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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ and Megathread v.1; 2007 - 2010

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Would bupe cancel out shrooms? I'm thinking of taking some tonight, but I'm already on bupe

I swear some people are too stupid do be doing drugs. Maybe you shouldn't take any since the psilocybin won't be able to get to your blocked opiate receptors. 8)
So it's been almost 48 hours since my mega 40mg bupe does with maybe 1.5mg IVed inbetween. Should I just go on as normal and start taking my target daily dose?

What is 2mg sublingual equivalent to in IV? Or in general what's the bioavailability of IV vs sub?
I swear some people are too stupid do be doing drugs
So it's been almost 48 hours since my mega 40mg bupe does [sic] with maybe 1.5mg IVed inbetween

Haha. Sorry man, I'm not known to make good decisions either, but I just found it ironic and hilarious that you wrote these two sentences only 2 posts apart.

Haha. Sorry man, I'm not known to make good decisions either, but I just found it ironic and hilarious that you wrote these two sentences only 2 posts apart.

I wanted to test the ceiling effect of Bupe since I have a ton, I just didn't anticipate I would want to lower my dose drastically immediately after. There was nothing wrong with me testing the bupe curve it was just bad timing for me personally, I know what the outcome would be and wanted to experience it first hand since I find bupe so interesting.

He is asking if bupe won't let him trip on shrooms, I don't see how you coudl call that comparable or ironic next to my post.
I swear some people are too stupid do be doing drugs. Maybe you shouldn't take any since the psilocybin won't be able to get to your blocked opiate receptors. 8)

Don't be a fucking prick. Yeah, fuck me for going on a forum and asking a simple question. Better to be safe than sorry, unlike some people I don't fucking mix any drug I get. Sorry I wasted your precious little time, I'm sure you had so many important things to do instead of answer my question. To think, you could have been shooting up!
Don't be a fucking prick. Yeah, fuck me for going on a forum and asking a simple question. Better to be safe than sorry, unlike some people I don't fucking mix any drug I get. Sorry I wasted your precious little time, I'm sure you had so many important things to do instead of answer my question. To think, you could have been shooting up!

I'm sorry I was rude, if you wanted to call me out for it and make me look bad you shouldn't have been more of a prick with your response. Also your post was asking if you wouldn't be able to trip because you are on bupe, it had nothing to do with safety so don't pretend like it was. Have fun tripping.
Out of curiosity , have you(Captain heroin) ever IVed Midazolam with Bupre in the same hit ? Wouldn't recommed this combo to anybody cause I see a lot of people addicted to it in here, same with heroin/dormicum, actually hardcore junkies's favourite "poison" ...judging by how I feel by combining the two orally/sublingually I'd say that is some potent mix.
I just IVed about .7mg bupe, I hardly notice anything but it could be the adderall overpowering it. I'm still wondering what the subligual equivalent is to IV so I can IV a dose equivalent to 2mg sub daily.
^^Are you trying to get high off of 2mg Sub a couple of days after having quit an Oxy habit followed by a 40(?????)mg Suboxone induction ? If that's the case I'd advise you to stay on the bupre as prescribed for a few months tapering it right down to 2 mgs ,keep on using those 2mg ,or less, for a few more weeks ... after ,say, 4-5 months (altogether)on sublingual low bupre doses (1-2mgs) and no DOC relapses anytime inbetween try to IV 4mgs of Subutex and only then will you (maybe) feel something which might ressemble a true opiate buzz ... this is how it worked for me anyways , it might be very different for you which I doubt really.=D
^^Are you trying to get high off of 2mg Sub a couple of days after having quit an Oxy habit followed by a 40(?????)mg Suboxone induction ? If that's the case I'd advise you to stay on the bupre as prescribed for a few months tapering it right down to 2 mgs ,keep on using those 2mg ,or less, for a few more weeks ... after ,say, 4-5 months (altogether)on sublingual low bupre doses (1-2mgs) and no DOC relapses anytime inbetween try to IV 4mgs of Subutex and only then will you (maybe) feel something which might ressemble a true opiate buzz ... this is how it worked for me anyways , it might be very different for you which I doubt really.=D

I think you have part of my story confused with someone else.

