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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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Hello everyone nice to finally be a member ...as of now still trying to get the hang of things on here sometimes can get a bit complicated...anyways I posted yesterday about sub and Xanax and instead of making me happy and overall good mood it just made me pass out...been an opiate user for 10 years, imma healthy male & a veteran just some background info...been on subs for 3 years now...I was suggested to move down my mg from 8mg of sub to 2-4mg and i do IV ROA....I just did 4 mg and still feel pretty good and only have 3 Xanax left....usually both of what I take play off each other very well and my normal doE of footballs is right at 6....so what I'm asking is with 4mg of sub & 3mg of Xanax get me outta that passing out slump...I just wanna have an overall good mood and it last all day but I know Xanax has a short half life....I'm hoping I posted this in the right place, if not please forgive me....any feedback would be great...nice to meet u all and be a fellow member!
Tomorrow I'll give it a try and do 4mg of sub then do 3 footballs and see if I can get the overall sense of well being again ....talkative, niceness, the whole 9 yards lol I just hope 3 footballs does the trick i do them Sublingually ....snorting I've heard is just a waste and don't last long

Your welcome and just so you know you can't go from 8mgs to 4 and expect a high from it right away because your tolerance is at 8mgs still meaning you may even have some withdrawal symptoms if you cut it in half the way to do it is to taper down to the lower dose of 2mgs then once on that for a little while you should start to feel better along with some euphoria each dose and better pain relief. Just give it some time you won't be getting blasted or nothing today I'm afraid not with your tolerance the way it is.
Your welcome and just so you know you can't go from 8mgs to 4 and expect a high from it right away because your tolerance is at 8mgs still meaning you may even have some withdrawal symptoms if you cut it in half the way to do it is to taper down to the lower dose of 2mgs then once on that for a little while you should start to feel better along with some euphoria each dose and better pain relief. Just give it some time you won't be getting blasted or nothing today I'm afraid not with your tolerance the way it is.

Thanks sometimes my doses are all over the place sometimes I feel fine at a low dose then some days even 16mg i still feel like crap with the sweats...I also have a couple more 8mg saved up for a rainy day kinda ironic bc I live in NC and it's pouring lol anyways maybe it's all in my head or placebo effect...another thing I was trying to get at with the 4mg of sub plus 3mg of Xanax shouldn't that increase my euphoria....I'll either take them sublingual or just crush them and swallow the powder...I love that combo of them both just want my Xanax to last a good while if u catch my drift
I was put on 24mg/day subutex but only use 2mg/day now, dont know what to do with the rest of it

Keep it then stop your sub program and just use the ones you have at home instead of going to the pharmacy to pick it up every week. Its also good to have extra for those just in case moments. You could also tell your doctor to Lowe your dose to 2 mgs a day cause having 12 times what you need is a bit excessive lol. Don't try selling it on here if that's what your thinking no offence of that's not your intention we just get this a lot on Bluelight but it never works cause its against the rules and staff catch on quick.
I don't understand people who use over 4-8mg a day of bupe. Although I've never had a high tolerance to the drug, anything more than 8 seems like your not getting any higher at that point.
Seems like you stop getting high after 4 mgs with sublingual and 2mgs if your IVing it.
Thanks sometimes my doses are all over the place sometimes I feel fine at a low dose then some days even 16mg i still feel like crap with the sweats...I also have a couple more 8mg saved up for a rainy day kinda ironic bc I live in NC and it's pouring lol anyways maybe it's all in my head or placebo effect...another thing I was trying to get at with the 4mg of sub plus 3mg of Xanax shouldn't that increase my euphoria....I'll either take them sublingual or just crush them and swallow the powder...I love that combo of them both just want my Xanax to last a good while if u catch my drift

And I want to say you know IV use doesn't need nearly as much as your taking I get good highs from IVing 0.2-0.4mgs every 4-6 hours anymore than 2mgs IVed a day is wasteful and unnecessary. 8mgs IVed is the same as 20-24mgs sublingual since the Sublingual Bioavailability is only 30% and IV is always 100%. Also do you dose once a day? If you do I recommend going to dosing mabye 4 times a day since bupe doesn't have as long a half life when IVed and if you split your doses up you can use a lot less which in turn means a better high. And yes xanax will make the sub high better as you can probably already tell by taking it.
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Day 4 of being on 4 mg. i'm feeling ok actually. Quite calm to be fair n feeling my emotions a bit
More compared to when on a higher dose.

