TDS TDS Photo Thread vs. You're a Superstar!

Good to see you, Foolsgold.You look the happiest holding the cat. I suggest lots more cat-holding.=D So who is the girl, LOL?

cheers herbavor he is lovely always there when i am unwell with drugs and mental health

My three doggies in artsy form :).
Oh, I love these! Very creative!
Smoky, I saw your name and got all excited that you had posted some of your photos. Do you have any that you would want to share? Pleeeeese?:)
Hi Herbavore,
I will indeed this weekend… Tyvm. I did post some in Second opinion, although could post some more indeed. :)
The ones you have posted are stunning. Beautiful.

WOW. The one of the child is so dreamlike. The light through her hair kind of makes me want to cry. And the fog is so alive. When you are inside fog it always feels so soft and diffuse. But the energy of it from outside and above is so dramatic!

And @Joethestoner: good to see you round these parts!<3
Here's a great little piece of garden art that Shambles shared with me when I met up with him in Wales:


Weirdly out of focus along the edges which makes me dizzy to look at for too long. Sorry 'bout dat.:\
Not a photo but a pencil drawing by a local artist of the best dog in the world <3

Looking good, Cat. I love the T-shirt you are wearing in the top photo.

@Allein-- The Grand Beast merits a portrait for sure. It really captured him perfectly! Was it expensive or did someone you know do it?
It was a gift from my wife for valentines, she had another done for a friend, I think it was about £30 but it is a great likeness especially the eyes, the artist said he was difficult to draw and she had a number of attempts.

He's 8 now and getting soppier by the month, a dafter animal you'll not find. I was told when he was a puppy he would live beyond 5 due to malformed kidneys, we elected not to have the regular blood tests to see if they were failing as he struggled so much when they took blood and they can't do anything anyway, we also never told the children.

He'll be 9 in June and is as lively as he was at 6 months, doctors....what do they know :)
Hey all...great pics! Here's a couple of me at work, and with my last Tacoma:





Rock on, and be safe out there people \M/
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