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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

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The only Star Wars movie I've seen was the middle movie from the second trilogy (that must have been late nineties or thereabouts?). I fell asleep through most of it (tbf I was a little kid so I can't entirely blame the movie) and hated the rest.
But I hear a lot of people don't like that one.

Wondering if it's worth giving the original one's a go? I'm not really into the "nerdy" sort of sci-fi stuff but almost everyone seems to love Star Wars.

i think conventional wisdom would say that episode 5 is the best of that trilogy if not the entire series.


I thought that trilogy was one that even fans thought was pretty bad?
I definitely won't watch the movies then. I didn't really think I'd like them anyway tbh.
ah, i think you mean second trilogy as in second released not second in the timeline of the story...

ack! you even mentioned late 90s. my bad. makes sense now :)

Yeah I'm guessing he's talking about Attack of the Clones which is indeed an abomination. It's even worse than Phantom Menace and Last Jedi.

fuck yes it's worth watching the original trilogy. I wish I could watch them again for the first time.

If I could make a recommendation though? Watch the standalone film they did a few years ago, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story first, then go on to A New Hope then Empire Strikes Back then Return of the Jedi.

Rogue One
is a prequel to the original trilogy. The events of Rogue One lead directly into the first moments of A New Hope. It gives you some great background knowledge going in.
Yeah I'm guessing he's talking about Attack of the Clones which is indeed an abomination. It's even worse than Phantom Menace and Last Jedi.

fuck yes it's worth watching the original trilogy. I wish I could watch them again for the first time.

If I could make a recommendation though? Watch the standalone film they did a few years ago, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story first, then go on to A New Hope then Empire Strikes Back then Return of the Jedi.

Rogue One
is a prequel to the original trilogy. The events of Rogue One lead directly into the first moments of A New Hope. It gives you some great background knowledge going in.

Thanks for the tip! I will do that if I decide to watch them. I probably will, although I currently have 2732 movies on my IMDb watchlist lol.
All the content is worthwhile the newer stuff is just painfully worthwhile.

Favorite trilogy was the prequels (I-III).

I think they ruined it by ditching Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy in favor of creating a female lead/multi-cultural cast. Disney has a pension for kowtowing to PC crap over creating genuine and worthwhile content.
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So what did everyone think?

I've seen it twice now. Personally, I think it's just about as good as it possible could have been. Abrams had a tough job ending the entire saga especially after TLJ , which essentially didn't advance the story at all.

I also rewatched episodes I-VI just because it had been a while.

It's really odd to me. Each trilogy is simultaneously shitty and awesome at the same time. If they could somehow take the best aspects of each and put them into one, THAT would be a kick ass Star Wars trilogy. Personally I'd take the storytelling from the prequel trilogy, the heart from the originals, and the effects from the newer ones. (I think that's why I'm such a big Rogue One fan...I think it is the closest film to capture all three)
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So what did everyone think?

I've seen it twice now. Personally, I think it's just about as good as it possible could have been. Abrams had a tough job ending the entire saga especially after TLJ , which essentially didn't advance the story at all.
Seen it twice now too. I agree, it was 'as good as it could have been', all things considered. If episode 8 never happened I feel it could have actually been a decent trilogy.
Seen it twice now too. I agree, it was 'as good as it could have been', all things considered. If episode 8 never happened I feel it could have actually been a decent trilogy.

Whoops, added a little to my post but I totally agree.

Dude I've thought so much about what this trilogy could have been if episode 8 hadn't been such a disaster.

TFA was a retread for sure, but it was a good introduction to the Star Wars universe for this generation. A great setup. TLJ could have been awesome and it should have been the real bulk of the story. RoS shouldn't have had to cram so much shit in.
Rise of Skywalker was good but it was a long ass movie to watch in Imax on a lot of weed oil.

TLJ I missed the end bit. For reasons.
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Episode 7/9 are so derivative, but ep 8 was so deviating in story-line that ep 9 had no choice but to have the plot it did. It really did rob the whole trilogy.

Also, most Star Wars films reach 2+ hours man, you were just high lol
Yeah instead of building up Snoke's backstory in TLJ, and making him into a formidable villain on par with the Emperor, JJ had no other choice but to actually bring back the emperor. I mean how was he supposed to introduce a brand new character and make them the central villain then destroy them all in one movie? Just insane.
As somewhat of a hermit this is the first time I have admitted out loud how disappointed I was with this film, as I lifelong SW fan (ROTJ was the first live action film I saw at the cinema as a child) I am easily pleased when it comes to these films. Regardless of its problems, I will never forget the excitement of summer 99 when Ep. 1 was released and as such loved and have always remained a prequel apologist and absolutely loved both TFA and TJL.

I still had a good time with this film, I blarted during the opening crawl due to the weight of what I was about to see, but due to JJ's need to ret-con some of the dead ends presented by the previous episode it felt very messy overall and highlights how haphazard the sequel trilogy was put together, finding this last chapter to be somewhat standalone, especially whenever the story got away from Rey and Kylo. I am sure that the tragic loss of her royal highness fucked things up pretty badly and considered bringing the story home a near impossible task, but while it is always a pleasure to see the Emperor his inclusion gave me the impression that the filmakers had too little confidence in its own characters, with the story reduced to a 'go to point a to get the thing that tells you where point b is and so on and so forth'. It still gets a pass as it is Star Wars and there was a lot to like (3PO fucking rocked) but it is IMO the weakest episode due to the workable but most definitely McKlunkey plot gymnastics used to get across the finish line. After Endgame brought the MCU home in such a perfect manner and as one of the few who were at least satisfied, if not blown away, by the climax of Game Of Thrones it was probably a bit much to ask for all 3 conclusions to be spot on yet after following this for 37 years it was the one that mattered the most.

The first time I saw it was in IMAX 3D so as an aside I got to see the Tenet Prologue in its proper format which looks as exciting as Inception did a decade ago.
Yeah instead of building up Snoke's backstory in TLJ, and making him into a formidable villain on par with the Emperor, JJ had no other choice but to actually bring back the emperor. I mean how was he supposed to introduce a brand new character and make them the central villain then destroy them all in one movie? Just insane.
A lot of the books (now relegated to the Expanded Universe and thus not 'canon') explored the idea of the Emperor finding ways to clone himself/live through his death. The return of Palpatine was the least out-there part of this shit show of a trilogy I'm sad to say.

And now that spoilers are being thrown around, when the fuck did Palpatine have a girlfriend, knock her up, and then have a son who he subsequently had killed?! Like wtf? People can balk at TLJ and Rian Johnson but J.J. fucked the trilogy from the start with his very presence.
The prequels are still my favorite trilogy, hands down, no contest. They brought the most content to the table, not to mention spawning two fabulous cartoons that outshine all the movies combined. Star Wars is best as televised content as it allows broader content to be explored. Really the movies tell way less somehow with their 2 hour plots, yet 20 minute episodes of the Clone Wars contain so much more humanity and content.