Stop Buying "XTC"

I agree with everyone on here. im from tha south (texas) and for a long time now all we get here are meth bombs and i have never done meth before and wanted to keep it that way. i dont have a tester and neither do a lot of tha ppl i know but now i see i need to invest in one. i never had a bad trip before, and ive been rolling for a long time. but lately ive been having bad trips bcuz tha pills i end up doing are fuckin speed bombs and if i wasnt such a level headed person i wouldve put myself in tha hospital bcuz i get real bad chest pains, i cant breathe, it hurts when i breathe, my heart is beating really fast, im dehydrated. this shit needs to stop. i dont want to roll anymore. i want some e, some fuckin e, i want euphoria, not fuckin gik!
I"m with you on that stoner. Since i've gotten my testing kits I havn't done any pills with meth in it, that I would have done without it. And won't do anything with meth again. The meth is part of the reason I stopped for 2 years Then not knowing what was in any of the pills I took, until I researched Ecstacy And the additives , physical affects etc. And definately Realized how stupid I was that I was taking all that shit they put in tabs, and not even caring about the damage I was doing to my body. Through thoughs 2 years I Quit E, well Thats what they called It, when if your lucky you will get any mdma in thoughs pills maybe 50% of the time. I would tell everyone how bad E is because all that shit I went through comming down off, pcp, speed, dxm, K probably PMA in combination with the mdxx's And thinking every pill contained at least 70% mdma, HA! What a stupid kid I was.
My point is if your one of those people like i was. STOP TAKING THAT SHIT AND GET A TESTING KIT. lol cool slogan. you'll be amazed on what you can gain and not lose. Peace.

Knowledge is power and power is knowing.
^^also MODERATION people, mdma has nil affects after 4-5 pills a week only lost brain cells and building a high tolerance. If 4 don't get you off take atleast 4-6 month break. But hey it's your body, but don't say I didn't warn you.
Clean MDMA pills woth no meth- able to sleep, not a bad comedown, perfect roll!!! what more could you want..

Dirty pills with meth- ancy kind of roll, cracked out feeling, up for days, no one want that............THIS THING IS SNOWBALLING ALREADY CHEF'S!!!! ACTION IS BEING TAKEN BY THE CONSUMERS, FIX YOUR PRODUCT ASAP!!!!
etardedadam said:
I blame Canada (no bad South Park pun intended). Burn toronto down!!

i blame operation candy box becasue cananda prior to the 03 bust was pumpin out some of the best beans i have had to this day those are the ones that i reminese about
therollingstoner said:
Blonde...All this stuff is more then likely coming from canada. Same group of people the DEA *thought* they were shutting down. In turn, the dea created a monster. Now instead of xtc flooding the U.S., its now meth, and could very well be creating a nation of meth heads that don't even realize it. Once again, an example of the DEA shooting itself in the foot.

Now, thats not to say its only them putting meth in pills, but they are the biggest makers. Just about every single source and pill now has meth in it. Its a growing trend. If more imports were coming into this country we would be o.k., but I dont see any coming in nowadays. Sad really...

I was 90% sure it was Canada. I can damn near track the tabs I see back to Canada using different sources, including PR and BL. I knew the bust they made wasn't going to do crap - just new hands (and too many) in the pot, so to speak.

The only tabs I have seen on eData (until they ran out of funds...) that were tested to be 100% seem to come from south FL, or the LA area in CA. They damn sure aren't coming through this part of the south though.

I think Var's ideas are excellent - let's do this!

On a side note ......police dogs are not trained to detect MDMA ....however many are trained to sniff out methamphetamine .......being that most pills now contain at least a small amount of meth this terrible trend may lead to the arrest of countless pill heads:\ THEY CAN SNIFF OUT YOUR BEANZ:p
educating others is the best bet. I like ole dudes idea about making up flyers etc and passing them out at clubs and events. Something relativly short and sweet, but detailed enough to give all the info needed.
I live in toronto and the quality of pills are pretty damn good of late. nothin but green and blue vg's everywhere. new batches same chef same E-Z results. Sorry to here you hate toronto. geez, Burn toronto down?...sigh.
DEA in canada very very rare. This is a seperate country it's not that easy
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crease said:
I live in toronto and the quality of pills are pretty damn good of late. nothin but green and blue vg's everywhere. new batches same chef same E-Z results. Sorry to here you hate toronto. geez, Burn toronto down?...sigh.

