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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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I really don't think these weigh more than the roxanne brand ones. The pill is like 1/3 of the size of the roxanne ones. I don't see how they could.

I usually just eye out my doses since I'm not too worried about tapering at the moment. That's a good idea though. What Ive seen done is just dissolving the whole pill into 4ML of water (or however you like to dose). And sucking it up into 4 different syringes so you know you have 2 mg in each syringe. And you can just do the math and figure out your dose that way. The only problem would be it going bad in the syringe. But you don't have to worry about that if your doing it within a matter of days. You can always use that bacterolistic water too just to make sure it doesn't go bad.
I only have the 2mg version which weigh an extra 10mg per pill. They are about hte same sized as the Roxanne though.

I guess its not proportanate like the roxanne brand is. The roxanne ones the 2mg is exactly 100mg and the 8mg exactly 400mg.

for these hi teck the 2mg is 110mg and it sounds like the 8mg pill is less than 400mg if your saying its significantly smaller than the roxanne 8mg

But either way..my point is, once you know the weights its easy to use a milligram scale to dose. Like you can get your dose down to .1mg or even less using this method
We don't do generic vs. name brand comparisons here. Buprenorphine is buprenorphine is buprenorphine. If your friend doesn't like the generic version they're getting now, that's something they need to discuss with their pharmacist. We also don't do pill IDs.

You're welcome to mention this in the current version of the Suboxone megathread, but, like a said before, generics vs. name brands is pointless.

I'm going to close this thread. OP, feel free to PM me if you have any questions but I fail to see any harm reduction question here.
Originally Posted by Fire&Water
Bupe' is not going to help you in any way until you taper off the methadone for at least 2 weeks or more & then (in my case) I used dilly's' for another 7-8 days then waited for w/d's to go back on bupe' Methadone is the worst full pain agonist to transition to bupe', depending on the dosage you could be thrown into precipitated w/d's 3 weeks later...
Not sure if you're referring to getting a buzz or what?? But I was on MMT for a lotta years and did a quick one week taper to 40 mg and was fine switching to bupe 3 days after stopping the methadone... Used clonidine for the 3 day period.

I just finished makinga post about how I transitiond straight from being on done for a long time at 80mg and transitioned to 12mg bupe daily (and even tapered down to 6mg daily now). I did not taper at ALL. I used heroin for 4 days and nights, on the 5th I waited 30 hours (6 of which were pure agony). TheN I dosed...I got a little releif..had a rough transition but within 2 weeks I was FULLY adjusted, all chills were gone, nausea gone, methadone, FUCING GONE!!!.

I am not really sure what exactly you are saying in your post either.. if you are talkign about trying to get high or trying to transition from meth to bupe. Oh yeah I had clonidine for the transition from meth to bupe as well.

Also I dont get why you are saying he would be thrown into precip withdrawals 3 weeks later? WTF? I iknow they say it stores in your fat cells but is there any truth to this actually causing precip withdrawals? i was on close to 2 years and the transition was just like going from a bad H binge to bupe but worse lol. No precip withdrawals though and I only waited 5 days from my last 80MG DOSE
Where do you IM the shot at when you do it? I would think that would be a bad idea to IM bupe or any pill for that matter plus its painful isnt it?. I know that you use the micron and everything but just still seems shaky. Ive never tried it so i cant knock it that hard.

Gluteus maximus (ass), outer delts (shoulder), or thighs.

If there was a problem with what I was doing, I'm sure (based on the frequency of how often I've IM'd buprenorphine into these muscles) I'd start seeing my glutes/delts turn orange or get abscesses and I'd go septic and die if all those IM shots were eventually bound to turn into abscesses. By my living here and being here today I'm sure I'm living proof that what I'm doing is 100% safe when done effectively.

You DO need to use a 0.2um micron filter layer, and the tabs WILL still be orange after filtering, the film's won't. I will only IM the films now.

