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Swollen Lips with Blisters after a night of MDMA


Nov 26, 2011
after a night of mdma, i have swollen upper lip and maybe looks like blisters. im tripping out hard thinking it might be oral herpes or cold sores.

from what i remember last night, i did share water bottles with the group of people i went with, my friend and these 2 girls. i remember me taking half a capsule, i opened it and poured the stuff into my mouth and washed it down with water. i cant recall if it touched my top lip or not. i didnt kiss anyone. i remember some random girl ont he dance floor coming up to me and just kinding touch and rub my face a bit i dont remember if she toiuched my lips.

i chewed gum and sucked on candy, i sitll managed to chew hard though, i can feel a bit of numbness/scar feeling inside my mouth inside my cheeks, same with the inside of both my lips.

wtf is going on? please help me
sounds like you chewed you face off...give it a few days and see if it gets better. If not go see a doctor.
This could be a number of things - maybe a coldsore, maybe an allergic reaction to something, maybe you just chewed on them, maybe you got some vicks etc on them?

I wouldn't worry too much about it though.

Yes, blisters are normally caused by HPV.
Newsflash - most people carry the HPV virus and do NOT know it.
This is according to reputable research that finds the majority of randomly tested people show positive for the antibodies in the bloodstream, even if they have never had blisters.

Newsflash - MDMA and amphetamines lower the immune system, allowing viruses of all types to replicate and transfer!
While sharing a glass is not a big risk factor, if you had any cuts or abrasions it may well have happened.
Even dry lips are more susceptible.

If it is herpes, apparently the first breakout is the worst.
The sores will scab over in a few days and heal without scarring.
It may reoccur throughout life, but much less severely.

Most people that have it aren't even aware. yikes.
And elderly people are more prone to 'shingles' or herpes zoster.
Good luck.
not sure about blisters but roll occasionally and i almost always chew my ass off n get swollen lips regardless if im chewing on gum n candy lol
I wasn't much of a smacker/chewer even while rolling.
Some teeth grinding for sure, but the lips and tongue were never that hurt by it.
And they were often busy doing other things.
FUCK yeah i feel you on this bro. Does anyone ever get a really sore roof of their mouth to where they can't eat it hurts it so bad the next day????? That shit fucking HURTS when you try to eat!!!
Sounds like you just chewed on your lips. Also, I've never heard of HPV causing blisters. HPV is the cause of warts.
^ HPV can cause blisters, but the virus can incubate for a long time without any visible symptoms. I doubt you would have blisters immediately after being exposed to HPV. It just sounds like chastitybrah had a good roll :)
I did a flurry of typing this morning.
Very early...

Herpes is also known as HSV.
Type 1 is oral, 2 is genital.
Obvious typo - only one letter difference.
Ah, I see. Yeah I was thinking herpes-->blisters, HPV--->warts.

@OP: as others have said, these things typically have a somewhat lengthy incubation period. It doesn't seem likely that you would already be showing symptoms if you had contracted it a few hours before. My lips often get chapped or a little swollen just from messin' with my binky, smacking or pursing my lips, etc. Get some Carmex and wait it out.
^Good point.
Blisters from HSV do NOT appear in the first 12 hours.
More like 48.

Probably not the herp.
Good for you.
i took a pill last night and im sitting here right now with a big filthy scab on my upper lip.

it happens most times i take mdma.
I wouldnt worry Ive rolled quite a bit and I'd say 3 outta 4 times I always wake up the next day with swollen lips holes in my cheeks lips, my tongue will be all fucked... Its cause I get rolling really hard and chew the shit outta whatevers in my mouth and if nothings in my mouth then I chew my tongue cheeks lips etc... I seriously doubt you have herpes.
I tend to always have a cold sore breakout on the days following a roll, I believe it does indeed stem from the fact that your immune system is lowered.

"Abreva" is a great cream to help you get rid of the sore.
Nothing to worry about you have not caught any infections you just gurned your face off and had a beautiful time.
Unfortunatly this happens to me all the time and i'm dealing with the same issue at the moment. Gum and candy really doesn't help much because you are still moving your mouth around way more than usual. I always notice it starting to hurt near the end of comedown and not during the thick of it (because everything is so jolly good at that time), so there is no way to avoid it. Using peroxide or salt water mouth wash really helps "dry" them up so they heal faster. Its just an unfortunate side effect. It also sounds like your day after blues are making you paranoid. Go for a walk/run and eat a good meal. Your body needs it to bounce back. <3
just did molly last night for the 1st time... woke up and my lips have been swollen and puffy since I woke up I noticed I was chewing on my cheeks and lips while I was rolling just didnt stop obviously! Had a fucking fantastic experience other wise!
For me this happens for two reasons, one my lips and mouth dry out pretty bad on MDMA, and two sometimes I chew on my lips and don't realize it.
Likely the latter, try a magnesium tablet before your next roll.