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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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Okay then follow his instructions for getting down to 2, (like I said, it's pretty easy to get down to that dose and there are a lot of ways to do it) and then when you get to 2mg's, start tapering on your own. I'm not surprised to hear about those people struggling when they hop off at that high a dose. Doctors really need to realize that it would be way better for patients and their chances of success would be a lot higher if they came off at a lower dose.

As far as a rate to taper at after 2mg's, I recommend coming down .25 a week. That'll make for a pretty smooth and painless transition. If you're still feeling withdrawals at those drops, try it every 2 weeks.

Thanks for the reply, I've managed to get down to 10 and feel pretty much fine, so I'll carry on with this dose for a while. I think 8 mg is where I may begin to find it get more difficult, based on past experience.

The tablets I'll be saving by reducing will be used for when I reach .25, I'll cut the 2's into quarters, and take the reduction slowly. So, when I do finally drop I'll be using your plan, so much appreciated.
Those in UK-If u can get onto Subutex or generic equivalent, (less bitter tasting,) it comes in 0.4 making it easier to taper.

You must be talking about Temgesic - the smallest Suboxone tablet is 2 mg. I thought Temgesic was extinct, but I've heard of other UK posters using it. It's what they used in hospitals as a morphine alternative ages ago, don't know if they still do, though.

I did ask for Temgesic, but my treatment provider said they only prescribe Suboxone. Maybe you could get this in private treatment, I guess. I was offered britlofex for when I get ill, I'm not sure how effective it is, though.
kinda sad to be on day ONE since my last use. oh well. I never really took XXX amount of months, days, years, etc, seriously. People need to take what they do and be proud; mistakes or not, dont let them get you down, just get RIGHT BACK UP to where you were 2 DAYS AGO and there you, a BEAST again who has no worries, right?

well, thats what I felt like today. I stuck w/ 4MG subox and since then has taken nothing. I took a 10MG Diazapam to chill out and sleep till I wake up and go back to taking 8MG daily. maybe in a few weeks I'll give 6 or 7MG a shot again and see what works. I am FAR, FAR ahead of what my Dr. thinks so I am in NO WORRIES at all.
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all feels good after my 4MG sub dosage after using a gram about 12 or so hours ago. sad that I went 5 months and used but oh well; I was never truly "sober" but def. sober away from DOPE and will continue to be after last nights slip up.. cuz thats ALL IT WAS.. A SLIP UP! plus, I sniffed.. so come on!? does that count? ha. im joking, im joking, relax.

Falling down is not that bad. It's not getting back up that's bad, and since you got back up after falling down just keep moving forward.

kinda say to be on day ONE since my last use. oh well. I never really took XXX amount of months, days, years, etc, seriously. People need to take what they do and be proud; mistakes or not, dont let them get you down, just get RIGHT BACK UP to where you were 2 DAYS AGO and there you, a BEAST again who has no worries, right?

well, thats what I felt like today. I stuck w/ 4MG subox and since then has taken nothing. I took a 10MG Diazapam to chill out and sleep till I wake up and go back to taking 8MG daily. maybe in a few weeks I'll give 6 or 7MG a shot again and see what works. I am FAR, FAR ahead of what my Dr. thinks so I am in NO WORRIES at all.

Did you take any Valium the day you relapsed? The reason I ask is because benzos are known to cause drug seeking behavior and can cause the 'fuck it' effect which can lead to you using at times when you would otherwise not consider using. Whether you took it that day or not, be aware that Valium can have that effect so don't take it when you may be vulnerable to relapse.
Falling down is not that bad. It's not getting back up that's bad, and since you got back up after falling down just keep moving forward.

Did you take any Valium the day you relapsed? The reason I ask is because benzos are known to cause drug seeking behavior and can cause the 'fuck it' effect which can lead to you using at times when you would otherwise not consider using. Whether you took it that day or not, be aware that Valium can have that effect so don't take it when you may be vulnerable to relapse.

