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spirits or schizophrenia

Recently watched Joan of Arc and it surprised me how many people were behind her delusion.
Often when she is referenced she is counted as a great person in history when actually imho she was no more historic than the wackjob bum on the street corner than talks to himself.
Next time you have thoughts of suicide, remember that it is not you creating the thoughts, it is your ego/mind. It is only an illusion and its your choice to listen or not.

Do not take the negative thought seriously, that only feeds it energy. Simply laugh at it and move on.

I take it you are talking from a buddhist point of view..."if one see's a demon it is the trickery of the mind and once you realise it is not real it will vanish"....that kind of thing?
Recently watched Joan of Arc and it surprised me how many people were behind her delusion.
Often when she is referenced she is counted as a great person in history when actually imho she was no more historic than the wackjob bum on the street corner than talks to himself.
Often important figures in history became important because they were able to convince other to follow their delusions. Hitler would be the obvious examble.
guys are we saying hinduisum,buddhisum christianity and islam along with many other ancient religions are all nut jobs.

look im not saying that all mental problems are spiritual problems, I just think that we are more than a group of recptors miss firing
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I just cant belive that we are just a bunch of chemicals and neuron. I remember watching a doco' about a group of scientists who strapped people to all these machines to measure response to images on a screen. what they found the couldnt explain...the subjects hearts would respond before the brain in many instances to confrunting images. This they said was "impossible" as there is no direct like between the heart and the eyes the optical nerves go to the brain, also at times they would react before the image was on the screen, this could be explained by telepathic emotional respons from the scientist that was picked up by the test subjects

Or perhaps there is a form of interneuronal communication that current technology can't detect. Also, people jump the gun all the time when waiting for a stimulus. It's not magic, it's just not obvious. That said, I still agree that we are "more than carbon and chemicals".

And who said anything about misfiring? For all we know, every neural action could be infallible and perfect.

....but telepathy is not real...... as scientsis once believed
I once exclaimed to a friend, "But that's wrong! Reality doesn't work like that!"

His response stopped me still: "Maybe not your idea of reality..."
I dont know

I guess we all have a different idea of reality. I've looked for an answer pretty much everywhere I even looked up the symptoms of Kundalini awakenings and found I have so many of them. Problem is who do we believe there are so many people that make such good points from psychologists to curandero's to priests and sufi masters. Maybe there is never anything "wrong" it is all in our heads and how we perceive things.

one man can look at a field of thistles and see the flowers on top and wonder at the beauty, the other will always see the thorns and miss the beauty of the field
guys are we saying hinduisum,buddhisum christianity and islam along with many other ancient religions are all nut jobs.

Well "nut job" is kind of extreme, but you're on the right track. All religions were invented to explain the unexplainable. People didn't know where they came from, they didn't know where the earth came from, and they didn't know why the sun rose every day or why it rained. Therefore they created mythologies to explain all of these phenomena. We still may not know exactly how the universe was created, but I've pretty much decided that some old man in the sky DID NOT wave his hand and do it in 7 days :\

*puts on flame suit*
I dont know

I guess we all have a different idea of reality. I've looked for an answer pretty much everywhere I even looked up the symptoms of Kundalini awakenings and found I have so many of them. Problem is who do we believe there are so many people that make such good points from psychologists to curandero's to priests and sufi masters. Maybe there is never anything "wrong" it is all in our heads and how we perceive things.

one man can look at a field of thistles and see the flowers on top and wonder at the beauty, the other will always see the thorns and miss the beauty of the field

One of my professors once said, "We do not see the lens through which we look."

You should read "The Social Construction of Reality" by Peter Berger if you haven't already. It's a pretty short read.
well im sure the bible is not what im looking for, I just dont buy it. Besides the church changed parts of the bible to suit them selves so they had more power. Any organisation that could commit something like the inquisition has some serious shit wrong with it. im sure we didnt just one day appear from clay or that the universe was made in seven days..bla bla bla...but some one or something had to make it and make sure it all worked, or is it all just one big accident that will end when the sun explodes or was it planned to not last forever ......we could all go one forever on this topic

ill have a read of that book it looks interesting
^^ awesome bro thanks

interesting read....most of what is happening now was a long time coming due to stress
(cortisol seems to play a major role from what I have read) but it was a night on the chems mainly to much of the good old "k". Interesting to read about the NMDA and Glutamate stuff...wonder how much the "K" and those receptors have to do with all this
Are you still having suicidal thoughts, dreams or visions? If so, are you troubled by them?
To andreas,

