TDS Photo Thread Vs '12-'13 !!!!!

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Wow, feralkitten is beautiful!
wisconsin springs are always crazy but this one takes the cake.. this rain/snow 40 degree crap for the past 3 or so weeks sucks . maybe if i upload a picture i took last summer it will finally warm up here lol ...
Out of the darkness and into TDS! You make the world a better place, Spork.<3
That is so beautiful, Pastel. The quiet is visible. And that blue! Last night, I was looking at the moon, which forever will now be Michael, and I had this thought: "blessed are those that stop to appreciate. " You and Snowboarder and Michael, have all shared so much beauty with the rest of us. Thank you.<3
flea market 8 ball
"i just want it to say something good"
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speaking of moons herbavore , the moon here is nice tonight so i snapped a quick pic . the white dot that is up and to the left of it is saturn . for michael....
I spoke to Michael through the moon last night as well, it felt like he could hear me listening and I felt an amazing sense of peace. I definitely don't think I'll ever look at the moon in the same way again either. <3
Wow, snowboarder, that's a beauty! It's so soft and powerful at the same time. <3 I wish one of you great photographers lived closer--I need lessons. Well, lessons and a better camera maybe. Here's to Michael and the moon that so many here will always and forever associate with him. I hope his family does something cool with his photographs. You can see them on Flicker.
not a photo, but pretty and I wanted to share


Holy fuck that is awesome.
I'd put that up on my ceiling and stare at it all day long.

Thanks for sharing, some of his other art is really beautiful.
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