Another morning and I could still use four more hours of sleep. :|
Well, at least I have a good cup of coffee. :D
mmmm.....huh? wha?
*rubs sleep from eyes*
ewwww....i need to brush my teeth!
*brushes teeth*
oh, what a strange night of dreams that was....maybe i'll write a trip report about them.... :D
*dashes off to class*
bah.. shitty weekend followed by a sunday night with no sleep... up till 4am studying, and just got back from taking an exam at 9am. Fun@!
*curls up and dies*
good morning bl
:D :D :D
who's been up all night doing homework??
Yay for post-allnighter googlyness
:D :D :D
i've been awake since about midnight yesterday. and i have to work in 7 hours
please let me not be addicted to BL!!!!
oh no, i stayed up too late in the morning. slept through my alarm clock, and missed a day of work. i've only been there for a week and a half now. so naturally i tried to call in sick. my attempt to sound sick over the phone ended up sounding REALLY drugged and out of it.
damn you bluelight...(but hey, i've still come back for more...)
Starting a new day on four hours of sleep and some coffee.
It's not morning in the the Americas anymore. Everyone should be out drinking right now.
8:00 right now where i'm at.
i am tempted to sleep, but i have to search for apts. instead :(