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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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She fucked it up already. Snorted a b &then bought another b & skin popped. She's not an iv user, just started 2 weeks ago. She can't shoot herself up yet & I was pissed so I sure as hell wasn't going to do it, so she skin popped. And is going to the sub Dr again tomorrow to give her another 24mgs. Mistake huh

Big mistake. That doctor is a complete idiot and hurting people more than helping if he's inducting with 24mg's. That's insane.

Either way, for the bupe to work, your friend cant use anymore. It's going to take a few days for it to start working and making her feel better, so she has to be patient. But, when it does kick in, she'll feel great.. it's just not going to be instantaneous, which is difficult for us drug addicts to deal with because we love our instant gratification. But recovery just doesn't work that way.
Yah I was on the phone w her until 2am. She had done 12 bags. I figured it could help short term(did NOT tell her this bc It'll hurt way more in the long-term. ) I kinda figured this because my boyfriend has been on subs. Long story short he had a huge tolerance & the subs weren't working. So he did a,bundle & it did help him, but he just ended up having to redo the whole thing because the of the dope. Mb he wasn't ready but he e definitely up doing it because I told him I'd be gone if he didn't get back on the subs. Ohhhhhh I was heated when he did that dope. Anyways like I said he did it & has not used anything (except some weed w me on weekends.) But the heroin stopped & it was causing huge problems for us. Sorry got off topic.
So back to my friend. She calls me @ 6:30am saying how she feels so much better. And I said Yah because u did dope. She says "no I didn't touch it." Because she bought 2bs & didn't do any after she talked to me at 2. But she did 12 bags while on the phone w me. So I'm like don't lie to yourself you did so u did 12bags. She's convinced herself the subs magically worked after she did 12bags. Oh how,we can lie to ourselves. So she's like I'm taking a sub(Dr's planning on upping to 4 tonight(32mgs) but she has 3 on her. So I said Katie u did dope fucking 6 hours ago. I can not tell u it's OK(I'm her go to person on drug related stuff because she knows I like reading about drugs & belong to bl & shit) to take a sub because I don't believe it to be true. Island MBA I'm wrong & the subs started working great after the dope? Could that be?
Best of luck.
The acute withdrawal of buprenorphine is awful. I remember how I got through it. I still have some peripheral effects like yawning and teary eyes. But I think I am mostly in the clear.

The best advice I can give is to have plenty of stuff to occupy yourself and your time. This will help so immensely.

I'm writing music, doing yoga just everything I can.

I feel so crappy I am trying not to just cave and go back.
Trying to keep my valium intake to a minimal too :/
Yah I was on the phone w her until 2am. She had done 12 bags. I figured it could help short term(did NOT tell her this bc It'll hurt way more in the long-term. ) I kinda figured this because my boyfriend has been on subs. Long story short he had a huge tolerance & the subs weren't working. So he did a,bundle & it did help him, but he just ended up having to redo the whole thing because the of the dope. Mb he wasn't ready but he e definitely up doing it because I told him I'd be gone if he didn't get back on the subs. Ohhhhhh I was heated when he did that dope. Anyways like I said he did it & has not used anything (except some weed w me on weekends.) But the heroin stopped & it was causing huge problems for us. Sorry got off topic.
So back to my friend. She calls me @ 6:30am saying how she feels so much better. And I said Yah because u did dope. She says "no I didn't touch it." Because she bought 2bs & didn't do any after she talked to me at 2. But she did 12 bags while on the phone w me. So I'm like don't lie to yourself you did so u did 12bags. She's convinced herself the subs magically worked after she did 12bags. Oh how,we can lie to ourselves. So she's like I'm taking a sub(Dr's planning on upping to 4 tonight(32mgs) but she has 3 on her. So I said Katie u did dope fucking 6 hours ago. I can not tell u it's OK(I'm her go to person on drug related stuff because she knows I like reading about drugs & belong to bl & shit) to take a sub because I don't believe it to be true. Island MBA I'm wrong & the subs started working great after the dope? Could that be?

If she took dope 6 hours ago and takes more sub now, she's going to get very very sick.

No offense, but your friend sounds like an idiot. Ha.
If she took dope 6 hours ago and takes more sub now, she's going to get very very sick.

No offense, but your friend sounds like an idiot. Ha.

lol Mr.Scag you're so straight :) Yea I agree, it's not a good idea to do heroin 6 hours because of, what's that word, preph (?) withdrawal. The buprenorphine will basically knock the Heroin straight out which causes the withdrawal n from what I've heard, it can be extremely horrible. She'll need to wait 24-36 hours. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong here, when it comes to H.

