Strange, obscure, outsider music

Done for today :p:alien::alien::alien:
By the way, Sun Ra was a freemason... that explains a lot of things of his "theories" and outfit
And here is the element of fire in audible format:

And these are memes only Sunn O))) listeners will understand lol





You heard of Les Rallizes Denudes AKA Hadaka No Raliizu before?
They are a Japanese band from the late 1960's that are VERY interesting to say the least, they are most famous for stealing a jet & flying it to North Korea. Some people say they are the Japanese Velvet Underground but they are way better than those idiots. My favourite album by them is this below, it's music you gotta hear & some songs are slow but they build, the one track on here is just short of 19 mins but let it play as it builds into such a drone kind of's hard to pit into words you have to hear it.

This is honestly one of my favourite albums of all time in any music style, I love getting really stoned 7 put this on my phone, jack in good earphones then watch the sun go down with it playing, it's a kind of Religious experience.

This song is sssoooo japanese in the 1960's, I LOVE this track ssssssooooo much & the plane of the album cover is the one they stole.