TDS TDS Photo Thread vs. You're a Superstar!

Foolsgold! Thanks for posting a picture of you and your close friend and confidante--what a cutie! (Does the adjective 'cutie' insult him?);)

Here is me-as-art-teacher for the little ones (in this case, third grade). I love the play sets/backdrops because the kids get to work individually but then the collaboration makes a whole different energy and they love seeing that.


nice picture :)

and no charlie wont mind :)

Plain ol me..

you look nice. I can't tell if that's a sad expression w/ the eyes like that, or just the way the pic was taken. Also i have no idea if the natural style as mentioned by Aq is your style or just how that happened to be for the pic.
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Foolsgold! Thanks for posting a picture of you and your close friend and confidante--what a cutie! (Does the adjective 'cutie' insult him?);)

Here is me-as-art-teacher for the little ones (in this case, third grade). I love the play sets/backdrops because the kids get to work individually but then the collaboration makes a whole different energy and they love seeing that.


wow, why did i think you were older?
noice backdrop

your cat looks happy/comfy
usually a sign of a good person
The God Corazon
Can see some of my tats and scars here (<live for3 Nicolette in the heart /arm , and 'undefeated' across the belly)
I get to do a 3rd major open-heart surgery in the spring. It's amazing how strong I am and stuff considering all the shit I've been through and all the health problems, but I am still weak physically compared to just about any able-bodied man.

Before I tore my aorta, I was an elite baseball hitter. Kind of weird that I dedicated so much time and energy to baseball (don't see many 6'9" First Baseman around...
maybe I will coach one day when my health settles down... Anyway, baseball still kind of represents a part of me / era of my life.
That certainly is something to be proud of, the tattoo definitely makes sense. Good luck on your surgery, but I am sure you will come out undefeated again ;)
That certainly is something to be proud of, the tattoo definitely makes sense. Good luck on your surgery, but I am sure you will come out undefeated again ;)
That is nice of you to say AQ.

i am in a difficult time in life right now and have been for a long time. Trying to keep surviving, and improve my situation.

i feel awkward on here sometimes as i do in everything, but it's nice to be able to post here and someone says a nice thing. <3
Second that - what I would give to get out of Sf… Maui is beautiful, all the islands. Nice!
Yes I would really wanted to visit Maui. I know the people are wonderful.
Besides, the weather right now, how warm! How much more improvement can you have for this time of the year?
Nice indeed. Good Night:)
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I love that the temp is the same all year, like hi90,lo80. The sun sets at the same time all year, no daylight savings time. So many buildings don't have front doors... When I came into Hawaii, the airport didn't even have a front door.
I'm fairly all natural, dont wear a ton of make up or nthn..but this was me chillin at home too.. but thank u..
Aq, I'm gna have to find ur pic. :)
I'm bumping the photo thread which has been languishing somewhere out of sight for far too long. Get out your lens, Darksiders and let's see what you got! Selfies welcome!:)

Here are three photos I took yesterday on my way to San Francisco:



Good to see you, Foolsgold.You look the happiest holding the cat. I suggest lots more cat-holding.=D So who is the girl, LOL?