Evey ur down to 4mg now? Very nice ;)
I always read your posts and I know you were struggling for a bit there, great to hear :)

Sorry not sure I know you? Did you have a different ID as it says you've not long joined. Thanks for your kind thoughts yes I'm on 4mg. Something another BLer said to me on the phone suddenly came back to me other day he said "if you stop taking suboxone n get back into exercise it will be better for your mental health". Plus I thought that if I don't try now I'll never do it. I've been on suboxone for 15 months now.

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Lower doses of opiates made me clearer too - see above where I mentioned getting insane amounts of work done when I just had a buzz.

Problem was, eventually I stopped getting any effect from those lower doses. I would have to dose so high to feel any effects at all, that the effects I did feel were disastrous. I was always on the nod, wrecked a car and came close to wrecking another a few times, nodded out AT WORK multiple times, once in front of my boss even (I managed a restaurant, so I only saw my boss 1-2x/month). All of that with minimal euphoria. When I say I was dosing 500 mg oxy a day, that was at once. 99% of the time, I only dosed once a day (all I could afford). I don't know if you have oxycodone over there, but it's a big habit, when I switched to heroin sometimes, I did 3-4 bundles (grams) a day, of powder heroin sniffed.

So, now that I'm on suboxone, a and have tapered down considerably, I do feel clearer. I think it's because I am ultimately taking less opiate than I am used to. For you, coming off codeine (which also has a ceiling), you're taking more opiate than you're used to. Anytime I did that, I felt fuzzy or foggy.

I don't want to speak for Trainspotter, but I think that's where he's at too.

As you keep tapering, you will most likely feel clearer. We both dose lower than you, as well. I was stuck at 4-6 mg for ages, but finally got past it. Although when using nasally, the BA is a little higher, so the ~1 mg I use daily is more like ~1.5 sublingual.

I don't mean to try to turn everyone on to nasal use, it's not always the best idea for everyone, but to me, it beats the hell out of IVing when I have never shot in the past, and is faster than dosing sublingual, with a faster onset and without most of the awful taste. Another thing I like is that the duration is still long, but just a little shorter, so by the next morning, I can usually feel my dose.

That makes a lot of sense. And probably why I messed my masters up (lack of passion n difficulty concentrating). I've never dosed nasal, wouldn't even know how to.

Edit. I don't agree on IVing bupe 4 times a day as you're likely to
Mess you're veins up. Why would you
Need to do that when you can sublimely dose once n have done for the rest of the day.

The whole point in suboxone maintenance is to try n stop addictive behaviours.

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Anyone ever take any kind of blood pressure medication to add to the effect of Bupe/Sub? Like Losartan?? I'm thinking Clonidine probably potentiates it like it does Methadone...? (I'm on Sub Maint.) 8mg/day
And I want to say you know IV use doesn't need nearly as much as your taking I get good highs from IVing 0.2-0.4mgs every 4-6 hours anymore than 2mgs IVed a day is wasteful and unnecessary. 8mgs IVed is the same as 20-24mgs sublingual since the Sublingual Bioavailability is only 30% and IV is always 100%. Also do you dose once a day? If you do I recommend going to dosing mabye 4 times a day since bupe doesn't have as long a half life when IVed and if you split your doses up you can use a lot less which in turn means a better high. And yes xanax will make the sub high better as you can probably already tell by taking it.