I've been off heroin and on suboxone for almost 2 months and was taking 8mg a day, and maybe 16mg couple times a week (my prescribed dose). I did a stupid experiment to see how the bupe curve worked by taking 8mg doses and waiting then dosing up all the way to 40 to see the effects.

Now I am going down to 2mg sublingual or equivalent IV daily (even if it doesn't get me high, IVing itself is satisfying). From what I've read and heard I could get high from it in under a week or a few weeks. It really varies but I am sticking with a 2mg daily intake.
I've been tapering down buprenorphine for quite some time now. I'm going to take 8mg in the morning. But what keeps me wondering is that at the dose of 10mg once a day I'm still cold and shaky when I wake up at night (if I'm lucky and I fall asleep) or when it's been a day since my last dose. I've heard of methadone being dosed twice a day. I myself needed it twice a day. But what is wrong now if buprenorphine has a long dissociation from receptors, long half-life, and it binds to proteins in blood in high percentage? I can hold up 30 hrs, that's no problem but at that point I'm starting to feel the withdrawal coming.

Has anyone ever had to dose buprenorphine twice a day? Or am I just so afraid of withdrawals that it's only my mind? If so, then I'm starting to worry how I'm going to get off this stuff. I don't want methadone for maintenance and only Suboxone is used in my country (and in the entire EU, I believe) - various articles say different things on naloxone (it is absorbed sublingually too, ~10%, so if it has no impact on buprenorphine's action then a solution containing the same amount of any of 2 variants of Suboxone can be injected). Besides maintenance programs are still a chain. I don't plan to stay in the city I live in forever.
^^ at about 24 hrs +/- 4 hours i begin to feel WD

high blood pressure, skin starts crawling (RLS), chills, not serious but noticable no doubt

but i still dont dose 2x/day, i just try to make sure to dose around the same time everyday

for me, i try to see it as a positive, if i constantly feel slight WD n only take enough to make that go away then i feel like quiting Bupe altogether will be easier

but on the other hand i dont take enough bupe to produce a blockade effect and i experience cravings every now n then, also i have relapsed a good amount of times

so i now that what i am doing isnt a perfect solution but i justify in my head, my psych thinks i am hurting my recvery in the long run and he may very well be right but i hate the idea n also the feeling of taking my prescribed dose of Bupe, (makes my head feel really pressurized almost to the point of a constant headache n there is also occasional neasuea)
Would bupe cancel out shrooms? I'm thinking of taking some tonight, but I'm already on bupe

You'll be just fine. Mushrooms and buprenorphine is a nice combo.

What is 2mg sublingual equivalent to in IV? Or in general what's the bioavailability of IV vs sub?

The BA of IV is 100%, sublingually can vary but it averages around 30%.

2/3 MG IV would probably roughly equal 2mg sublingual.

Out of curiosity , have you(Captain heroin) ever IVed Midazolam with Bupre in the same hit ? Wouldn't recommed this combo to anybody cause I see a lot of people addicted to it in here, same with heroin/dormicum, actually hardcore junkies's favourite "poison" ...judging by how I feel by combining the two orally/sublingually I'd say that is some potent mix.

I actually haven't combined both together. I have combined K and buprenorphine together. I would probably like the combination, but I am going to have to get some more dormicum tablets before I can try it out. :)

I've been tapering down buprenorphine for quite some time now. I'm going to take 8mg in the morning. But what keeps me wondering is that at the dose of 10mg once a day I'm still cold and shaky when I wake up at night (if I'm lucky and I fall asleep) or when it's been a day since my last dose. I've heard of methadone being dosed twice a day. I myself needed it twice a day. But what is wrong now if buprenorphine has a long dissociation from receptors, long half-life, and it binds to proteins in blood in high percentage? I can hold up 30 hrs, that's no problem but at that point I'm starting to feel the withdrawal coming.

