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Talking to people when your stoned is hard

when i am stoned i say stupid shit all the time. i know how you guys feel i am really shy when i am stoned like at school cause its so gay there i jut have to get stoned so i dont go crazy then i laugh ans say stupid shit all day
"when i am stoned i say stupid shit all the time. i know how you guys feel i am really shy when i am stoned like at school cause its so gay there i just have to get stoned so i dont go crazy then i laugh and say stupid shit all day"

I used to say stupid shit when at school all day, it sure was fun !! =D
im kinda like that all the time... people just dont really relate to me... at all..... when im stoned its even worse... usually some xtc or alcohol makes that go a little smoother... hehe
I have this problem too.
That's why when I smoke I don't go into public or a place where I know I'll have to act "normal".
I dont know if I am the outcast or what, but a few of my friends are the same way....

I can hold an extremley intelligent conversation being stoned, and in fact, i come up with even more extreme creative thoughts .... its hard to explain, but i could be holding a coversation with someone, and i am thinking 1 step ahead of them...i am ready for input at any given time. just wish this stuff didnt effect my memory, god i would be stoned all day everyday
i say fukked up shit wen stoned and sumtimes sya smart stuff stoned but worded so weerd that it jsut sounds fukked up

did any of u guys notice that sum1 will say sumthign theyre stoned and if u r stoned too it makes perfect sense and/or is really funny but evri1 sober is like wtf r u goin on about

anuvva thing, i go to a private school and the vast majority are anti drugs,alchahol etc so if im at the shops talkin to sum chiks its just fukkin annoying trying to sound normal and if u dont they get pissed off at u

reminds me of one time id had 3 boxes of nangs and was getting mor fukked up wen 2 chiks from skool walked up to me and a mate and i was fukkin flying. i coodent talk for a few minits coz my voice wood of been too deep but after that i had so many things to say but just fort if i say that it will just sound fukked up to them
Word, it took me a while to realise it though. Now I only smoke weed either by myself or with one or two close buddies, at my place or theirs, mostly watching TV.

I can't hold a conversation unless I'm drinking as well as smoking.

So now I have 'going out' drugs and 'staying home' drugs, hahah
I have sort of tough time talking to people but I really like it because it is like an adventure to me. In Mexico, my friend and I just got stoned like 3 times a day then we would just walk around and talk to random people and it was fun as fuck! I love talking to people while blazed.
Weed is a psychedelic drug and if you think too much about things you can really go crazy about them. Just think less and act more without thinking :) Or smoke less so you don't feel retarded and can't find any words. Do you need to be that high to enjoy yourself? Well I know I need it once in a while to be stoned retarded but not always.
I can be TOO talkative. Verbal diarrhea with hints of intelligent life. Depends on my mood and the vibe.

If I am at a place where I don't know anyone I usually am lucky enough to sniff out a fellow smoker to chill with. Relief! If not, I can assimilate with the lot I may be stuck with. Who cares? I am high. I'll work this into something good.
I get that way while stoned too. That's why when I smoke it's usually just with close friends. When I'm goin out to a party or bar, I just stick to drinking.
chances are you're just getting a little anxious from the pot. don't worry about it too much :)
It happens to me too, and it's definitely not anxiety in my case..for some reason when I'm high I just feel content not saying much and realize that a lot of people ramble on and on for no reason or just say something for the sake of saying something. I think it's because I get really introspective and thoughtful when I'm high..but when i'm sober I'm just as chatty as the next person
I tend to only speak to other stoned folk when when I have also been indulging, sometimes I'll freak out about the way I'm percieved by others but that happens on a very off/on basis.
I am the only one out of my friends with this problem and it sucks really bad cause at times i'll stutter to and it gets to me real bad.
I like to forget about the fact that I am high, it works really well.
I have no problems talking while high, I can even hold up a conversation with a cop while high without any problems. However if I am high and have a couple drinks, then it becomes a real problem.