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Stories of being caught by parents

At one point, my parents had actually put a keylogger on my computer. They knew what I was going to do before I even did it. They would know when I got high, where I put shit, and everything. Eventually, though, my friend and I caught on and started to say stuff on messenger that wasn't even true. My parents, of course, thought it was real and acted upon the actions. It was funny for a while. Then I got an anti-spy program and took that bull shit off.

The next day my dad came into my room, sat at my computer, and put the program back on. He said "Do not take this off."

It was on my computer for a long long time. It sucked. I still fear that it could be on here right now... but I think if it was I would have gotten caught a million more times.

Now that I think about it, maybe this is why I got caught so many times. Ahh I doubt it though.
I think I was like 16-17 and Me and two of my friends had made this water bong out of a Goldschlager bottle. Anyways there we are sitting in my room and smoking some pretty fine nugs out of that bong when my Mom walks in the room and starts yelling at everyone to get out within 5 minutes. Funniest thing was my friend Cole had already filled up the bong with smoke right before she busted into my room. We were already stoned out of our heads and as soon as my Mom turned to walk out of my room we all, including my Mom, hear the sound of the bong bubbling because Cole just didn't want to waste his hit. Needless to say it only further pissed her off
ahh these stories could entertain me for days. and ya orange i had a keylogger on my computer once too, and i deleted it. i just told my dad there was a virus and we bought a new computer =P.
Although I don't have an funny 'getting caught' story, I'm sure some of you will find this amusing!
Although I don't have an funny 'getting caught' story, I'm sure some of you will find this amusing!
Dude thats fucking hilarious! I swear my step dad reminds me of the guy. My step dads never done a drug in his life and has been drunk only like 5 times his whole life. Guys 5'11 220lbs and he drinks a beer and he's tipsy.
my parents had no idea i was a pothead (had been smoking for about 6 months everyday) but they found out abruptly: I hid a brand-new, completely untouched eighth of weed in the empty battery compartment of my room stereo boombox. (NOTE: I picked up that bag at a local farm market on my bike.. My dealer was in my grade but drove, and pulled up in a jet black, new chevy truck that was large and semi-pimped out and always came with an assortment of hot, slutty chicks, and wasted guys who peered at me funny, but the shit was good) So anyways, I decided to repaint my room. When my dad started, he wanted to listen to some tunes. Since he was gonna paint all the walls, he didn't want to plug it in because it would get in the way. Dah dah dah, went to turn it on, didn't work, popped off the battery lid and there was a nice, thin, but fully packed bottom of a plastic bag full of nuggets.

I was not there. He showed it to me directly to try and embarrass me. My mom and him asked why I had so much, and I said that I was going to use it all (what the hell?).

Later, my friends and I joked that my dad secretly puffed that nug down like a champ, meanwhile i scored again...;)

Ah, that was nice story. I enjoyed it. Did you find any other place where you can keep your nuggets out of sight from your father.
Here we go...

I've done DXM, Ambien, MJ, Vicodin, drank, all at home at different times. IT was the 3rd of these that screwed me up.

See my friend and I had gone out to blow some trees. Threw down a couple bowls nearby the home, didnt want to have to drive far.

Get home, still had like 3 grams left. We had a shit-ton. Of course, were high as hell, and are basically lookin at eachother in my room and thinking "why arent we smoking more?!"

So we decide to lean out the damn window. Well its up north, and were cold as fuck. It was like 12 degrees out and windy. Too windy to light the bowl.

So we lit it up, and it was like midnight we figured no big deal we will keep it outside when burning.

Apparently enough smoked into my room, drifted into the hallway and caught my family's attention.

Next day, dad had searched my room while I was out, snatched the bowl. Fortunately I had no trees on hand.

But they were needless to say quite pissed and have since banned further stay-overs with friends at my house.

