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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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Don't know if this is a 'legal' question, but does anyone know if it's possible to see two sub dr's in the US? I recentLy ran out and was in the misery we all know. So I want to stockpile a few months by seeing two dr''s. my primary will not increase me so I was thinking of going to another dr and double up. Will not use insurance. Just cash. Still cheaper than the dope habit and would sell all my shit not to be sick. Same question for pharmacies. Do Drs and pharm's check databases or have a system to check for this? Would suck to get caught and then cut off. Would have to go back to shooting dope, which I don't want.
I also would like to ask for advice tapering but guess I should read through the past 20000 posts first. If anyone knows of good posts about tapering, please let me know.
Mucho gracias

Prescription monitoring Is almost everywhere in the states except Florida I think it is and even then its stupid to do so with sub's. Why not just find a new doc then get him to raise your dose to double what you need and start stockpiling on the new doctor. No need to doctor shop that's dumb unless you want to get caught
Don't know if this is a 'legal' question, but does anyone know if it's possible to see two sub dr's in the US? I recentLy ran out and was in the misery we all know. So I want to stockpile a few months by seeing two dr''s. my primary will not increase me so I was thinking of going to another dr and double up. Will not use insurance. Just cash. Still cheaper than the dope habit and would sell all my shit not to be sick. Same question for pharmacies. Do Drs and pharm's check databases or have a system to check for this? Would suck to get caught and then cut off. Would have to go back to shooting dope, which I don't want.
I also would like to ask for advice tapering but guess I should read through the past 20000 posts first. If anyone knows of good posts about tapering, please let me know.
Mucho gracias
I won't help you find ways to doctor shop as its impossible stupid, makes pain patients get looked at as junkies by doctors, and most important its against the bluelight rules like the above said but here's a few threads that may be useful to you :)


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Not that asking for info here on doctor shipping isnt dumb cause it is, but what isn't against the rules here lol. Seriously

Good to know it isn't just me that can't wait the full 24 hours. I've been doing 18-20 the past couple days, I took it at 1030 today so I'll just try hard to wait til at least 8 tm morn
Not that asking for info here on doctor shipping isnt dumb cause it is, but what isn't against the rules here lol. Seriously

Good to know it isn't just me that can't wait the full 24 hours. I've been doing 18-20 the past couple days, I took it at 1030 today so I'll just try hard to wait til at least 8 tm morn

You can pretty much discuss anything you want here, as long as it's on topic, you're not being abusive and you're not trying to source drugs, doctor shop or ask for legal advice....It's really not all that difficult to figure out, especially if you click on the link for the BLUA in my signature, or in any of the other thousand places it appears on Bluelight...
Not that asking for info here on doctor shipping isnt dumb cause it is, but what isn't against the rules here lol. Seriously


Why don't you read them and find out..? There really aren't many and the ones there are are pretty self explanatory and simple..
Don't get offended, I was just joking around but I did notice the mods here love closing threads

We like closing threads that are against the rules.. hence part of our job title.. look at the first 2 pages of OD at any given moment.. for example right now there are 80 threads on combined 2 first pages.. out of those 80, only 9 closed threads... and that's actually higher than normal, because some days we get more threads against the rules then others. But the average, is for every 80 threads, about 5% are closed. That sound high to you...?

No offense taken, but maybe just do a little research on a given subject if you wish to speak about it like you know anything.
^lol, you wanna act like a straight dick, you're not gonna be posting in OD for long!
Not that asking for info here on doctor shipping isnt dumb cause it is, but what isn't against the rules here lol. Seriously

Good to know it isn't just me that can't wait the full 24 hours. I've been doing 18-20 the past couple days, I took it at 1030 today so I'll just try hard to wait til at least 8 tm morn

Hiya gotit4cheap,

Other Drugs is one of the busiest sub-forums on bluelight. And the mods here have a busy job to do. Remember that they are volunteers n are doing this job in their free time. Like us members, they agree to rules when they become mods like ensuring threads / posts are close that are against the rules.

It's nothing personal to you but if BL was seen to be letting members do certain things - the site could get in a load of trouble. And that would not be fair when so many people here receive help n support. Quite a large proportion of people have claimed that this site has save their life. That's how valuable the site is n how important that certain posts / threads which vcontain info breaking the rules, need to be removed.

I can understand why you feel the way you do. I had a few threads closed when I came here n got an attitude, thinking they were out to get me n on a power trip. HOWEVER, as time went by n I realised stuff, I started to realise that I was wrong in my thinking n why the mods here act how they do.

Other Drugs is a focus forum n tends to be a lot more tricker than other sub-forums n for obvious reasons it has to be that way. If you, currently, are rubbing off the wrong way with mods maybe try a less tricker sub-forum until you are more familiar with Bluelight n why the rules are as they are. You are new here n I'd hate to see you temp bannd / warned over anger when you may be able to give so much to Bluelight n become a valued member here.

