be sexually interested in men, but don't forget that male friends will be hurt if you treat them worse than your platonic female friends

especially now that you said you only fantasize about girl/girl sex i can say that i can relate lol

you should love being a dude :) you are a dude. until they make brain swappers or magic spells or etc
OH I love being a dude. Love my male friends alot. I have a decent amount of close male friends and treat them well. I honestly don't have many female friends at all.

Just lost one (was gf, till she decided to change shit). Fucking drives me nuts. what the fuck did I do? fucking ignoring me is bullshit. We talked every damn day. She told me she'd never fucking leave me as we already been through so much together. But no, shes already moved the fuck on in a few weeks. Some fucking friend. I gave her my heart and it gets stomped on. Just fucking shit on
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