TDS Photo Thread Vs '12-'13 !!!!!

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the great flood of 2013!
Righteous photototo, Vaya. This is why we are glad to call you super mod.

'ey Sepher! I have definitely been worse - kinda in a limbo, looking for work, a place to fit in, and all that magic. How are you man?
Yeah, I hear you on the limbo thing MoE. Hey, treading water's better than drowning though, right? ;) Me, clawing my way out of the dirty great hole I spiralled into in recent weeks. It's all good, I'm on it. Sunny day tomorrow apparently, happy days. :)
I think you and I are good at looking at our last 4-14 days and being like, whatever, as long as today moves me forward I am gooood :)

Enviable family there, Villain. You seem quite blessed.
'Zactly! Yeah, it's all steps forward, steps back, baby stepping it all the way but so long as you keep going you're winning, and you get better at picking yourself up and keeping going the more you do of it. Look for the positives, do positive things as much as you can, it'll all be good in the end. :)

And yeah, lovely pic Villian, lovely looking families. :)
Simply amazing, VW

If you don't mind me asking, where were these taken? <3 (Pics #3 and #5)
Love those pics VW, especially that first one. It's great to see you looking so happy!

(Btw, I'll get back to your PM eventually...but you understand why I haven't answered yet at least =D)
so i had my beautiful baby boy at 10 48 pm last saturday he was 7 lb 11 oz
here is a pic i took about an hour ago of baby Jesse

babysleep by tackyspiral, on Flickr

Congrats, I'm so happy for you!!! What a gorgeous baby, and lots of hair too. Hope you're getting some rest/recuperating well in the meantime <3
False advertisement at it's finest. (straight dude who wears makeup thanks to the free time I have I don't know what to do with that comes with sobriety)

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^I LOVE that. I'm into the half faces, dual realities, changing up the surface of the package you find yourself in...however you want to put it. =D

Tacky, I am so happy for you and baby Jesse. He looks like he had a very peaceful journey into the world. I am so proud of all you have done, and will continue to do to honor his arrival, and your own transformation. You are an amazing young woman. Welcome to motherhood; it is a most sacred, perilous and rewarding path to walk. I love birth stories so feel free to PM me--I'd love to hear how it all went and every one is so different and personal. (((((<3))))
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