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Stories of being caught by parents

omg that must of sucked ass. what a great present for your mom huh? she never said anything?
Let's say you're at home and you're doing something your parents would trip on you for doing. Your anxious and at unease because they can arrive at any minute. If you're in this situation, realize that your worrying and fretting is what will actually cause your parents to become suspicious. Whereas if you're fully in the moment, enjoying your high or whatever, you would handle yourself much better if they were to arrive.
lol ya mine was pretty bad i had i lock box under my tv that i kept all my shit in and one night i got really stoned and forgot about locking it back up and woke up late for school so I rushed out never even thinking bout it. Lol so anyway my mom goes in to my room to change my sheets "sneak around for shit" and noticed a lock on the tv and the latch to my box open a box under my tv covered in stems seeds and crap an low and behold she hit the jackpot a mini bong a one hitter bat that she thought was a crack pipe 1/8 of dro and some shredded shrooms. Of coarse like anyone else i denied it and acted like it wasn't mine, so she drug tested me i failed and i got the whole pissed off speeches and disappointed treatment. what gets better is a week later i got arrested for smoking in public which ultimately got me nice smack in the face and ended my drug use until i went off to college
^ That's gotta be my favorite story so far lol.

A whole bunch of great stories here.

When I was like 16 me and a friend were smoking bud out of the "Afterschool Special", this 5 feet homemade bong that could fit a quarter/oz of bud in the bowlpack. So we were smoking in the attic, and my dad walks into the garage and, by looking up at us, just saw the top 2 feet probably and knew it was a bong and just was like "come down".

I go down and he gives me a bunch of shit about what the fuck am I doing, how he doesn't like this shit in his house and all, how I need to stay out of jail and focus and school and I do heroin for all he cares once I'm on my own, but not when I'm living at home.

So whatever, me and my friend kinda lounge about, and then he calls me to the basement. Apparently he found the 1/8th of shrooms I just got, and it was a real keeper of a buy. He just said "Theodore Roosevelt, what's this?" and held out the 10 inch long shroom. My friend went "uuhh I believe that's a mushroom".

I found the baggie like a week later in his stashbox but that one particular shroom wasn't there. He probably ate it.
once my dad threw out my prescripted dexedrine, adderalls, klonopins, xanax and ativans and said i didnt need that dope. i got back at him by throwing out his heart medication and cholesterol pills and said he only needed asprin, not the dope his doctor gave me.

Quality stuff
^ That's gotta be my favorite story so far lol.

A whole bunch of great stories here.

When I was like 16 me and a friend were smoking bud out of the "Afterschool Special", this 5 feet homemade bong that could fit a quarter/oz of bud in the bowlpack. So we were smoking in the attic, and my dad walks into the garage and, by looking up at us, just saw the top 2 feet probably and knew it was a bong and just was like "come down".

I go down and he gives me a bunch of shit about what the fuck am I doing, how he doesn't like this shit in his house and all, how I need to stay out of jail and focus and school and I do heroin for all he cares once I'm on my own, but not when I'm living at home.

So whatever, me and my friend kinda lounge about, and then he calls me to the basement. Apparently he found the 1/8th of shrooms I just got, and it was a real keeper of a buy. He just said "Theodore Roosevelt, what's this?" and held out the 10 inch long shroom. My friend went "uuhh I believe that's a mushroom".

I found the baggie like a week later in his stashbox but that one particular shroom wasn't there. He probably ate it.

haha wow.. sometimes i would wonder if my dad ever smoked the dro he took from me.. he took it and never threw it away but i never saw it again
Here's another time my parents knew I was on drugs:

It was Christmas Eve & I was either 13 or 14.. I believe I had just turned 14 actually. Anyway, every year we go to my grandmother's house on Christmas Eve. Earlier that day I had been at my friend's house drinking a few beers. I had stolen a bunch of old oxycodones from the cabinet and we also each took 4 or 5 of those.

Anyway, I went home and we left for my grandma's and I was still pretty gone. My family decided to stop at a drugstore to get a few things. This is when I snagged myself a nice bottle of Robitussin Cough Gels. I took the whole bottle when I got to my grandmother's. (For what reason, I don't know.)