Took Valium today since I only took 4MG bupe; still feel FINE. I have a full 10MG Valium to put me to bed and once I get up ill be back on 8MG bupe again. I just want to play this the RIGHT way. not having ANY trouble right now w/ cravings or much. plus its 12AM so ill be getting up in 9hrs ready to suck on a wonder bupe again, ha.

as I just said, this was PROBABLY BETTER that it didnt exactly go how IT USUALLY WENT WHEN I WAS USING. this was a whole new way to go about it. got from my EX dealers EX GF. also, went and met a new spots, and new things. lastly, the girl wanted me to get in the car with her to go through our bags, who got what, and do it all together. kinda weird. but maybe it was her BEING NICE for NOT letting me shoot; although, she did already call me today as if I SHOULD want more, ha.
kinda say to be on day ONE since my last use. oh well. I never really took XXX amount of months, days, years, etc, seriously. People need to take what they do and be proud; mistakes or not, dont let them get you down, just get RIGHT BACK UP to where you were 2 DAYS AGO and there you, a BEAST again who has no worries, right?

well, thats what I felt like today. I stuck w/ 4MG subox and since then has taken nothing. I took a 10MG Diazapam to chill out and sleep till I wake up and go back to taking 8MG daily. maybe in a few weeks I'll give 6 or 7MG a shot again and see what works. I am FAR, FAR ahead of what my Dr. thinks so I am in NO WORRIES at all.

Yeah, man don't get too hung up in the numbers.. meaning the whole "sober for x amount of days/months, etc". One day at a time. It's all about if you're sober right now. Relapsing doesn't mean all your hard work and clean time was for nothing.

It's part of the process and you just have to pick up where you left off. Most importantly, you have to figure out what it was that made the relapse happen, and not just situation wise like it was in front of you.. but, more why did you internally decide to do it, on a deeper level. That's what you need to understand to prevent it from happening again.
Yeah, man don't get too hung up in the numbers.. meaning the whole "sober for x amount of days/months, etc". One day at a time. It's all about if you're sober right now. Relapsing doesn't mean all your hard work and clean time was for nothing.

It's part of the process and you just have to pick up where you left off. Most importantly, you have to figure out what it was that made the relapse happen, and not just situation wise like it was in front of you.. but, more why did you internally decide to do it, on a deeper level. That's what you need to understand to prevent it from happening again.

could not agree w/ you more, man. I will NEVER understand those who have been sober for a good amount of time and ONE RELAPSE makes them feel so down in out. thats ONE DAY out of 5 MONTHS! come on, dude... you can continue to be that man! maybe it was just a bad situation that came up. make it was something unexpected. 2 things that were me 2 days AGO but that worries me not even the slightest because I KNOW I want to be get clean and on the RIGHT PATH; esp since I bought a new car, new job, new apartment, new everything.. plus, money in the bank. I CANNOT go wrong; it was funny going to the bank last night and grabbing the cash to buy my gram; usually I'd press the button and be so down and out cuz I knew I had NOTHING or over-drafting, but that night I went to the ATM KNOWING I had money; it was kinda nice.. but NOT in that drug way, ya know!?

Yeah I know what you mean. It's a very different feeling when you use after you've already been in a cycle of copping and addiction, compared to when you've been clean, have money, aren't all sick and nasty, and go buy some dope.

But, that's good. Sounds like the relapse just reinforced your desire to be clean and in my eyes that's a good thing then.

Keep it up, man.
Hey Boston...I've been there too. It's the old "I've been SO good I deserve a treat". And it's always a letdown and not as good as you hoped it would be. Lesson learned..
I'm not sure the amount of sub has anything to do with it. I still had cravings to get high when I was on high dose sub.
But I'm glad your back in control. It's a slip..it happens. I used to relapse so much it was just expected over at SS. At least you just slipped..and caught yourself. But realize you might not be so lucky next time.
So I'm glad you hear your back on board...
been good since. smoked weed and ended up taking adderall at my good friends brother bach party.

