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Talking to people when your stoned is hard

I totally agree with buuts , lol that sounds funny..anyway ya man smoking solo is my favorite prefred soical situation with the bud i do smoke with other people but i just feel so relaxed and no paranoia involved plus i can call kick bad to some Dark Star without stupid friends asking wtf is this??
Eat a bunch of acid then go talk to people. Talking to people on weed will be like talking to your family completely sober. Once you figure out the language structure of these odd people you can effectively communicate with them because even if they are angry or have big ego's you realize… All is One. You'll be fine just carry eye drops and have confidence. Peace.
This thread outlines the reasion I dont smoke weed very often anymore..

Life is only your preception, You could be on the level of the person your talking too, more then likely you have convinced yourself that you aren't.
Mind over Matter. Try and let your mind free from its cage. You can do it.

hehe, this sounds familliar... One time when I was really stoned to the bone, I tried paying at a gas station. Man, I really felt like Raoul Duke trying to explain himself to the receptionist at the hotel when he had taken LSD... She just wouldn't stop staring! :| :p