Right after I had taken them I tell my mom I have a headache and was going to lie down. She tells me that my breath smells like alcohol and of course I deny it and go outside. I hide behind the big tree and smoke a bowl pack, lol.

SO at this point I'm on 4 different drugs and my entire dad's side of the family is inside. I go inside and into the basement where my cousins are all hanging out. I tell them that my mom think's I'm high (again for what reason, idk.) I remember rolling around on the ground and laughing a lot.

Eventually we go to see a bunch of christmas lights. There is one house where the yard is just filled with lights and decorations and you can get out and walk around. I remember standing on the porch and my cousin asking me if I'm alright.

Anyway, that's all of what I remember from the night. It was fucking retarded of me. The next day, my parents told me that they knew I was extremely fucked up but that it was Christmas and we were going to forget about it. Hahahahha.

There was a home video someone took and as the camera pans past me I am sitting on the couch holding my legs up to my chest and rocking and my eyes are soooo fucking red. HAHAHAHAHAH
I've only taken Xanax once, and here's the story behind it:

So I get back from high school (go figure) and I decided to do the Xanax my mom has. I ate 2 .5mg pills. Didn't feel anything in 30 minutes or so, so I decide to snort one more.

Well I go and hang out with friends, and nothing happens. Then suddenly an hour later, I'm a little drunk.

That's all I remember. The rest is what I'm told, including the 20 other pills:

So immediately I try to pick a fight, and I think I actually yelled obscenities at passing people. For some reason I walked across the street to my house, and my best friend's dad nearly hits me. I just ignore him, and walk like nothing happens when he slams his breaks (who actually thinks he hit me). More shenanigans throughout the night.

When I get home that night, I start pouring water all over the stovetop. My mom walks in and says "What are you doing?" and I say "I'm just trying to boil some water!" She calls the cops on me, thinking I'm drunk. 2 ambulances, a firetruck, and a cop come, figure out I'm not drunk, take me to the hospital.

Apparently, my friend's mom works at the hospital, and worked on me, not knowing who I was and just telling her son about 'some crazy kid at the hospital':

I ran around the hospital naked, kept ripping out the IV's, and told my dad some really fucked up shit, even though I had nothing against him at the time. The cops there had to tackle me naked and hold me down. I didn't get charged or in trouble.

In my blacked-out state, I took 20 more pills. I had enough to kill me, if I had taken one beer or shot of alcohol. I woke up 2 days later - I asked my mom what day it is and whose clothes are these I'm wearing, and she said it's Thursday and just laughed her ass off (it was wednesday).

I didn't get the full story till a couple months later. I didn't even know any of this happened for the longest time, I just wondered why did I sleep in so long. I remember taking those first 4 pills but not the other 20. God that's scary...
LOL thats what xanax does you hahaha.

and more stories orange!!! wheres that video i wanna see?!?!
Here's one on behalf of a friend.

Well Friend asked me if I wanted to take some xanax and go with him to a strip club in a city about 20 minutes southeast of where we live. I told him no because I had prior plans and he said okay and went on his way (this was at 8pm). I get a call at about 12:30. It's Friend. He's lost and I'm trying to help figure out where he is. I look at google maps and have him start naming off street signs that he's passing. After about 10 minutes of him naming off streets I figure out where he is. He's on the east side of the river in that city (not good).

So I'm trying to help him turn his ass around and start heading the right direction. He's still naming off streets as he goes past them and he's saying "11th street... 12th street...". So I told him to turn around in the next driveway and let me know when he did. So he says "ok.... alright I turned around". I told him to tell me the next street he went past and he says "...13th street". So I'm laughing my ass off because he just pulled into someone's driveway and then pulled out and continued going the same direction (he did not turn around). So finally I get him turned around and going towards a main road that he should have recognized the name of, but he didn't. I finally got him going down that main road and told him to keep naming off roads as he went past them. Were sitting there talking for about 10 minutes and I'm like "dude, you had to have went past a road by now" and he says "oh wait there's one coming up and he said the name of it." It was a road probably about a block past where he turned onto the road. So I'm guessing he was pretty much idling down this very busy road lmfao.