I ended up having about 3-5 beers and a few mai tais all night which was 5-1230. also bought 4 adderall that were 10/ea. they were the 20MG ones; he told me to take 40 right away; I usually only take 10MG; the 20MG made me sweat; hated it. so, like a true junkie moron, I took the other 40MG and stayed up all night. I was SOBER as a MOFO but just COULD NOT SLEEP! felt fin, no nothing, just could not sleep. so I should sleep VERY nice tonight.

no worries about dope or anything from that slip up; doesnt worry me. it is EXACTLY what i call it.. a SLIP-UP! still sober in my eyes.
Brown like I said in PM I was worried about you but having read all you've wrote here seems like you've got the right attitude n the blip has reinforced your desire to get clean. Relieved now. Keep going. Mr.scag is right it's all part of the process. So often people will relapse n think all their hard work has been lost then will throw in the towel but that's not necessarily so.
But as Mr.scag you really do need to get to the bottom of why you use n this is what I was trying to get at yesterday in my reply to your blog.
While on the bupe work through why you use n please don't feel in such a rush to come off bupe (of course I can only advise you re this) but recovery is not a race.

In my opinion, I feel that there is a lot of stigma around being on suboxone by anti-sub people n people feel that they have to rush off it rather than using it as a tool to work through the recovery without the intense cravings getting in the way.

For what it's worth I think you're doing amazing, 5 months is something to be proud of n you're attitude is I've fallen off the horse, so what I'll get back on its back n finish the journey. I love how you are looking at positive things like having more money n the different feeling towards the money than when you were on dope. Also another good thing to be proud of is your honest n that's a good sign that you truly want this.

Keep going, rooting for you.

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I agree, dude. but remember me saying I was dropping my dosage, etc. and I was playing with 6MG now and prior was 16MG w/ a slow move to 12MG and then quick to 8MG and 6MG. I shook myself down too fast. Today I woke up in shame but it is what it is. I'll be going back to 8MG bupe until I feel I am ready again to move down the extra 2MG.

Weird, too.. cuz what if I didnt see her at the gas station? ya know!? out of all people/things to see at a gas station. but I am sure my other Boston peeps on here who know Lynn know how it goes. ha. I WISH I HAD GAS! fuck!

Funny how you are blaming on dropping down 2mg on bupe for snorting a gram of heroin. You should take responsibility for your own actions instead of justifying you using based on your "idea" of bupe.
You really dont make much sense; you dont know me from a hole in the wall, ha. but I do appreciate the support.

I hope I dont 'worry" many on this board since I dont know ANYONE and thats what makes it that much easier to be open and honest to w/ my addiction.

all has been good since dope day. back to 8MG and will try 6 again in a few weeks.
Funny how you are blaming on dropping down 2mg on bupe for snorting a gram of heroin. You should take responsibility for your own actions instead of justifying you using based on your "idea" of bupe.

Brutus, let me ask you something, dude!? do you have ANY CLUE who I am? Do you SEE HOW I TALK ON HERE!? do you think I am NOT SERIOUS in what I am saying or doing? did my life change a complete 180 in the last 5 months and thats w/ the relapse a few days ago. should I cry and let what happen hurt me and change my life back to the shitbag it once was?

lastly, if you want to read more and more; try reading where I said "I prob would have bought just seeing her random at the station like that". maybe then, Brutus, you wouldnt sound like the genius that you are.

but yes, I also think going from 12MG to 6MG in less than a month is a large drop; makes you have 2nd thoughts. I was confident and fucked up. I was upfront about it; cant do much more.
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Funny how you are blaming on dropping down 2mg on bupe for snorting a gram of heroin. You should take responsibility for your own actions instead of justifying you using based on your "idea" of bupe.

Sorry this was me saying that to Brown. He has been taking responsibility for his actions. It was in fact, ME, who has been implying to Brown that down-dosing from bupe too fast, as oppose to taking his time in using it as a tool while working through the reason he uses dope, may have been the cause.

Brown I worry about a LOT of people not just you n I don't make sense to a lot of people haha. I didn't worry in a major way so please don't freak just in a caring way as I would for anyone else in a similar position who I had been talking to. No biggie honestly
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^ Yea, he definitely said it as seen below.