Also which form of bupe are you doing? If its suboxone i dont see how that gives you much relief. A lot of people on here say that there is no difference between boxone and tex but I notice huge differences. When i have zero tolerance and do subutex i almost feel like i shot a bag of dope except it takes a few mins to hit me. But i get a nice buzz and will start nodding a bit too and it lasts forever. I have no opiate tolerance at the moment and its the first time Ive tried suboxone while being completely clean so i just shot some suboxone strip earlier and i felt MAYBE a third of what i did on the tex. I did 2 mg each time i used both also. Hate this damn suboxone.

With the ceiling thing i think its about the same for me whether I'm on maintence and when I'm opiate tolerant for these reasons. Its about 2 mg to me when im not tolerant because if i do too much then i will get nauseous and kinda dizzy sick feeling. That hasn't happened in years but thats cause I'm way more experienced now. And when I'm on subutex maintenance I get the same effect off of 2 mg that I do from 4 mg. I just feel like I'm wasting it if i do more than a quarter of a pill.

Suboxone and Subutex at 200mcg injections gave me identical effects, and that is my personal ceiling level. I personally believe there's no difference between subutex/suboxone, other than the fillers, and if you aren't micron filtering, it's likely Suboxone's greater amount of fillers is preventing you from getting 100% of the buprenorphine in your shot, hence the perceived difference. If you were to buy micron filtering supplies, like me, I doubt you'd find a difference between Subutex and Suboxone.

The ceiling dose is unique for everyone, and will change as you get clean from full agonist opiates.
Really the cieling dose changes? Why? (I mean o ce you get clean from full agonists)
Really the cieling dose changes? Why? (I mean o ce you get clean from full agonists)
One of the bupe threads will have a long post in it from me, regarding how endogenous endorphins, morphine/heroin/opiates, and mu-opioid receptors all interact together to create changes via addiction and addiction recovery.

In it, I suggest the idea that endorphins are down-regulated, and mu-opioid receptors are up-regulated. As you have too many mu-opioid receptors as a recovering heroin addict, as you go through recovery, they will die down back to a normal number. When you get back to original tolerance (more like if you do), and this process may take weeks/months/years depending on length of use and intensity of use, then your ceiling will gradually lower along with it.

This is why some people get stabilized on bupe then all of the sudden have anxiety (or agitation) and other symptoms; if you lower your dose, you'll have those symptoms go away. This is because you're becoming re-sensitized to buprenorphine/opiates in general as your mu-opioid receptors go back to normal. This is something buprenorphine allows for while you're using it as it's a partial agonist.

At too high of a dose, buprenorphine begins to take on antagonist activity; this is why you have to taper with buprenorphine after you get stabilized on it, because eventually being stabilized on it, will then start to feel like "too much" after a while if you used to be a heroin addict and are on your way back to normal. :)
I guess that makes sense, I always thought that buprenorphine blocked endogenous opiates too, but I guess not, as I can relate to experiencing what you talk about. It's true every time I taper, after the four days it takes for me to adjust to the new dose, the buprenorphine I take which is usually half as much as the dose I tapered down from, gives me the same effect as the higher dosages did, sometimes even more so. I remember being amazed inched I adjusted to taking a total of one mg of suboxone a day and thinking how it felt just as good as two mg just didn't make me as lethargic.
Does anyone here have experience with IM suboxone? I used to IM oxy/morphine from time to time when I was having trouble or CBF hitting a vein and it always worked fine, took a bit longer to kick in but otherwise was the same potency as IV.

Suboxone, on the other hand, seems to have a lower IM bioavailability than IV. Any idea why that would be?
IM bupe works great.. I thought it was 100%..but it feels like it. I've actually only IM'd subutex pills like once or twice since I didn't have a wheel filter. I used really tight cotten and after filtering twice the solution was clear as water.. but its still really bad for you compared to using a wheel filter.

But lets assume you are reducing your harm properly.. IM should be as affective as IV I thought if not more because it lasts longer.
IV Suboxone Films Question.