Oh well, DXM doesnt smell bad :)
at the beggining of summer last summer, i was going to a friends house for the night. my mother and father both thought i had been clean for over a year. i used to be a really big drug user and almost killed myself a couple of times. so anyways i had forgot my wallet and told him to grab it from home. my dad picked me up and about a minute later he pulled out a little baggy of four mdma pills he found in my wallet and said "what the fuck are these?!?!".
long story short i told him that i had been clean for over a year and found them in my room and was planning to flush them down the toilet cause i was ashamed of them. in reality, i was going to have a fucking awesome roll that night. good thing that man is gulliable as shit
ouch, close one but nice excuse. that would of worked on my dad too

my parents had no idea i was a pothead (had been smoking for about 6 months everyday) but they found out abruptly: I hid a brand-new, completely untouched eighth of weed in the empty battery compartment of my room stereo boombox. (NOTE: I picked up that bag at a local farm market on my bike.. My dealer was in my grade but drove, and pulled up in a jet black, new chevy truck that was large and semi-pimped out and always came with an assortment of hot, slutty chicks, and wasted guys who peered at me funny, but the shit was good) So anyways, I decided to repaint my room. When my dad started, he wanted to listen to some tunes. Since he was gonna paint all the walls, he didn't want to plug it in because it would get in the way. Dah dah dah, went to turn it on, didn't work, popped off the battery lid and there was a nice, thin, but fully packed bottom of a plastic bag full of nuggets.

I was not there. He showed it to me directly to try and embarrass me. My mom and him asked why I had so much, and I said that I was going to use it all (what the hell?).

Later, my friends and I joked that my dad secretly puffed that nug down like a champ, meanwhile i scored again...;)

were u not punished?
its never happened, but i mainly attribute that to being extremely careful, and not ever doing anything until i was 18 and almost out of high school. i dont think i wouldve graduated (or at least did good) if i used way back then.
I did way too much AMT one night, went to make a protein shake at 6 AM and spilled the whole huge ass jug of powder protein. My mom says wtf and I tell her I took acid. Later that day when I was passed out, she told my dad I was sick when he came for the weekend hangout thing. When I wake up, there's a 40mg oxy and a Miller Light waiting on me...what a woman.
^^damn man, i think you just described what heaven would be like, regarding parents ha.
I did way too much AMT one night, went to make a protein shake at 6 AM and spilled the whole huge ass jug of powder protein. My mom says wtf and I tell her I took acid. Later that day when I was passed out, she told my dad I was sick when he came for the weekend hangout thing. When I wake up, there's a 40mg oxy and a Miller Light waiting on me...what a woman.

wow your mom is pretty awesome! i never heard of AMT until now.. time to research haha

bump bump bump
at the beginning of summer last summer, i was going to a friends house for the night. my mother and father both thought i had been clean for over a year. i used to be a really big drug user and almost killed myself a couple of times. so anyways i had forgot my wallet and told him to grab it from home. my dad picked me up and about a minute later he pulled out a little baggy of four mdma pills he found in my wallet and said "what the fuck are these?!?!".
long story short i told him that i had been clean for over a year and found them in my room and was planning to flush them down the toilet cause i was ashamed of them. in reality, i was going to have a fucking awesome roll that night. good thing that man is gullible as shit

ahahahahhahaha sounds like something my mom would believe!

i remembered a good one

it wasn't a story of being caught but ALMOST being caught (and to this day i dont know how i wasn't caught)

Well after a night of partying i came home and stuck around a dime of left over weed and my last molly cap inside my book bag which i never used and called it a night. A few days later i dont know what compelled me to look but i looked and went oh hmm theres the weed but WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MOLLY?!?!?

i was going nuts
i knew i was fucked because it couldn't have just gotten up and walked away, SOMEONE found it! i searched all my hiding spots hoping it was there but not luck. I wondered why if someone would have found it why they wouldn't take the weed but i thought oh what the hell my parents dont care as much about weed as they would about other drugs and it was a small amount of shake so she could have thought it was just crumbs. I proceeded to act like a maniac and then thought, well hey my moms the type that would bring it up if she had the chance so i went downstairs and asked if shed seen my cologne which was in the bag. She said she had gone through the bag to take out trash and i asked well what to be specific. She said "oh well a baggie, a dime, some empty papers, and a hat." i then went "oh, well did you just throw that stuff away?" and she replied "yes." I then franticly ran up to my room and DUG through my trash. i found the baggie but no molly. The next thought that came to my mind was oh thank god she didn't find it but now where the fuck is it?!??!! I look down on the ground next to the trash and low and behold THERES MY MOLLY :)

i wrapped that shit up in foil and stuck it in a new hiding place.
Thank god she didn't actually look to see what was in the baggie!!

I still dont know how she didn't see the weed and the actual cap though, they were in plain site!

hahaha ohhh her
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