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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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Boston...I'm 56 and started shooting anything at 16. Your attitude is tiresome. I think most here do see where your headed. Stop being such a poser and come join the rest here. Most don't feel the need to write their war stories over and over. I've ODed tens of times, I've been involuntarily committed, sent to detoxes and rehabs, jails and prisons...but don't feel the need to brag about it. And that's exactly what it looks like your doing on several threads. Grab the little humility dude. Sit down and STFU.
I'm out too...and like Mr S, At this point I don't really care what goes down...
didnt seem rude at all, didnt even know you had an attitude actually so im not trippin. some people are just dumbasses, and some peoples metablolisms are just different.
Boston I've tried time n time again to help you n quite frankly I've had enough. When you're ready to come out of denial n accept help I'll be willing to listen n try to help. But the way you're going on about your addiction, how long you were addicted like people's addictions n recoveries are not as important is really offensive. Just because some of us haven't been addicted or in recovery for as long doesn't mean we can't help help people or offer advice in some way also people have bent over backwards to help you today n you talk to us like that. No more.
damn why everyone going so hard on boston? i understand it looks like hes tryna dick size, but i dont think he means to come off like that. even it does sound like the denial, at least he straight up admitted to using. Im not looking to ruffle any feathers and have people to turn on me or look like im trying to take sides, but you would think the guy did something a lot worse than being in denial which is nothing new when it comes to opiates.
This the Suboxone Megathread, not the BostonBrownTown and his experiences thread. Please stop making it all about you with your constant posts repeating the things you've done and "updating" us constantly about your life. It's honestly clogging up an HR thread for questions relating to suboxone, with your repeated personal story, arguing with other members about it, and more nonsense. Use your blog for that.

So if everyone will please move on and let Boston be boston. Read his blog if you honestly care about his relapses and his thoughts on them, or wanna hear his war stories. This is not the place for such discussion.

This the Suboxone Megathread, not the BostonBrownTown and his experiences thread. Please stop making it all about you with your constant posts repeating the things you've done and "updating" us constantly about your life. It's honestly clogging up an HR thread for questions relating to suboxone, with your repeated personal story, arguing with other members about it, and more nonsense. Use your blog for that.

damn I dont think I update about my treatment on subs more than anyone else in this thread has and I try to stay as neutral as possible. I never try to argue with anyone on BL unless it's warranted and I dont think its ever happened. I gave someone the whole low down on buprenorphine's action at the receptors as well as precipitated withdrawal on the last page. That post had to be directed at bbt cause if not I don't what I said to piss you off.

Of course it was directed at Boston, thats why I referred to him directly in the post. Ha. I got no problem with you, my man.

Updates on treatment are one thing, but constantly repeating the same stories, talking about relapses over and over again, making pages and pages of the thread about you individually (anybody), that's what I'm talking about that we don't want people doing.

The thread is getting too focused and clogged up with one persons experience and problem, and getting very repetitive. That's fine for the NASADD threads, (which are also filled with basically the same exact posts from Boston), but not okay in an OD Megathread.
^If you've ever been to the Northshore, you'd understand....he can't help it to an extent
Thanks for clearing it up scags. I just wasn't sure at first cause it came right after my post which could be viewed as me trying to take sides. I just read it real quick and was like "damn dudes really going in hard on me for that post". After reading it again I sort of figured it had to be towards him.

^If you've ever been to the Northshore, you'd understand....he can't help it to an extent

haha that north shore stigma/reputation stretches pretty deep I guess.

Haha is there really a stigma about people from that area like that? I don't really know anything about Boston.
Thanks for clearing it up scags. I just wasn't sure at first cause it came right after my post which could be viewed as me trying to take sides. I just read it real quick and was like "damn dudes really going in hard on me for that post". After reading it again I sort of figured it had to be towards him.

haha that north shore stigma/reputation stretches pretty deep I guess.

I'm from Providence, which is a completely different place...different accent....