Has anyone ever had to dose buprenorphine twice a day? Or am I just so afraid of withdrawals that it's only my mind? If so, then I'm starting to worry how I'm going to get off this stuff. I don't want methadone for maintenance and only Suboxone is used in my country (and in the entire EU, I believe) - various articles say different things on naloxone (it is absorbed sublingually too, ~10%, so if it has no impact on buprenorphine's action then a solution containing the same amount of any of 2 variants of Suboxone can be injected). Besides maintenance programs are still a chain. I don't plan to stay in the city I live in forever.

I find that dosing buprenorphine once wasn't good enough for me. I even tried taking 4mg in the morning, it still wouldn't last me all day. I find taking smaller amounts every now and then a lot more efficient.
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For medicinal purposes I was fine taking 8mg at any time of the day or doubling up and taking 8 when I woke up and 8 in the evening, I usually took the second dose due to straneg coke cravings.

Thanks C.H. I've been Iving about .6-.8mg which I guess is about right for a 2mg sublingual target.

Aside from dosing efficiency is there any additional positive effect from IV use?
If your going to a doctor how does he decide what dose of suboxone to start you on?

Does he just ask you what you want OR does he piss test you to see how much is in your system, then decide?

If your persribed it do they piss test after your on it to make sure your have the correct levels?
If your going to a doctor how does he decide what dose of suboxone to start you on?

Does he just ask you what you want OR does he piss test you to see how much is in your system, then decide?

If your persribed it do they piss test after your on it to make sure your have the correct levels?

they give you a physical evaluation that determines what level of opiate withdrawal you are in and give/prescribe you a dose accordingly and with your feedback. The piss tests are to be sure you are using bupe and not other opiods and relapsing.
how many can you get take home. like do you gotta go to the clinic for a check up every week or something.
Originally Posted by adder
I've been tapering down buprenorphine for quite some time now. I'm going to take 8mg in the morning. But what keeps me wondering is that at the dose of 10mg once a day I'm still cold and shaky when I wake up at night (if I'm lucky and I fall asleep) or when it's been a day since my last dose. I've heard of methadone being dosed twice a day. I myself needed it twice a day. But what is wrong now if buprenorphine has a long dissociation from receptors, long half-life, and it binds to proteins in blood in high percentage? I can hold up 30 hrs, that's no problem but at that point I'm starting to feel the withdrawal coming.

Has anyone ever had to dose buprenorphine twice a day? Or am I just so afraid of withdrawals that it's only my mind? If so, then I'm starting to worry how I'm going to get off this stuff. I don't want methadone for maintenance and only Suboxone is used in my country (and in the entire EU, I believe) - various articles say different things on naloxone (it is absorbed sublingually too, ~10%, so if it has no impact on buprenorphine's action then a solution containing the same amount of any of 2 variants of Suboxone can be injected). Besides maintenance programs are still a chain. I don't plan to stay in the city I live in forever.

I find that dosing buprenorphine once wasn't good enough for me. I even tried taking 4mg in the morning, it still wouldn't last me all day. I find taking smaller amounts every now and then a lot more efficient.

^^And then again what I'm doing is pretty similar to what Cap_Heroin is , I found out that 2mg in the morning wouldn't last me all day so I occasionally redose 0.25-0.50mg usually at night just like ,say,3-4 hours before bed and by doing this I have no sleep complications whatsoever and plus I do not wake up rough in the morning ...but yeah , what somebody said about experiencing some mild withdrawals by not redosing on the same day might be useful when one decides time is ripe to pack it all up for good ,I'm simply not in that place yet I guess. Another thing , I hear Suboxone is orange over there (USA),wtf ,it's exactly the same colour as Subutex over here as in white and I'm not talking any generic brand , this is Schering/Plough Farma I'm on about , anybody's noticed this or was I hallucinating while on Suboxone?=D
^^^^No way man , actually Subutex is way more common over here than Suboxone and by "here" I mean Portugal/England/Scotland/Spain to name but 4 countries within the EU I've lived in and where I could easily get either a Subutex prescription or otherwise score it on the streets.
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