He missed the turn I wanted him to take (one thats kind of hard to miss) so I told him to take a different way. The way I told him to take just happened to go past his college so he finally recognized it and told me he could make it from there and he'd call me if he had any more problems.

Next morning I woke up and my mom has the phone in her hand and she says "Friend's mom is on the phone she says he never came home last night." So I'm like fuck fuck fuck and all day I'm calling the area hospitals seeing if he had been admitted and had no luck. Finally a few hours later he called me and told me what happened.

Let me start by saying that the whole reason he wanted to go out, take xanax, and have fun was because he passed a pre-employment drug test at Company X. Well he got back into our hometown, but somehow ended up going eastbound on a little residential street (not even close to his house, and definitely not the way to his house). Well he passed out, went through a stop sign and smashed into a security gate at, yes, Company X. So the cops came and he was arrested for driving under the influence of drugs and destruction of property.

The best part: He still got the job.
Ha. All right. I just thought of another good one.

It was the end of the week and my parents had some trip planned for the weekend and my aunt and uncle were on their way to babysit us for the weekend. My mom had apparently told my aunt to be extra careful with me because at one point I went into my parent's bathroom for some q-tips. When I came out of the room my Uncle decided to interrogate me and a few minutes later my aunt checked my pockets for pills, I guess. I had nothing on me and I had no intentions of stealing shit from my parent's room, at the time at least.

I guess it was the Friday night that I decided to gobble down a big helping of Nutmeg. Yes, Nutmeg. It was the most horrid shit ever. Now this is what I don't exactly remember:

Apparently, I somehow got ahold of some barbuterol or some barbituate that my sister had been trying for migraines. I took about 6 of them, I am told, but I don't remember any of this. My parents found out because 1. the pills were gone and 2. they drug tested me when they got home and found it.

Now, I do remember waking up on Sunday morning and feeling like complete shit. Everything was quite hazy and I don't remember if I had realized what I had done in stealing the pills.
My family always attends church, but since it was my aunt watching us we were dragged half an hour away to go to HER church. About halfway through the mass I get so queasy and try to get out of the pew to go to the bathroom. That's when I threw up uncontrollably all over the hard-carpeted floor. It was soo funny. My aunt and uncle took me and my three sisters home and that's my story.

Oh of course I was fucked for taking the barbituates. I don't know the exact punishment but I know it was horribly severe.
I've only come close to being caught by my mum, smoking weed in my room.

One time she found a baggie of weed in my bag whilst going through my stuff. She took some as a sample and confronted me about it when I came home drunk one night around 4 months later and she thought I was stoned. She took out a wrapped up tissue that had some of my weed in it, took a whiff and had some stuck to her nose while she asked me exactly it was. I then proceeded to txt my friend saying "SHIT my mum found my fucking weed!" and only after sending it realised I just sent it to my mum. Further embarassment.

I got caught by my friends parents once while we were tripping on mushrooms in his room. Friend was in the middle of ego-death when his mother came in and started questioning me as to what we'd taken. His dad kicked me out of their house whilst they took their son to hospital. His dad then called my mum in the middle of the night, woke her up to tell her he'd just kicked me out his house because I was on drugs.

Ended up trecking across London on night buses for hours to get to another person's house who also got kicked out who I barely knew. Was pretty weird :D

My mum ended up calling his house and I had to speak to her whilst tripping and she was crying. Not fun.
Busted in the truck

Im addicted to opiates. My family knows, I'm grown and live on my own with my husband. My Dad stays with me for a month at a time sometimes when he visits. He has a script for Vic's. He had to stop at the dentists office and I waited in the truck. He went in the building and I immediately opened the center console where he had a HUGE bottle of vic's. I quickly dumped a handful out and immediately looked up and saw my Dad hanging out of the second story building window yelling "I saw that!! You put those back!!!" He was PISSED! Started calling me a thief and all that, til he realized he's done the same thing in his day of addiction...So many stories, so little time.
"It's come to my attention that you are doing drugs..." -My Dad
=O - my face

I thought i was perfectly clean except for a close call or two but no questions were asked but somehow my dad new EVERYTHING i had done and was involved with. He even knew where i was hiding my ecstasy pills (which was on the other side of the city at a friends so its not like he found them) he knew where i was getting them and who i had been selling to. It was weird. Then had to go to my friends house and flush just over $1000 worth of ecstasy, speed, and pot down the toilet. I wanted to cry lol. My mom started crying and my dad was making jokes about it but was still "dissapointed" in me. The worst part though was my friends sister who is 14 used to look up to me and now wont talk to me. My friend tells me she still loves me but she sure as hell doesnt show it and it really hurts my feelings. =(

I have only done alcohol since then. Still a couple of drugs out there i want to try before i quit for good though.
I got done for trafficking a while back...