After I came off my opiate I took the suboxone n 2mg increments throughout the day n then took it as normal afterwards. But I waited 24 hours. She needs to be in moderate-severe withdrawal n if you Google the COWS scale, it tells about the different intensities of withdrawal that she can look at to give her a clue as to when it's best to start of on the Bupe but for goodness sake no H or she'll have to wait all over again.

Evey xxxx
I know I think she's an idiot to told her not to do it but did more dope right when I was writing that whole stupid ass long post for her. I Call her because she won't just take my word for it & I said I wrote the post, I'll probably get an answer soon. So she goes I couldn't wait & did the 8 bags. I'm like wtf I'm trying to help u (I've spent A lot of time on this, on the phone, everything & my boyfriend 's pissed at me because he doesn't like her that much in the 1st place & I've basically ignored him for the past 48 hours to try & be there as a friend but then she goes And does shit like that. I was like I spent a while writing that post, asking all my fellow BLer's & u just ignore what I say. If ur gonna do whatever u want anyways them don't make me waste my & other people's time who are nice enough to reply.) BBecause. I was up until 2 & woke up @ 5am I fell asleep from 10-215pm(like 1/2 hour ago.) So she's called my phone about 20 times(I shut the ringer off) & I Call back. She's already taken 2 subs & about to take the 3rd. I know it's weird but she didn't go into PC WDS but feels no better. So essentially she's gonna do whatever the fuck she wants & I'm wasting my time & everyone on here's time who answers me back. Yahoo I'm pissed. But I just want to say Thanks to whoever answered me back(especially. Mr. Scag ) & I will not waste your time anymore & I apologize.
8mg, then 4, then I stopped cold turkey.. possibly not my best plan...

Yahoo you probably should've tapered lower, I've heard & read that people will cut them into 12 peices. My boyfriend is trying to get off subs right now & it's a bitch. But you're 5 days out you took a tylenol 3(I think I'm from the US) so you've gone through the worst of it. If the sleep deprevation is really bothering u(I know it is) try a benzo. Might not be the best advice, don't get hooked but if u use them right they will help. I know they did for me(not subs but dope) & stay strong. Lean on your true friends & family & mb go to a mtg. I know it sounds weird but whenever I was really dope sick talking really helped. EXACTLY why I spent 8 hours on the phone w my friend. What's the saying "an idle mind is the devils playground. " I'm not religious at all but it rings true for addicts IMO. Good luck & stay strong girl! You can do it. And you'll be so proud when u do.��
Jeng1128 I completely agree with you in that talking helps withdrawals a lot. I remember one day I was pretty sick after not having my 80s I had been up for 2 days and all of the sudden I got a text at 2AM saying please pick up, and then my phone rang so I answered. It turned out one of my really good friends from another state was also withdrawing from pain killers as well. We ended up talking for hours and I didn't realize I was sick anymore. Anyways the first day on suboxone is the worst because you have to be sick before you can start taking it, what I did to get around this was taking clonidine which cures about 75% of the symptoms of WD. Then after 28 hours after my last does of opiates I start taking 1mg of sub every hour until I few normal, it's surprising how little it takes to get well, I had a 5 x 80 a day habit the first time I quit and only needed 3mg the first day 2mg the 2nd and 3rd day, 1mg 4-6th day, .5 mg 7-8day, .25mg 9-10th day then I took .25mg every other day for 2 days then I jumped, worked perfectly, also helped doing physical activity.

So you stayed off bupe and opiates totally after that?

Props on following through and completing a taper like that. Just shows that it can work if you do it right and commit.
I know I think she's an idiot to told her not to do it but did more dope right when I was writing that whole stupid ass long post for her. I Call her because she won't just take my word for it & I said I wrote the post, I'll probably get an answer soon. So she goes I couldn't wait & did the 8 bags. I'm like wtf I'm trying to help u (I've spent A lot of time on this, on the phone, everything & my boyfriend 's pissed at me because he doesn't like her that much in the 1st place & I've basically ignored him for the past 48 hours to try & be there as a friend but then she goes And does shit like that. I was like I spent a while writing that post, asking all my fellow BLer's & u just ignore what I say. If ur gonna do whatever u want anyways them don't make me waste my & other people's time who are nice enough to reply.) BBecause. I was up until 2 & woke up @ 5am I fell asleep from 10-215pm(like 1/2 hour ago.) So she's called my phone about 20 times(I shut the ringer off) & I Call back. She's already taken 2 subs & about to take the 3rd. I know it's weird but she didn't go into PC WDS but feels no better. So essentially she's gonna do whatever the fuck she wants & I'm wasting my time & everyone on here's time who answers me back. Yahoo I'm pissed. But I just want to say Thanks to whoever answered me back(especially. Mr. Scag ) & I will not waste your time anymore & I apologize.

