• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Sub detox ready to feel better but I'm not

My dad was an army ranger and I've had the whole up bringing of military raising.my options r still open but I did just get an offer for a job doing concrete work so I'm gonna try it. Yes they do drug test when u frost go in but if the job I'm gonna try doesn't work out i should be clean of weed by them. So thanks toothpaste ur really supportive and it means so much ill update soon have a great day:)
Nice, I'm glad to hear you're not just about to jump into anything without first thinking it over well and through Eg. Having a family member in the service will help give you an idea of what its like. I hope your concrete job works out for you! Being busy and feeling like you are being productive is such a big help :)
Agreed tdog when my buddy told me about the job and great pay (15hr) it was a great feeling and my buddy that got me the job has been clean for 2 years he inspired me to get clean in the first place. Again thanks ur support means everything.
Wow I've fucked up so bad. I've been back on subs scense March. It's killing me. I just wanna be clean so bad so bad but I'm stuck. I can't work with out it I've tried so hard. Im just so down and I'm beating the shit out of my self. I'm so stressed out. If I don't work my family can't survive. If I had a way to go to rehab I would in a heartbeat. I've tried so hard I really need help so bad. IDK I'm on the verge of saying fuck it. Then I think of my family and how I would miss them. I just really needed to vent and there is so many good people on hear that lifted me up. I'm just so sad and by all means I'm not wanting a pitty party I just feel like I'm done with everything. I hope all is well with everyone on here thanks