Sorry this was me saying that to Brown. He has been taking responsibility for his actions. It was in fact, ME, who has been implying to Brown that down-dosing from bupe too fast, as oppose to taking his time in using it as a tool while working through the reason he uses dope, may have been the cause.

See below quote

I agree, dude. but remember me saying I was dropping my dosage, etc. and I was playing with 6MG now and prior was 16MG w/ a slow move to 12MG and then quick to 8MG and 6MG. I shook myself down too fast. Today I woke up in shame but it is what it is. I'll be going back to 8MG bupe until I feel I am ready again to move down the extra 2MG.

Brutus, let me ask you something, dude!? do you have ANY CLUE who I am? Do you SEE HOW I TALK ON HERE!? do you think I am NOT SERIOUS in what I am saying or doing? did my life change a complete 180 in the last 5 months and thats w/ the relapse a few days ago. should I cry and let what happen hurt me and change my life back to the shitbag it once was?

lastly, if you want to read more and more; try reading where I said "I prob would have bought just seeing her random at the station like that". maybe that, Brutus, you wouldnt sound like the genius that you are.

but yes, I also think going from 12MG to 6MG in less than a month is a large drop; makes you have 2nd thoughts. I was confident and fucked up. I was upfront about it; cant do much more.

Don't always look for the negative meaning of a post. Mr.Scagnattie had been saying how you need to figure out the deeper reason for your relapse, and what I took from Brutus' post was that you wouldn't be finding the deeper reason if you just chalked it up to dropping your dose 2mg.
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Sorry Tommy I was just saying that I may at fault for suggesting that bupe was the cause as I suggested this to him when commenting to his blog but I also said the same thing as Mr.scagnattie. Unless he works through things the suboxone will just be a pause for the addiction as a tool in aiding overcoming that addiction. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my msg to Brown.
lol. I appreciate you peeps worrying about the lapse but there are no worries; we can say/blame/think whatever we want; however, the reality is that it has already happened, and the best thing to do is to put it in the past and move on. I fucked up when? Friday!? Or Thursday? I THINK Thursday but either way I didnt touch since, so all is good.

the 2MG drop may have NOT been the reasoning, but how about the 6MG drop in less than a month? you dont think that plays a part? thats why I put myself back on 8MG for now and feeling normal as usual. ill make the switch back to switch shortly but in no rush (pain in the ass to cut pills for 6MG scripting). I'd like to get down to 4MG so I can just cut in half from here on out but I'll wait on that since a BAD thing happened last week.

and broski's, dont play the "deep-down" game w/ me. none of you know me from a hole in the wall, and that goes for me knowing you, as well. deep-down I have a MILLION and ONE problems; without a doubt. but I honestly dont view life like that. I just live day by day (not trying to be a NA/AA guy here) and it's something I've always thought of as of late. day by day! enough of thinking of the future, how many years till XYZ, if I should be married by XYZ, if I should have kids by XYZ, if my "slip" will cause permanent damage to my rehabilitation, etc. none of this shit worries me. I am a confident person who has made MANY mistakes in life but always put himself back on top after slipping. it has happened many times, many ways, even aside from drugs. I am trying to change ME, as a person, not just as an addict.

so, please no worries here.

Eveleivibe - chill out a bit; you worry too much about things there are no need to worry about. worry about YOURSELF and what YOU are doing; everything will be fine but put yourself and your kids first, not what/who on BlueLight is doing. appreciate the love/insight/thoughts, but trust me, no need. gotta worry about yourself in this game, not others who you dont know.
Ok point taken Brown :)
As you say we don't know you from a hole in the wall lol
Can I ask you though - why the rush to down dose suboxone? When you yourself said that the suboxone is helping.
Why not get stable on it (stay on the same dose over a period of time) n n then taper?
What are you doing to work through all this?
It's not a thing of "putting myself first" I come to Bluelight to help, support or listen to anyone in any way I can. I put myself first don't about that.
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