Someone shoot me. I'm going to be up all night tonight.
dunno if i can be considered morning crew.. being that i always stop in real fast in the mornings..
i seem to be more of an afternoon, and late night poster moreso.
but anyway, good morning bl!
^^ *looks around all confus-ed like* hmm..
see what I mean.. here it is I have a break from class and its fuggin afternoon already. Oh well, it's still before noon on the West coast, that counts right?
happy afternoon BL!
Off ta work. Good Morning ALL.
what is today?
[ 24 October 2002: Message edited by: kubenzi ]
gooood morning... its after 11.. but still in tha AM... dani told me to post earlier when i woke up at 930 but i forgot lol.. so here i am :)
Ahhhh!!! The company I worked for just went under! HUGE lay off. :( stupid economy...
Looks like I won't be a member of the morning crew anymore.
Oh well...two weeks severence, payment for 9 days of leftover vacation time, and unemployment. Time to goof off for a week or two.
Livin the insomniac life!
Would someone please fucking give me some downers. Ambien? One of you freakybabys gotta have some Ambien!?
^^sorry babe... here's some scotch though....
NEway... i'm off to work. you kids don't wreck this place while i'm gone! and please get the dishes done?!
/kisses on forehead
I'm at work. And tired. With no coffee. But I got some lovin' last night so I don't care. :D
^^don't dry!! kubenzi put that in- we thought it as kind of a nice morning-ish song... :)