
I drink around 4l of water a day maybe more, well if you count milk and whatnot..

Think I will stick to 10mg week one and see how that goes, really looking forward to it, thinking about it maybe taking 20mg in 1 dose first time was a bit daft. Wish these came in 5mg tabs...

See how 10mg treats you. After a week and a half if you think you need to, up the dose. 20mg is what both pros and amateurs run. Sometimes the more experienced bump it up to 30mg but anything higher than that is pointless because the side effects outweigh the benefits greatly at 30mg+.
^^nothing beats h withdrawals really lol. How long does it take for the hypo feeling to go away once carbs are ingested? Just curious.

When I start to go hypo I feel dizzy, light headed, and sweaty. At that point I haul ass to get some orange soda a few pieces of candy or some glucose tabs into me and in about 7-10 minutes I feel back to normal.
See how 10mg treats you. After a week and a half if you think you need to, up the dose. 20mg is what both pros and amateurs run. Sometimes the more experienced bump it up to 30mg but anything higher than that is pointless because the side effects outweigh the benefits greatly at 30mg+.

I took 10mg pwo on Friday, felt much better, very good pump and a desire to destroy shit, I wanted to lift as much weight and for as many reps as I could, stayed away from the bench press as I feel that that could have inspired me to lift more than I normally do and do myself damage lifted 2.5kg heavier on incline dumbell each arm then went looking for then next one up but it jumped up 5kg each weight instead of 2.5 so left it at that...

I feel really tired since then and also for a few days after the last time, how do I combat the tiredness? Glucose or some sort of sugar?
^^definitely. I kept carbs high on dmz and felt much better. A combo of fast acting and slower carbs did wonders.
I took 10mg pwo on Friday, felt much better, very good pump and a desire to destroy shit, I wanted to lift as much weight and for as many reps as I could, stayed away from the bench press as I feel that that could have inspired me to lift more than I normally do and do myself damage lifted 2.5kg heavier on incline dumbell each arm then went looking for then next one up but it jumped up 5kg each weight instead of 2.5 so left it at that...

I feel really tired since then and also for a few days after the last time, how do I combat the tiredness? Glucose or some sort of sugar?

Yeah. You got to keep the carbs coming in with Superdrol. The stuff has tendency to take any gluclose in the blood and drive it into the muscles, leaving you with low blood sugar. That coupled with the fatigue it causes due to it's hepatoxicity makes for a real tired feeling.

If I don't eat enough carbs on Superdrol I end up going hypoglycemic.
Duly noted.

Normally taking in 30gms maltodextrin pwo, but will increase to 60 pwo and 60 after. Then lots of pineapple juice and sweet potatoes throughout the day :)

I'll def try a few days at 10mg, but I've got a feeling that 20mg is going to be right for me.
So its more to do with simple sugars like fructose or glucose than starchy foods? Or should I increase pasta intake too
I needed both sources to keep hypo away all day. Though I gotta say fullness in muscle was retarded.
Was that with the dmz? Anybody got any input on tendon pain, my connective tissue is fucking retardedly painful on Superdrol, started taking creating 5g per day and even more water than the ridiculous amount I was already drinking, gonna give it another go soon because I liked what I seen in the short period of time I was on...

I nearly paid 7 quid earlier for something from a health store because it was called easy joint, I'm a lazy Fuck it was there and handy I refrained from buying though
Was that with the dmz? Anybody got any input on tendon pain, my connective tissue is fucking retardedly painful on Superdrol, started taking creating 5g per day and even more water than the ridiculous amount I was already drinking, gonna give it another go soon because I liked what I seen in the short period of time I was on...

I nearly paid 7 quid earlier for something from a health store because it was called easy joint, I'm a lazy Fuck it was there and handy I refrained from buying though

Yes. Superdrol can bother joints like a lot of steroids with anti-estrogen effects do. It is Dronostolone (Masteron) with a 17a group, which drastically changes it's properties of course, but it still retains an anti-estrogen effect like Masteron does, except it isn't as powerful. Some people are more prone to being sensitive than other people to the side effects of steroids with anti-estrogen properties so they experience joint pain.
What do I do in regards to that then would increasing my test dose help possibibly due to more e2 conversion
What do I do in regards to that then would increasing my test dose help possibly due to more e2 conversion

Reduce the problem, which is the Superdrol....
Its my belief Masteron (being similar to Superdrol) was designed as a breast cancer drug to bind the Estrogen receptor, I can't find anything to suggest it acts as an AI..? Therefore increasing estrogen via aromatization may have limited effects... Can't find much info, Sorry..!!
Only taking 10mg doses in capsules so I can't take any less and it would be of no benefit at a lower dose, problem is, I really liked what I seen before my connective tissue gave up on me so I want to give it a good run.

I'm taking omega 3 and creatine to try and help so I'll see how that goes. I thought the deca would have prevented this...
Should have went eq like me :p no connective tissue stress and crazy veins everywhere.
Reduce the problem, which is the Superdrol....
Its my belief Masteron (being similar to Superdrol) was designed as a breast cancer drug to bind the Estrogen receptor, I can't find anything to suggest it acts as an AI..? Therefore increasing estrogen via aromatization may have limited effects... Can't find much info, Sorry..!!

Superdrol was originally developed to fight breast cancer because a pill is always preferable to a an injection in the pharmaceutical business to to easy administration and easy marketability. Unfortunately due to the anabolic effect and hepatoxicity, it was scrapped as a potential pharmaceutical. From Superdrol esearchers developed Masteron to fight breast cancer and it was deemed suitable for human use.
Should have went eq like me :p no connective tissue stress and crazy veins everywhere.

I am looking forward to getting back on EQ this summer.

I love the shit out of that steroid. Steady quality gains as long as you have the patience.
I am looking forward to getting back on EQ this summer.

I love the shit out of that steroid. Steady quality gains as long as you have the patience.

Try front loading on double the normal dose for your first injection....
I'll try that to see if I get the alleged anxiety and limp dick, then jack up my test.

Been on almost 4 years with the odd cruise, never had the above symptoms... Would suggest 600mg/week minimum... 400mg is kind on the low side for Boldenone..