Agreed. I actually cringed when I read that he was IVing 8mg a day. If you are going the IV route then I wouldn't do more than 0m5mg per shot, and no more than 4 shots a day. You really don't feel more after that, and I bet that he can transition to that pretty easily as he's been wasting a lot of the bupe anyway due to the ceiling dose.
Hello everyone nice to finally be a member ...as of now still trying to get the hang of things on here sometimes can get a bit complicated...anyways I posted yesterday about sub and Xanax and instead of making me happy and overall good mood it just made me pass out...been an opiate user for 10 years, imma healthy male & a veteran just some background info...been on subs for 3 years now...I was suggested to move down my mg from 8mg of sub to 2-4mg and i do IV ROA....I just did 4 mg and still feel pretty good and only have 3 Xanax left....usually both of what I take play off each other very well and my normal doE of footballs is right at 6....so what I'm asking is with 4mg of sub & 3mg of Xanax get me outta that passing out slump...I just wanna have an overall good mood and it last all day but I know Xanax has a short half life....I'm hoping I posted this in the right place, if not please forgive me....any feedback would be great...nice to meet u all and be a fellow member!

Try either less of both (definitely less of the suboxone) and maybe take it a little later in the day when you are fully awake. I was prescribed suboxone and xanax a while back and was fine on it for a while but then I had an early class at college abd would take them both and couldn't stay awake after it. The professor actually called me out on it saying I always seemed to be falling asleep during his class, but that was the last month of me being on subs so the problem was over after that.

Anyone ever take any kind of blood pressure medication to add to the effect of Bupe/Sub? Like Losartan?? I'm thinking Clonidine probably potentiates it like it does Methadone...? (I'm on Sub Maint.) 8mg/day

I don't consider that potentiating it as it's not making it feel more euphoric. I just feel more tired and unable to fully think after taking clonidine so it's definitely not something I enjoy taking, and I feel like it takes away from an opiate high so wouldn't take them together again.

Save those types of meds for when you are kicking opiates or for a stimulant comedown. I find them to be excellent for kicking opiates so just save them for that.
Agreed. I actually cringed when I read that he was IVing 8mg a day. If you are going the IV route then I wouldn't do more than 0m5mg per shot, and no more than 4 shots a day. You really don't feel more after that, and I bet that he can transition to that pretty easily as he's been wasting a lot of the bupe anyway due to the ceiling dose.

What does he mean by. 'Footballs' please? I've never heard that term before.

That's interesting about IV. I never knew. Can't suboxone mess up your veins though? I've heard a few people say they're veins went really hard after a while of IVing it.

I apparently never posted my last post, and when I just opened this back up my phone lost it.

Seems like I've missed a lot the past few days...

All I can conclude is by footballs, he means the Xanax?

I used oxy on Thursday, and when I finally took bupe again it had been about 40 hours since using oxy and about 80 hours since my last bupe dose... and I wasn't sick. I'm kind of mad at myself for even taking the bupe, but although I did not have acute wd symptoms, I had no energy whatsoever... I have seen other people on here who barely had any acute wd symptoms after discontinuing bupe before though, and I wonder if I'm at that point?

Congrats Evey on making it down to 4... 6 to 4 was actually my hardest jump and I'm on around 1 mg now... Once I got below 4 it was easier for me. I think my tolerance started lowering after that. Most pool say their ceiling was 4 mg, but I think mine was 6 for sure, as when I was taking 6, I could feel a difference between 4 and 6, and a big one at that. I wonder if it's because my tolerance was higher?

Also, Evey, I don't know if you misread something, but I've still never shot anything, although continuing nasal use probably isn't the best idea when looking at it from the standpoint of continuing addictive behaviors... I guess it's kind of silly too, making a nasal spray to administer a substance that doesn't get me high...

My tolerance is very low now tho... I dosed 120 mg oxy OP twice on Thursday, the first time was perfect, but the second time maybe 7 hrs later, I was too high... Couldn't control the nod for a while... My friend with the script barely ever takes them and is pretty much opiate naive and could probably handle it better.

through out the day on monday i took 8mg subutex. my usual dose is 2mg daily (which i've been taking for about 2-3 months). i know there's a waiting period between when you can use a full agonist opiate and have it not be blocked by the bupe's affinity for the receptors, but here's my question. i (of course, like an impatient idiot) tried taking 60mg oxy last night (felt absolutely nothing). so my question is how much longer should i wait before taking anymore, and is the oxy in my system from last night keeping me from feeling shitty/progressing into withdrawal this morning?

