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Swollen Lips with Blisters after a night of MDMA

FUCK yeah i feel you on this bro. Does anyone ever get a really sore roof of their mouth to where they can't eat it hurts it so bad the next day????? That shit fucking HURTS when you try to eat!!!

I have a buddy that does that, he says be pretty much lives of yogurt and other soft foods for 5-7 days after dosing.
If you rolled really hard you probably don't remember small segments of the night (especially if alcohol was used in combination). Herpes doesn't generally cause blisters/open sores for a couple of days MINIMUM after contraction. My guess is that you were nomming on your lip sans memory of it. My friend has a HUGE (like fucking COMICALLY HUGE) upper lip with cuts and shit all over it the day after. It's pretty hilarious, but it's her thing.
It's unlikely a primary herpes outbreak because those take longer to happen after the initial infection. If it's HSV at all, then it's the dormant virus coming to life after your immune system was weakened. However, I'm still skeptical that this is viral.

When I used to rave and do MDMA often, I would sometimes get swollen lips from rubbing them together all night. It's something unconscious that you might not have even been aware of doing. I never chewed my lips but the constant rubbing and lip smacking made them incredibly irritated. Sometimes using chapstick helped but on the worst nights I would still have swollen lips with sores the next morning.

You can apply a dab of salt directly to the sore. It will sting, but then feel better. Rinse it off after that. Keep your lips conditioned with chapstick.

The swelling should go down soon.
Ohkaii so I tried "Molly" for the fist time this weekend and I felt amazing:) i know it may not sound right but I did. The next day my lips were extremely swollen and had cuts from the biting I was doing to myself. I was so scared that I went to the doctor lol they told me I had an allergic reaction to the drug but still I feel like shyt ! My lip is still swollen ;( is this normal or what ?? Please help ?!?!?!
TBPH IMO Molly it sounds like you may have just been off your face and munching your gums on some ridiculous levels, keep hydrated & remember the Chapstick/Paw Paw ointment is your friend <3
Any drug which makes you grind your teeth or constantly bite down, will most likely leave you with sores on the inside of your lips as you?ve been constantly biting on your lips/cheeks. I tried MDMA the other day for the first time and I woke up the next day with a swollen bottom lip and red raw sores on my bottom lip and at the back of my cheeks where my wisdom teeth lay. it?s been 4 days and my lip still hurts like a bitch even when I eat, so I?ve just been using teething gel for babies which helps sooth the pain for a while and been washing my mouth with warm salt water. Don?t think I?ll be doing it again anytime soon ?
Orajel is great to apply on those sores. It eases the pain and helps it heal. It’s available OTC at any pharmacy.
Orajel is great to apply on those sores. It eases the pain and helps it heal. It’s available OTC at any pharmacy.

Its against the rules to use Bluelight to source or supply drugs or to provide information on how to do so, so inform all of your co - conspirators within the Orajel cartel that we will not tolerate the promotion of drugs and will ban you from using any electricity, including that which provides sensory information within your CNS.


Most of the ridiculous comfort drugs that I have used over the years to counteract the negative effects of my MDMA and amphetamine use have been unnecessary and in the long term completely counterproductive and harmful so its genuinely refreshing to see down to earth, common sense advice. Small measures to cover the small stuff is a good base for keeping ones mind and body from crumbling piece by piece as mine has.
Its against the rules to use Bluelight to source or supply drugs or to provide information on how to do so, so inform all of your co - conspirators within the Orajel cartel that we will not tolerate the promotion of drugs

Darn, you’ve caught me =D

And yes, sometimes we forget that our bodies are the best at healing themselves. We’ve just gotta be patient.