Try not to take it personally. She's got an addiction n when we're in addiction our mind gets warp n we don't think properly. Her mind will do everything it can to convince her to use n then deceive her. I know it's frustrating n that you are trying to help. But unfortunately, sometimes people just have to learn the hard way n this may be one of those situations. Please don't take this the wrong way but try to protect yourself also as when dealing with someone else with addiction it can be so easy to get dragged up in things and get hurt. Sorry I realise that this is nothing to do with suboxone, n mods you're more than welcome to delete this posts---I just felt it was something needed saying.

I wish you're friend well in eventually transferring to subs and getting on the right road to recovery. You seem like a good, caring friend.

Evey xxxx
8mg, then 4, then I stopped cold turkey.. possibly not my best plan...

Oh yes that's a bit high but you can do it.

The acute withdrawal for me was awful and I had tapered down to a ridiculously small amount; although I have been on it for 4 years maybe longer.

Keep up with music and yoga. Eat well. Warm showers. Friends who are understanding can be a huge help. Movies and TV shows can help fill the time and be enjoyable.

Best of luck!
Jeng1128 I completely agree with you in that talking helps withdrawals a lot. I remember one day I was pretty sick after not having my 80s I had been up for 2 days and all of the sudden I got a text at 2AM saying please pick up, and then my phone rang so I answered. It turned out one of my really good friends from another state was also withdrawing from pain killers as well. We ended up talking for hours and I didn't realize I was sick anymore. Anyways the first day on suboxone is the worst because you have to be sick before you can start taking it, what I did to get around this was taking clonidine which cures about 75% of the symptoms of WD. Then after 28 hours after my last does of opiates I start taking 1mg of sub every hour until I few normal, it's surprising how little it takes to get well, I had a 5 x 80 a day habit the first time I quit and only needed 3mg the first day 2mg the 2nd and 3rd day, 1mg 4-6th day, .5 mg 7-8day, .25mg 9-10th day then I took .25mg every other day for 2 days then I jumped, worked perfectly, also helped doing physical activity.

But u weren't on suboxone maintenance right? Back in early 2005(when subs first came out) I has a horrible heroin habit. Tried clampdown rehab route twice but left after the 2nd day. Clonodine just doesn't work that great for myself. Wish it did but it just doesn't. Anyways my parents were at their Witt's end(& I take FULL credit for that,the things I did,ughhh makes me sick because they are such genuine good people.) I was still on my mom's private insurance & they wouldn't pay for a 5 day methadone detox. So my pparents called everywhere. I got sent to rehab in Florida (I'm from Ct if u live in the states. They told my parents to put me on a plane (like the next day) & they had some new drug that would help highly. I'm pretty sure I got subutex (not sure of the amount because like I said it was really new. I also got 5mgs of diazapam 2x/daily for 10 days. Then I did there 45 day rehab. Worked great. Felt great no after wds from the subutex. But of course my dumb ass relapsed 6 months later thinking "I can do an oxy once." Yah sure I can.
But I know the detox from suboxone /subutex maintenance sucks. Like really bad. So you did the 10 day detox & stayed clean since? Good for you. Unfortunately I had to relapse about 200 times before I got any sort of clean time. Addiction is a fickle bitch,I swear lol.
But u weren't on suboxone maintenance right? Back in early 2005(when subs first came out) I has a horrible heroin habit. Tried clampdown rehab route twice but left after the 2nd day. Clonodine just doesn't work that great for myself. Wish it did but it just doesn't. Anyways my parents were at their Witt's end(& I take FULL credit for that,the things I did,ughhh makes me sick because they are such genuine good people.) I was still on my mom's private insurance & they wouldn't pay for a 5 day methadone detox. So my pparents called everywhere. I got sent to rehab in Florida (I'm from Ct if u live in the states. They told my parents to put me on a plane (like the next day) & they had some new drug that would help highly. I'm pretty sure I got subutex (not sure of the amount because like I said it was really new. I also got 5mgs of diazapam 2x/daily for 10 days. Then I did there 45 day rehab. Worked great. Felt great no after wds from the subutex. But of course my dumb ass relapsed 6 months later thinking "I can do an oxy once." Yah sure I can.
But I know the detox from suboxone /subutex maintenance sucks. Like really bad. So you did the 10 day detox & stayed clean since? Good for you. Unfortunately I had to relapse about 200 times before I got any sort of clean time. Addiction is a fickle bitch,I swear lol.
I wish I quit after doing that taper, I probably did that taper 8 times and it doesn't get any easier I was so desperate to quit permanently I joined in the army and that's what got me clean 3 and 1/2 years so far.
Kudos to you my man! Unfortunately I don't think I'm army material lol. Waking up @ 4 to run 5 miles well it's just not me. I can't even use the girl excuse because there are a ton in the army. But you obviously have discipline,determination And willpower which gives you great odds to stay clean! I know they say willpower has nothing to do with addiction & I agree when you are in the depths of addiction but after you've been clean a year I believe it's a choice. We just have this unbelievable power to justify, lie to ourselves & truly believe it won't happen again(but know in the back of our mind it probably will. But like I said good for you, seriously!
^ thanks, will power does have a lot to do with it once you have some clean time, but what helped me the most was getting away from it all, all the people all the places. I got super lucky that I got stationed in Germany, a country that doesn't believe in painkillers and there's so much to do in Europe, I also got into weight lifting since there a free gym on every army base even in Iraq. Keeping occupied is such a big thing in order to stay clean and definitely having a new set of friends helps.
I would like to know what some of you happy people on bupe maint. use to fill the void. Do you have hobbies or excersize? Does anyone have expierience with using bupe with stimulants like adderall or benzos like xanax? I definately dont feel normal on my bupe maint, at least i hope this isnt normal. Ive been on bupe for a long time now minus a few relapses, and i just feel like half the man I was when I was steadily on oc/roxy/dope. Sry not trying to sound like a whiny bitch but i know some of you have felt the same way and i need to figure it out.