The post my phone deleted was for you... And from what I can tell you never got a response? Anyways, what was your tolerance like beforehand? If you read above, I take ~1 mg bupe/day, and took a whole day off bupe, then dosed the next afternoon and had to take 120 mg (of the OP, but broken up). Even with IR oxy, I'd guess my tolerance is probably AT LEAST 60 mg, probably more like 75-90. There are two things going on here - first is bupe's blockade effect, but that's not too great unless you're over 4-8 mg a day, and for me, even at 16 mg, I could shoot through with oral oxy (but a lot of it, like 500 mg - dangerous). The second thing though, is tolerance. Even on 2 mg of bupe, I'd say your tolerance is probably being held above 60 mg of oxy, especially if you had a big tolerance beforehand. You're either going to need more oxy, which can be dangerous, or more time. From what I can tell, most people don't find it worth it to mess around while on bupe maint for these reasons, I'm kind of a rarity, and even I only do it once a month, and if I was paying street prices, probably wouldn't bother anymore, but I pay like a third or less of what the shit goes for on the street.

TL;DR, Tolerance is ultimately more of an issue than the bupe blockade.
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I am on my third day at 1 mg of suboxone from a 8-24 mg a day habit... I was prescribed 12 mg. I stayed at the 1.5 mg dose of suboxone for about 2 weeks. I am only on day 3 of 1 mg but was thinking about lowering my dose again at day 7... Is that enough time to stabilize my dose and what should I taper down to? I wanted to drop it to about .5mg but am not sure if .75mg is more appropriate...

A week is a good amount of time to stabilize before dropping again, it allows enough time for the half lives from previous doses to eliminated. Other than that, I would listen to your body. If you don't feel stabilized yet, I wouldn't rush. Are you in a hurry for some reason? If not, I would make sure you feel comfortable after all drops before dropping again. As far as jumping off, once again, slow and steady is your best bet. I have not jumped yet, not even sure if I will, but from what I have read, those who have dropped to like .25 or even .125 and then started skipping days between doses have had the best results.
I am on my third day at 1 mg of suboxone from a 8-24 mg a day habit... I was prescribed 12 mg. I stayed at the 1.5 mg dose of suboxone for about 2 weeks. I am only on day 3 of 1 mg but was thinking about lowering my dose again at day 7... Is that enough time to stabilize my dose and what should I taper down to? I wanted to drop it to about .5mg but am not sure if .75mg is more appropriate...

Instead of lowering your dose now, you can space it out more. I've found that I can make it 48 hours between doses pretty easily, and by doing that you will have an easier time lowering the dose when you decide to do that since after a few days you're going to feel better from the smallest dose making it easier to get down lower.
What does he mean by. 'Footballs' please? I've never heard that term before.

That's interesting about IV. I never knew. Can't suboxone mess up your veins though? I've heard a few people say they're veins went really hard after a while of IVing it.


Nothing is good to IV but he's gonna do it anyway so we try to teach harm reduction instead of just saying don't do it cause that doesn't help matters any. I never told him to start IVing the stuff he says that's the only way he will do it. Proper precautions must be taken such as micron filters and fresh pins every day to keep the damage to a minimum.

It doesn't help matters to tell the guy its bad and not to do it if that worked we would have no drug addicts cause they obviously don't care about the harms their drug is doing to their body when they are addicted.
That makes a lot of sense. And probably why I messed my masters up (lack of passion n difficulty concentrating). I've never dosed nasal, wouldn't even know how to.

Edit. I don't agree on IVing bupe 4 times a day as you're likely to
Mess you're veins up. Why would you
Need to do that when you can sublimely dose once n have done for the rest of the day.

The whole point in suboxone maintenance is to try n stop addictive behaviours.


Do you think that's gonna stop him? IIVing small doses a few times a day is better than taking one massive dose via injection trying to make it last longer cause the half life is shortened a lot when injected and of course it would be better to take it sublingually but he wants to IV the stuff so what can we do its his body his choice so we try to teach him proper HR. He likes the feeling he gets from the needle something you can never understand until you have done it yourself.
I'm not an idiot telling him something so he can harm himself I'm trying to help him cause I have experience with the subject of IV drugs.
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