Yeah, you Massholes are some obnoxious motherfuckers! ;)
All I know about Boston is they used to have a kick ass basketball team a couple yrs ago....now it's weak and limp.
^Um...only difference is we are just naturally better at baseball up here....that is why the pro team is up here and the minor league team is down there.

Biggest problem with the northshore is everyone who is a 1/4 italian (and there is a lot of 'em) acts like they are off the boat, plus they'll insist their grandfather was in the mafia because he drinks scotch on the rocks and listens to Sinatra.

All I know about Boston is they used to have a kick ass basketball team a couple yrs ago....now it's weak and limp.

Yeah but they are better off just losing to get a high draft pick to rebuild the team. The other 3 sports teams have been alright, to say the least. Hockey team was runner up to winning it all last year and is looking good this year, football team is always competitive(though they just got eliminated in semi final) and the baseball team just won a world series championship. No sports fan in the area can complain.
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^All right I will spin it back in the right direction, in the spirit of Suboxone and this forum...

....how long do I have to wait to get high, I took xx mg of Suboxone and I want to get high and I don't want to waste it?

(30 minutes later)...can't anybody answer this question....

(after the first response finally comes in)....I already did use the search engine and I didn't find an question that was EXACTLY like mine, word for word, and I can't use the answers to questions that were basically the same as mine to infer a reasonable estimate to how long to wait....

(the next day)....well I used my (whatever drug name) after waiting 12 hours from taking the Sub and barely felt it. :(
Hey guys. For a person with very low opiate tolerance (I use once a month, sometimes more, sometimes less) what would be an equivalent bupe dose to, let's say, something like 150 - 200 mg of tramadol or codeine. I thought about taking 0,25 mg of bupe. I don't want to get shitfaced and puke my guts out. Is this dose ok for a person with low tolerance or should I try less for the first time. I know bupe is very strong. Thanx in advance!
This the Suboxone Megathread, not the BostonBrownTown and his experiences thread. Please stop making it all about you with your constant posts repeating the things you've done and "updating" us constantly about your life. It's honestly clogging up an HR thread for questions relating to suboxone, with your repeated personal story, arguing with other members about it, and more nonsense. Use your blog for that.

So if everyone will please move on and let Boston be boston. Read his blog if you honestly care about his relapses and his thoughts on them, or wanna hear his war stories. This is not the place for such discussion.


Yes, please. For everyone's sake; those of us with experience with Suboxone, and folks who are new to Suboxone who come to this thread for answers. It has been hard to wade through the onslaught of personal diatribes here lately.
Yes, please. For everyone's sake; those of us with experience with Suboxone, and folks who are new to Suboxone who come to this thread for answers. It has been hard to wade through the onslaught of personal diatribes here lately.

^Yes! And that comes from someone whose contributions to this thread can't even be measured....
Hey guys. For a person with very low opiate tolerance (I use once a month, sometimes more, sometimes less) what would be an equivalent bupe dose to, let's say, something like 150 - 200 mg of tramadol or codeine. I thought about taking 0,25 mg of bupe. I don't want to get shitfaced and puke my guts out. Is this dose ok for a person with low tolerance or should I try less for the first time. I know bupe is very strong. Thanx in advance!

I'm not quite sure of the exact equivilant buprenorphine doses for those amounts of tramadol or codeine, but I'm sure you can find a reliable dose conversion chart with a Google search.

With that being said, I think you have the right idea for a good starting dose for someone with a very low tolerance like yourself. You can start somewhere between .25mg-.50mg. You most likely won't have to go higher and doing so might give you those effects that your trying to avoid. If you do decide you want to take more make sure to give yourself a good amount of time before you do as buprenorphine can take longer than other opiates to reach peak plasma levels in your system.
^Yes! And that comes from someone whose contributions to this thread can't even be measured....

Hahahaa. That's true. Well I'd chime in once in a while and help out, but you boys spend so much time bickering and dick-sizing your habits that I decided I'd keep to myself. ;)

(just jokes...that has been my style for a few years here on BL...keep to myself and contribute when I feel absolutely moved to. hence less then two dozen posts!)
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