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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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Yes we frown upon swim and the like, but that doesn't mean you have to lie and say it's you, if it's really not. Haha. We are very aware that people sometimes have questions about other people. If it really is about somebody else, you can just say so.

The rule isn't use "I" no matter what. It's just to use "I" if you really are talking about yourself, instead of "swim" or "my pets best friend" or any of that other nonsense.

Ha, but if you're talking about your friend and are trying to help them.. we don't care. That happens. It's all good. Just say so.
oh my god you cant take suboxone like that with methadone in your system. you might as well be mainlining heroin and suboxone at the same time and thinking your gunna feel alright.
^was your colon empty? If you haven't shit recently then that can lower the absorption when plugging. I feel like plugging in general is something that you prefect to your own standards after a little trial and error.

Yes, oddly enough, I'm pretty regular on bupe. It almost seems like the naloxone makes me have to go shortly after I take every dose... Don't know if I'll try plugging again, I ended up sublingualing a strip after all that and the withdrawal feeling subsided shortly after. I just hate that god damn taste... And the inconvenience.

Thinking about trying to reduce my dose. I've been feeling very... numb lately. I am prescribed 20 mg and usually take 16. In the past I've tried taking 8 and lasted a week or so, but then I end up taking 16 one day to catch a buzz and end up back at 16. Just looking for input I guess, although I've seen a lot of people say high doses like I am on just increase side effects. My only concern is that I feel I need to still be on a good blocking dose. I've only been on maintenance for 3 months, and I've had a rough time in general lately, got laid off from a job I had 12 years in addition to a few other things.

Last night I used for the first time in over a month. It was so nice to feel more like myself and not so dulled. I know I have to go back to reality (bupe) tonight or tomorrow morning, whenever I feel wd starting to come on... It will be hard but doing dope just isn't financially possible for me anymore, tolerance is way too high and where I'm at it's very expensive. Also, bupe has KILLED my sex life. I didn't realize how much until last night.

Does anyone have input on what dosage might be high enough to have a good blocking effect but reduce some of these unwanted side effects? I do wish I could feel something off bupe... Not looking for much, just a little buzz would make abstaining from full agonists so much more bearable, especially when I have to severely limit my weed intake as my dr randomly drug tests on my monthly visits.
i also find the need for a buzz while on sub maintenance. Against the advice of many of the other people on here, i tried just takings more sub- 3 to 4 or even 5 strips in a day sometimes and i felt better. I also posted in this thread a little earlier about a method i use to try and catch a buzz off of sub when your on maint. It worked for me, but everyone is different. Everyone says that less is more, but everyone is different. After using subs for so long, it just feels like somethings missing.
I would like to know what some of you happy people on bupe maint. use to fill the void. Do you have hobbies or excersize? Does anyone have expierience with using bupe with stimulants like adderall or benzos like xanax? I definately dont feel normal on my bupe maint, at least i hope this isnt normal. Ive been on bupe for a long time now minus a few relapses, and i just feel like half the man I was when I was steadily on oc/roxy/dope. Sry not trying to sound like a whiny bitch but i know some of you have felt the same way and i need to figure it out.
You can't expect to just start doing bupe and have it be enough.. you need to add positive things to your life as well. A full time job, hobbies, working out, good relationships, whatever.

What keeps me straight is my girlfriend, my job, art and music, and writing/reading.

Yes we frown upon swim and the like, but that doesn't mean you have to lie and say it's you, if it's really not. Haha. We are very aware that people sometimes have questions about other people. If it really is about somebody else, you can just say so.

The rule isn't use "I" no matter what. It's just to use "I" if you really are talking about yourself, instead of "swim" or "my pets best friend" or any of that other nonsense.

Ha, but if you're talking about your friend and are trying to help them.. we don't care. That happens. It's all good. Just say so.

Thanks. My stupid phone has autocorrect so that's why some words didn't make sense. She was panicked & I didn't have time to proofread. OK so I have another? About her not me(I swear lol) She went to her appointment & got 24mgs.(she made the day w nothing no dope or subs. And if I wasn't clear she stopped dosing at the clinic Friday @ 34 mgs. She then used dope until yesterday. She said the 24mgs did nothing for her wds. Do you think it's because she wasn't in bad enough wds? She said this am she was constipated & I'm sure you know(btw you're a great moderator. I've read many of you're posts & you've been through it. I mean if you're withdrawalinfected that bad you practically shit on yourself. Gross but true. Do you think she didn't wait long enough? Will it eventually work? She's not in perc wds but also feels no relief. Any suggestions. Thanks & sorry for lying. I knew you couldn't say ur friend(now I know it's OK if it's really your friend. It was happening so fast I told her I'd try to get answers from you guys. Because you guys know your shit. Better than any site I've seen. Thanks Again BL. ?