Well, I wouldn't go as far as to say burn a city down, but...

Since you are in Canada, maybe you could help us out? I have personally had the light green VG's (see user pic, LOL), and they are the same as the ones that eData tested. They had a 9.1% meth content. Now admittedly, these were some of the BEST tabs I have had in a long time, but still, why the meth? Come on, give me a little bit of caffeine OVER meth anyday...what, that'd be like having 2-3 sodas? (I really have no idea, so if someone who's good in that department would like to clue me in, please do.)

I look at it like this - those VG's are some of the best ecstasy I have had in years, but why the meth? What is the "sense" behind it? Wouldn't caffeine be cheaper? Wouldn't get sniffed out by the drug dogs as another poster brought up? I know you *personally* don't have the answers, but since you're in Canada, and you say the new VG's are the same batch & same chemist....

Could ya help us Americans out here? We have plenty of meth in our country - it's almost like a plague. Do you guys in Canada have a huge problem with meth? Or is it just becoming more used/well known up that way?? Just curious.

When did Ecstasy become Methstasy?
So No to Cracky Crap!!! No More Meth!
I just wanted to let everyone know that my computer crashed and that I am still we can get to business.....we can do this.....and YES the flyers BEING SHORT and SWEET is perfect!

please anytime ....Its 11:15 pm and mny computer is finally father was hospitalised this week and I have had a long week........thing s well now.......lets keep this going.

Its obvious (atleast to me) that whatever good pills are made in Canada rarely make it out of Canada. They make the crap for export.
Yep that sounds about right etard. A few might trickle down but pump out the meth to the other guys.

Id also like to know from other canadians if meth is a problem there or if it is just a growing problem here.

Keep up the good work all. Im really happy to see such a big response to this. Var we will def get something together. Keep up the good work.
You got that right rolling', this is gonna be big. I have started another post on "helping the meth boycott" and the more actual threads and links through networking and communication the better.

I will be home today and am picking my father up from the hospital soon, (things are good).

I also have been sitting down and mapping out the course that I think we should follow as far as the site goes. I am mulling over ideas and think that a short "mission statement" should be formulated- agreed upon by the regular supporters and those that wish to help us END THE PRODUCTION OF METH PILLS and PUSHERS!

It should be put together asap. I am on it and will om anyone who will listen and/or help.I would like it done right. So this is the right thing to do until now - being on BL and networking. You all have been awesome....

In the beginning I want it to be short and sweet (so we dont bore anyone but get the message across that change has been brought about by greed and lack of respect. The people deserve to be safe and we will keep this with the harm reduction theme.

I will also try to get support from DS and BL ,PR (maybe to eventually get links when things are looking good

"Right now the idea doesn't have to fly it just has to get off the ground"

'Reply to ravenous blonde'
I agree with you on replacing the 9% meth content to caffeine, I would too prefer that. But E is known as a rave drug where most prefer to take it. People at raves like to dance, the 9% meth content makes it easier to get off your but to dance. The vg's are almost 300 mg pills that kind of dose of mdma mashes people out. 30mg of meth per pill is not enough to do significant meth damage but enough to get your freak on. But again I for one and most of the people I know don't want meth period. A pickle indeed.
'reply to rolling stoner'
Meth has been a problem here since 99 / 00 maybe not as big as in the states I'm not sure. through the last year though, meth content seems to be shrinking, still there but lower doses. If we the consumers band together and refuse purchasing meth bombs, then in time who knows maybe this problem can correct it self.
pure mdma isnt as easy as it was half a year ago in canada, but its still around. just your going to run into meth 6/10 pills. if that.

just keep in contact with your friends, tell each other whats up... simple?
It's all crap in boston too!!!!! nothin real...... sucks.. and someone is getting rich......
I saw you reply to the VG's being 300 mg and all. I personally remember these. The way those on edata work doesnt mean that the 300 mg in that one pill is all active. Some of it is binder and all but that pill was like 10 to 1 mdma to meth. I actually could not feel the meth in those and slept right after .
And I would agree that 300 mg of mdma might "mash" people if it was pure and total 300mg of "only " MDMA. There is filler/binder that is not accounted for.