I'm just a fellow Bluelighter so I hope you don't get upset over this. I'm just trying to look out for you cause that's that us members do here. Please think on what I'm saying n feel free to pm me anytime if you want any help with Bluelight. I've only been here 6 months myself but am still willing to help.

Mods: extremely sorry that my post was off- topic.

That's a great analogy. Nice one, Evey.

There's also a grammar error, so thanks for that haha no seriously I thought as I was typing - but it's true though. If you tried building a house with bricks alone - no malta or whatever - then it wouls smash into pieces. All that hard work would be for nothing. Same with suboxone/methadone or whatever. If you just take that but it just delays the addiction if you don't use other tools in order to keep that house sturdy n strong. Not everyone's tools are the same, of course but we need them b
And like the house - we can't act like the addiction never happened once we come off suboxone. If we didn't keep an ete on the house, fixing repairs n stuff, again, it would crumble. That's when we sort our after-care so don't end up relapsing.

Evey xxxx
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Anywho, get this thread back on topic.. when I take .25mg sublingually, my bodys really only taking in roughly half , correct? So technically my dose is really lower than what I am taking
Got like 4mg left in pill form. Should I just crush it up and rail ting buts every other morning till it's almost gone then hold off on the last bump I got in case I feel sick? I have been on and off and have used dope 3 times since jan. I've really only been steady for like 2 no the with 1-1.5 bundles used in that time. Taking 2-4 a day, lately just 2. I'm really hoping these couple 2mg sub strips come in the tommorrow so I can taper and know my exact dose and get down to .25 then that smoke and that helps. I think I should he ok regardless but I've taken a lot if sub since October and wanna make certain I'll be ok so my wirk performance stays good cuz I'm not worth much when w/d'ing.
I've just something incredibly brave or incredibly stupid n I know it's not a big thing to
Most here but it is to me.

I've just phoned my key worker n asked if I can reduce from 12 mg to 10 mg.

I know I wont notice nthing in terms of withdrawal I understand that. And I've been taking 10 mg sometimes even 8 mg but know that I can go to 12 mg if I want to

So ti actually phone them n ask to reduce is a big n scary thing for me to do.

My key worker said she will contact the doctor n have it changed as of next week.

I've asked if I can do this slowly as I'm frightened of going backwards but hopefully I won't. I'll get some volunteering n what-not to distract me, lots of volunteering n groups if I can find them.


PS: i am doing the right thing, am I???? I should start reducing now as I started subs May 23rd. So it is right, isn't it????
If you plan on quitting any time in the future, then that's a good move. 10mg vs. 12mg is a very very little difference though. I'm at 8mg a day and sometimes I've got only 4mg for the last two days of the week and I can feel no difference. Certainly, I would notice the difference if I took 4 mg for a few more days straight, but in my experience anything over 6mg just prolongs the duration and that's just about it, 6mg seems to be the right spot for me to survive 24 hours.

The problem is different here though. As you all know, you can't feel anything from re-dosing but a small short-lasting relief perhaps, and it seems to be quite a big problem for me when I've already taken my 8mg in the morning, and then someone makes me terribly nervous like 8 hours later, I feel a strong urge to re-dose. So I started taking ~2-4mg 3 times a day and it appears to work out better.

The policy in the US and countries with a similar system of insurances seems to be to keep patients at the highest possible dose, so they can't stop easily. Luckily, if you get a month's supply, then you just have to take a bigger dose once when you collect the pills. I'm myself planning to lower the dose on my own as I decreased my dose many times before at the program, and then I regretted it.
Thank you, adder, and good luck to you with coming off suboxone too.

Evey xxxx
I think you will be fine evey its not until you get under 2 that you start feeling symptoms. I went from 16 to 4mg in only a week and felt barely any symptoms.
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I've just something incredibly brave or incredibly stupid n I know it's not a big thing to
Most here but it is to me.

I've just phoned my key worker n asked if I can reduce from 12 mg to 10 mg.

I know I wont notice nthing in terms of withdrawal I understand that. And I've been taking 10 mg sometimes even 8 mg but know that I can go to 12 mg if I want to

So ti actually phone them n ask to reduce is a big n scary thing for me to do.

My key worker said she will contact the doctor n have it changed as of next week.

I've asked if I can do this slowly as I'm frightened of going backwards but hopefully I won't. I'll get some volunteering n what-not to distract me, lots of volunteering n groups if I can find them.


PS: i am doing the right thing, am I???? I should start reducing now as I started subs May 23rd. So it is right, isn't it????

I mean, if you wanna start tapering and eventually be off bupe, then go for it. Taper at your own pace. You're really not going to notice any change or have much difficulty until you start getting to around 2mg, and going lower from there.

But it sounds like you're doing the right thing. Keep coming down, stabilize, and come down again. No need to rush it though. Don't do until you're really ready ya know?
Anywho, get this thread back on topic.. when I take .25mg sublingually, my bodys really only taking in roughly half , correct? So technically my dose is really lower than what I am taking
actually it's about 1/3 I believe subligual. so yes
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