The doctor gave her 24mg's on induction for her first day? That is outrageous. At that point, the bupe probably hurt her more then it helped her, like it might of at lower dose. On first day inductions, you're not supposed to exceed 8mg's, because then the bupe can start to act as more of an antagonist rather than an agonist, and make you feel like shit, or not help at all.

But, right now, with 24mg's of bupe in her system already.. there's no much she can do. Have her wait 24 hours without taking anymore bupe, and no opiates. She should start progressively feeling better as the bupe begins to work more. When switching from methadone to bupe, it can take a few days before the bupe actually begins to take away your symptoms.

She should have started with a max of 8-12mg's the first day. You need to build up bupe slowly in your system, especially when coming from methadone.

And thank you for the kind words. I appreciate that.
Yeah unless your habits small, there's usually a transition period to where the buprenorphine starts holding you fully. I can imagine that would be especially true with the amount of methadone and buprenorphine she's been consuming lately.

And on another note, does it annoy anyone else when people say "withdrawaling". I see it pretty frequently (especially on buprenorphine specific forums and places like Yahoo answers which I read for amusment from time to time) and it doesn't even sound right when you say it out loud.

Yeah that and "withdrawing", which actually means to pull out of something. Like, "I withdraw my vote". haha. But at least that's a real word.. "withdrawaling" isn't one at all. Hah.
Haha I'm guilty of saying "withdrawing" before, but yeah,at least it sounds OK coming off the tounge. I don't know man, little shit like that always gets to me. I'm always sweating the small stuff 8)

Shit dude I was so sick last time I withdrawaled.
I would like to know what some of you happy people on bupe maint. use to fill the void. Do you have hobbies or excersize? Does anyone have expierience with using bupe with stimulants like adderall or benzos like xanax? I definately dont feel normal on my bupe maint, at least i hope this isnt normal. Ive been on bupe for a long time now minus a few relapses, and i just feel like half the man I was when I was steadily on oc/roxy/dope. Sry not trying to sound like a whiny bitch but i know some of you have felt the same way and i need to figure it out.

Yeah I have a pretty extensive experience with using buprenorphine with stimulants like Adderall and Dexedrine and a little experience with bupe and benzos. I personally like both combos and they do make the whole maintenance experience a little easier, but you have to be realistic and understand that you can't catch a buzz everyday without running into issues unless your constantly switching up the substances. Any other questions with the combos?... ask away.
She fucked it up already. Snorted a b &then bought another b & skin popped. She's not an iv user, just started 2 weeks ago. She can't shoot herself up yet & I was pissed so I sure as hell wasn't going to do it, so she skin popped. And is going to the sub Dr again tomorrow to give her another 24mgs. Mistake huh
Hi guys new here. Been reading for a while but as I only have my phone for the Internets right now I'm possibly posting in the wrong place.
I have been on bupe for about 6 months and tapered down... I don't think I tapered low enough been really sick for a few days. Most of the physical stuff has passed except for extreme RLS and anxiety. I've been off bupe for 5 days now and just caved and CWE'd 60mg of codeine just to stop the god awful rls and insomnia... I just don't know where to go from here.
Thanks guys and sorry if I posted in the wrong place...
Best of luck.
The acute withdrawal of buprenorphine is awful. I remember how I got through it. I still have some peripheral effects like yawning and teary eyes. But I think I am mostly in the clear.

The best advice I can give is to have plenty of stuff to occupy yourself and your time. This will help so immensely.
Hi guys new here. Been reading for a while but as I only have my phone for the Internets right now I'm possibly posting in the wrong place.
I have been on bupe for about 6 months and tapered down... I don't think I tapered low enough been really sick for a few days. Most of the physical stuff has passed except for extreme RLS and anxiety. I've been off bupe for 5 days now and just caved and CWE'd 60mg of codeine just to stop the god awful rls and insomnia... I just don't know where to go from here.
Thanks guys and sorry if I posted in the wrong place...

What was your dose?
Hi guys new here. Been reading for a while but as I only have my phone for the Internets right now I'm possibly posting in the wrong place.
I have been on bupe for about 6 months and tapered down... I don't think I tapered low enough been really sick for a few days. Most of the physical stuff has passed except for extreme RLS and anxiety. I've been off bupe for 5 days now and just caved and CWE'd 60mg of codeine just to stop the god awful rls and insomnia... I just don't know where to go from here.
Thanks guys and sorry if I posted in the wrong place...

What was your dose?
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