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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ and Megathread v.1; 2007 - 2010

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lacey k said:
Oh Im dependent as a muh fucka. So then what the hell do I do wit em then. I mean shit that was a all caps warning. It must be serious. ;) Nah but on the real what would you suggest, waitin til there aint nothin in my system?
It is serious as a fucking heart attack lacey. Keep the suboxone for when you get sick.
^yeah keep them in a little glass case with a little hammer. break in case of emergency ya know. if you plan on coppin D and something goes down where u cant cop for another day or 2, the suboxone will get you thru the rough spot. and when u wanna get done with opates, you take the bupe and lower your dose till your off. its great stuff when taken as directed.
citizenuzi said:
Just gonna throw this in here in case someone knows:

Is there generic type suboxone? Apparently it would have the same imprint, but supposedly it is pink and round? Are there any other kinds of suboxone or subutex that look like that?

I'm just asking because the asshole I get subs from is telling me he has "generic" ones that are 'pink' and have the 'same imprints'. He is full of shit about 50% of the time so I'm not about to just go buy them from him, if anyone can help please do tell!

Note: My local pharmacies are telling me there is no generics. HM..... maybe it is subutex???
No generics in the US. Their patent runs its course in 2009.

There are various brands and generics in different countries though.
Just dosed ~2 mg sub nasally

Well I waited 26 hours to dose from my last use of heroin (IV). I'm not kicking & screaming on the floor with WD's, but I'm certainly in a lot of discomfort. I went on a 2-3 week (lost track of time) binge of IV junk use after over a year of clean time away from all opiates, and most other drugs for that matter, including alcohol. Aside from that snippet of useless information, I didn't wait til the hardcore WD's from the dope use, but I waited til 2 hours after the 24 hr mark, and decided to sniff about 2mg of suboxone as an initial dose. It's now about 10 minutes after the induction, and I'm not feeling anything yet (obviously) except for this wretched drip (the unforgettable citrus "sting" in the back of my throat!).

My only hope is that I'm not thrown into precipitated WD's because of the opiate receptors, etc. etc. I know this is all individual, so I just have to wait and see. I think my experience, before, was different because of the longer (and more daily amount) use of dope on a daily basis. I was using about 20-25 bags of stamped dope from the NYC area (IV) for about 2 years consistently, with the day or two drought here and there supplemented by other opiates. I waited about 24 hours before using my first dose of the suboxone, and I fell into horrible WD's. I just hope this time will be different because of the short binge, and the less amount used each day (only around 3-8 bags depending on my mood). So far, so good. No signs of more intense WD's than are already (and were already) present before the induction of the ~2mg of suboxone.

I was also prescribed suboxone before my stint (well over a year) of clean time away from all drugs. All the doctor basically did was interview me, ask a bunch of drug related questions, then examine my pupils with a flash light to see "how far" into the WD's I was (which I, personally, think is a bullshit technique). After the visually sick appearance I put on (sweating, pale, fidgety, etc.) he coughed up the script and I was on my merry way. I was very ignorant to the use of suboxone and failed miserably with my first script and fell right back to the needle within a week or so. I never dosed correctly, and kept adding to it quickly thinking that would help (like any good junkie would, the more the better!!). This time I'm more suboxone smart, and have a hell of a lot more experience with it. I'll report back with the results of this induction, bet it good or bad.
It's about an hour after the induction of ~2 mg suboxone (nasal) and I feel like a million bucks! What relief. I had to leave work early tonight because the amount of discomfort I was in (hot/cold sweats, muscle pain, anxiety, etc.) and now I feel like I could run the whole office from the top to bottom! It has given me alot of energy, an appetite (that had been depleted greatly from my binge on dope... don't know why, but I tend to lose weight when I use dope, like lbs quickly) and a sense of mind that I can actually put my head on the pillow tonight and fall asleep without a hitch. The only thing that still lingers (but which is very very mild) is this leg pain in my thighs. It's not too bad, and it was hurting more before the induction of the suboxone. I tend to have severe muslce aches/pains when I WD from opiates. This is, of course, coupled with all your other WD symptoms. The muscle aches just seem to be very severe with me personally, as I know others who tend not to go through the extent of my muscle pains (legs most specifically).

Whatever the case, ~2mg, nasally, of suboxone has done the trick for me after 26 hours of abstinance from IV heroin. I have a few questions for you guys now that you know my personal situation a little better.

1) When should I dose next?

2) How much (mg)?

3) What would be the best route to stopping the suboxone, when to stop basically, and at what dose?

Before answering, I plan to use the suboxone just to surpass the heroin WD's, so I can stop the use altogether. I don't plan on using the suboxone anymore than I have to, either. I have 2 (and a 1/4 piece) of the 8mg suboxone pills left for some insight. I doubt I would need anymore, I believe this is even overkill for my situation. I just wanted to be safe rather than sorry. I can always get my hands on more, but I doubt I would need to.

Thanks ahead of time for all your knowledge, insight, information, and advice BL :)
no i didnt know caps was on, whats with the hate?

how long would you wait after withdrawls before taking opiates, so that you wouldnt start your withdrawls back to day one?

wooopsn did i have caps locks on there? lets kick a man when hes down, BIG MAN? wooops did that pisss you offf fucker!?
i carny do this its tooo hard! im gonna use! sorry (i hope you guys are doing ok, my friends?)
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i stopped opiate use last friday if i used now i wont have to go threw withdrawls from the start again willl i ?
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^dude i sympathize and all but seriously get this depressing shit over to TDS or in your journal, nobody wants to read a sob story
too many words for you, were some of them big and not abbreviations.
just messing
kiss kiss!
BMW's are SO cool!
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Yesterday I took ~2mg of suboxone nasally and today ~1 mg. How long before I'm physically dependent of this stuff? That's my main concern here, as I here the WD's can be quite nasty & lengthy!

Any input would be greatly appreciated BL

Bupe's wd's aren't that bad, especially at the doses you're using.

Your dose is higher than what an opiate naive person would normally take. I think you're already dependent on one opiate or another.
So whether I stop now, or 4 days from now at around ~1mg daily, I'm going to have mild WD's regardless? Is that what you're telling me?

You're not actually clean on suboxone, more of a tradeoff than anything. Though it is a lot easier to taper down with than other opiates/opioids.

Even if you get down to a miniscule amount of suboxone you'll still have some slight WDs/PAWS (withdrawals/post-acute-withdrawal symptoms) when you get off completely.
So basically my best bet (the easiest route for the mildest WD's) would be to taper off to the lowest amount possible, then just go cold turkey?

Thanks again for the help and insight guys
canj00feelit? said:
So whether I stop now, or 4 days from now at around ~1mg daily, I'm going to have mild WD's regardless? Is that what you're telling me?

Of course you're going to have withdrawals, unless you taper down very slowly.

You replaced your dope with Suboxone; you're either going to withdraw from one or the other (unless you taper) period.

edit: just saw your post above...good luck with the taper.
Yeah, lowest possible. I've stopped at 1mg, and at 2mg. It was a walk in the park compared to full agonist wd's.

At 1-2mg's; you're mostly looking at diarrhea, some insomnia, and PAWS.
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