The night I got arrested I met my dad at his local to tell him... I say "So, I just got charged for trafficking man" he looked at me weirdly for a few seconds, then he shook my hand, said "Why the fuck did you get caught you dumb cunt?" and bought me a beer.

My mum didn't talk to me for weeks, never punished me, but doesn't trust me anymore, and always accuses me of stealing pills and being high and shit. (And it's only true about 75% of the time, I swear!)

Pretty good really, my dad smokes weed with me a lot now, and gives me a quarter here and there of fucking amazing stuff.
^I wish my dad could be like that.

Here's another story I thought of. It's about something I don't do very often - drinking. I think you'll see why.

It was when I was 14 or 15, and my dad's company was holding its annual company picnic. My dad's boss owns a big slab of land and so every year there's a whole day's worth of activities followed by (the adults) drinking at night. They get like a few kegs and also an open bar with too many bottles of everything in it.

In the evening, I was riding my dad's bosses quad/4wheeler going about 60. There was this metal pole sticking out of the ground, which I ended up running into, flipping the thing. I was okay but I did break a piece on the dashboard... not a big deal. Everyone was worried that I may have a concussion.

Later, when everyone started drinking, my plan was to just snag a few beers or shots of something and get myself buzzed. So I did. When no one was looking, I went up to the bar and poured about a half cup of tequila and just chugged it right there.

After that, I'm pretty sure all hell broke loose inside me. Even though it sounds completely bullshit... I know I drank at least two cups full (plastic beer cups) of tequila and one or two of vodka. I also know that I kept running around to tables and chugging the last half or so of beers that were left around.

Anyway, I was completely wasted off my rocker and I don't know who knew. But I didn't care. I remember talking to my sister by a campfire... there were at least 4 moons above me. This is by far the drunkest I have ever been in my entire life. I am surprised I didn't die.

Anyway, I decided I wanted to go into the tent in which my entire family was sleeping (5 other people). I didn't even realize I would completely reek of alcohol, let alone say stupid ass shit to my parents. I got in the tent and started sorting through my bags for my MP3 player. As I am doing this, I spew throw-up in the corner of the tent.

My dad helped me out of the tent, and helped me stand up. I then started walking backwards. He just kept saying "come on, come on..." and I kept walking forwards, backwards, fall, forwards, fall, backwards... until we got to the car.

It was a four-hour drive back to my house. I sat in the middle seat of the van for these four hours, switching back and forth between throwing up and passing out. I remember that I couldn't feel myself throwing up, and that the ride seemed pretty short.

I woke up to my neighbor pounding on the door. I woke up, still extremely wasted, at about 9 in the morning. I answered the door and my neighbor said, "Your parents called me to come check on you... they said you had an accident on a 4wheeler and that you might have a concussion."

So I talked to her for a few minutes and told her I was fine and thanks and everything.

At first I thought my parents actually believed that I threw up because of the concussion. However my dad came home later and said that I was extremely drunk, but that he thought throwing up for 4 or 5 hours straight was enough punishment and that he thought I learned my lesson.

It seemed like such a useless punishment as I didn't even feel the regurgiation. However I think I did learn my lesson: don't drink 4 cups of hard liquor & especially don't mix it with beer. & There are actually four moons. A lot of people don't know that.

The next year at the party, everyone knew about it from the year before. All they said was "Hey, it happens to all of us when we start." And the younger ones in their early 20's would even grab me a beer from the keg.. "Don't tell your dad, he's my boss." Then when they asked me how old I was after already giving me like 3 beers I say 16 and they say what the fuck! I thought you were like 19.... haha.

My dad even let me drink a strawberry-rum shaved ice thing as well. So I got drunk then too. But it was all right. The end.