The closest non-opioid drug that fills the void for me is hashish. It doesn't have the chaos of mind of weed, so you can still read a book or do some creative stuff (I mean work productively) without forgetting the latest thought. It's still nowhere near morphine, there is no rush, but at least it's very calm. I can't say stimulants with buprenorphine are a nice combo, because I don't really consider taking a stimulant over buprenorphine to be a combo. I can only feel buprenorphine when I'm late with the next dose and I'm starting to have obsessive worries, then I know I'm having the beginnings of psychological withdrawal. If I take buprenorphine, I just feel relief. I'm on 8mg a day though, so it's hard to feel anything, at lower doses I sometimes hit the spot and I felt a bit of peace, but it's hard for me to stay at a low dose and not think about full agonists.
Trying to get the most outta my bupe doses still... Just dosed 2 mg intranasal dissolved in liquor with an oral syringe. Coming off a very small bupe vacation, two nights using around 7 bags h. Haven't used bupe in 72 hrs, been just about 24 since last h use. Before this I was using 8-16 mg dosed once or twice a day sublingual, never dosing less than 8 mg at a time. Does anyone think since using h for two days I may be able to get back on bupe at a smaller dose? If only I could find someone to buy some of these strips, I'm unemployed right now and haven't started receiving unemployment yet. No, not trying to sell to fellow BLers, just bitching I guess... Anyways been about 10 min since dosing and not really feeling anything. Hoping to get some of that benefit from the smaller doses everyone keeps talking about...

*EDIT* also, just about had a heart attack today. Bupe doctor called me. SUPPOSEDLY, I tested positive for heroin on 14 Jan - which was only one week after starting program - I know I didn't do any opiates in my first week on bupe. Then, on my last UA , I tested positive for weed and alcohol?!? Didn't even know they tested alcohol. She actually asked if I had drank the day I took the test - at 11 am. No, I had not... But she said she was dismissing me from the program. Stayed on the phone when she was about to hang up on me, and kept drilling her about the first test where I tested positive for h, asked why I never heard about it til now, asked if it could have been from very heavy usage before getting on subs, because I was using up to 3 buns a day... Finally she said since they didn't tell me about the first UA, she would give me one more chance, but obv I can never come back positive for anything again. There goes my weed for good... Sucks because I feel like weed helps me just as much as subs, or sometimes more! It takes my cravings away like nothing else. When I was still using regularly, I could be in wds and if they weren't that bad I could smoke a few bowls and be fine for the night. None of that pacing around the room fiending...
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I never trust those tests after getting a positive for speed while in a rehab....I was in for opiates..the last thing I wanted was speed.
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