I have had a couple strange occurrences take place over the last two days.
To better illustrate the situation, here's some important information:

1. I've been on Suboxone films for 1 month due to a long term IV heroin issue.
2. I am supposed to take 8MG daily, but I find that to be FAR too much!
(So, instead, I take 1 to 4 MGs daily)
3. I had used my Suboxone strictly as directed (sublingual) up until the
Following two times which I will now mention...

I made the (bad) decision to IV my Suboxone film. I did thorough research prior to doing this.
I used approximately 1.5MG, maybe less. Like I said, I researched on about 10 different sites about how to prep this shot.
Anyways, I want to comment on what I experienced.
Seconds after pushing down the plunger, I felt a mild rush.
Of course, not as strong as a heroin rush, but it was definitely there!
Ultimately, my question is has anyone EVER experienced a rush that was pretty damn pronounced?!

I was shocked! Even though it was kind of nice to feel for those two times, I DID switch back to my directed method.
I hate the taste of these strips, but I need to put down the needle.
Ultimately, my question is has anyone EVER experienced a rush that was pretty damn pronounced?!

I was shocked! Even though it was kind of nice to feel for those two times, I DID switch back to my directed method.
I hate the taste of these strips, but I need to put down the needle.

Yes, I felt a strong rush from IV buprenorphine the 1 and only time I used it that way. It is not uncommon, as I definitely recall others saying that they also felt a rush. It took longer than a few seconds to hit me though, and it was more like 40 seconds later, which was the same amount of time that IV morphine took to hit me.
ms4104: i dont spike anything...however with the generic subutex (roxane 54 4111) I wouldnt do anything past sublingual with it. Snorted it for like 2 months straight everyday. I know snorting anything everyday is harmful, but these pills r the devil. Aside from a heinous burn and evil drip, they have fucked my lungs up beyond belief due to their firing down my airway and into my lungs upon snort. Apparently they have something called crospovidone that other bupe formulations dont have. This binder has been known to be fatal to snorters and injectors. It evades filtering due to its being completely soluble in water and has been known to form a sort of film in lungs that could block air way. I am so regretting snorting those things. Wonder if theyre ok to plug? I know IV'd pills pass through the lungs but do plugged pills too?
^You have a source about crospovidone and snorting by any chance? All I've seen is about IV use resulting in embolisms in the lungs. I know it has bad reactions sometimes but would like to read more, especially if it is problematic by snorting.
jazz hands - I am quite frusterated and infuriated at the lack of sources or reports on this topic. I went to the ER last wednesday because of my issue. I discussed it with the doctor and am seeing a pulmonary specialist this week. Ive snorted subs for years and years. After switching to the roxane generic tex, i have this horrible reaction. I had read this on the internet (http://www.heroin-detox.com/detoxin...-people-about-snorting-injecting-subutex.html) but passed it off. Now I truly believe that this has caused damage. It would not surprise me if it was the crospovidone because they say it is harmful for injectors because it goes into the lungs. When I was snorting the subutex, the powder was going into my lungs every time, without question. It only makes sense. Ive been searching for sources about snorting for over a week now
^ I understand your concern, but I don't see anything indicating that snorting has caused this issue. IV use yes, but the embolism originated from outside of the lungs-- it just just precipitated in the lungs. Other drugs precipitate in lungs and eyes, etc, from IV use
I don't get all the hate of the taste?? Really? Out of all the shit I've done- chugged nasty pod tea, slugged kratom, kava, chewed methadone, benzadrex inhaler (shudder..ugh lavender) - suboxone taste is nothing compared to that. It tastes fine to me. Even if I hated the taste, I'd man up and take it, it's a freakin' lifesaver imo.
^ I think in some cases, people are getting sick from taking the drug in their initial experiences because the drug is so potent. I think the body grows to associate the taste with the sickness, which is what gets a lot of people.
A question: I have been on Suboxone for about 9 months taking 8mg a day, about how long do I need to NOT take it to feel the effects of another opiate?
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