I'm surprised no one else mentioned it, but maybe you're just experiencing panic or anxiety attacks?
hey guys I still dont know whats going on some how I think I am better...the suicidal shit seems to have gone and from what I have worked out most of whats going on in my head seems to be in some way triggerd by me. It's a strange feeling thats so hard to describe, its like the devil or some demons/spirits are constantly attacking me....yeah I know

I had really bad anxiety that would some times grow into panic attacks but after drinking Ayahuasca the anxiety feels much less and I haven't had a panic attack since I got back.

thanks guys I love bluers you give me hope the world just might make it
Recently I got back form Peru where I drank ayahuasca five times. It wasn't really what I expected, in the sense that i thought it would purge more than it did. I guess I thought of it as some miracle cure, wich I now know it is not. However I will say it has given me a different look on myself and life.

Things were all good till about two weeks after i got back I had a vision in the state where your not awake but just not yet asleep, where my legs morphed into hooves and then had this strange dream with a priest in it...anyways wasnt to concerned till lately iv had suicidal visiuons and a voice in my head and sometime my own thoughts on killing myself.

what the fuck is going on I was very scientifc till just recently so I dont know much on spirtuality all iv been told is that Ayahuasca opends you up spiritualy and can let bad spirits in too.

any help would be awesome

MODS feel free to move to TDS

Ayahuasca consumed with a shaman...The shamans are used that aya is almost purely evil and they communicates anyway. Where the idea in westerns come that DMT/ayahuasca is full of beautiful cosmic visions? Isn't it that they just deal with power animals, other shamans, evil witches, archetypal characters etc.

They(aboriginal users) spread from north there, south america, invents psilocybes in hunger, and find couple plants that are psychoactive when used right. Caveman geniuses?

Is there mentions about ayahuasca after effects in Don Juans books. Check it out, of course the bad things can be get over. Maybe it's just a part of the trip...
^^ sorry I dont quite follow what your saying here

what do you mean by saying aya is almost purely evil...and where did you get this info

also I havent read Don Juans book on after effects...would you care to give some info on this aswell

no pun intended if you have some info I would really like to see it
^^ sorry I dont quite follow what your saying here

what do you mean by saying aya is almost purely evil...and where did you get this info

also I havent read Don Juans book on after effects...would you care to give some info on this aswell

no pun intended if you have some info I would really like to see it

Read this man, (pun from me in some way, can't help myself, pls read allthrough) , but me my self done with aya and it's damn visual etc.

But, it's evil, just plain evil and the shamans like the battle with all evil (not that they themselves are evil at all). Read some Don Juan, i have too and tried many(6?10?12?) times yay and it's not a tool for westerner to get a LSD trip, just IMHO. Pure DMT propably very different case anyway. Not to try cause disappointment to any who can access original aya where they have used it for ages, but did they explain it would be "good" in sense of a westerner.

You easily get over it by time i assume, many, very many westerners done it (am westerner too myself). To me it was like comparing goa-type carpet visuals to total alien type of sense of visualisation and mindstate. I did quit aya tests (and am just amateur) because it was to me plain evil (i'll ever tell what "it" wanted me to know, just my mind from "alien" angle). But evil is not (from shamanism) such a easily punishable "object" or "person" but a snake-like consisting of logic force that has it's own place and as i myself figured it's not plain aya but LSAs relate to it too(more friendly and easy comparing to aya). It's powerful and evil force. Just IMHO, but it's something, just can't explain.

Salvia is too different and the power is so overpowering and goodwill that, (be carefull who suggests what) smoke some and feel who has the control over who/what/when. If you were scared/threatened.

My point was it passes over if discontinuing, but the shamans use it regularly, if am not totally wrong, and take it as what it is.

What i say, later you propably realise that the travel/tripping was shamanistic, and cosmos is full of logical "creatures". Or entities, i disagree a littlebit they have any entity form theyself, but are something that normal person never would even consider(or accept those exists) to be existing.

To normal person(who accepts TV and PC), plain nonsense and faked ego boosting ehh?

Anyway, i did try explain and give help(am no expert and quitted messing via aya), Salvia is good, not evil. Or should be.

Last words, i'm on promilles and benzos(used to them, is it harm-causing or self-betraying then, or psychic violence?) and did feel need for explaining, if it somehow spoils somebody it's my faultfrom ego force angle.
I think I know what your saying

I just guess I seen so many people "cured" from so many things by the aya,looking back I think san pedro would have been a better choice
I think I know what your saying

I just guess I seen so many people "cured" from so many things by the aya, looking back I think san pedro would have been a better choice

I heard from FOM too that San Pedro is a cure plant. I deeply suspect Aya cures no-one but gives opportuny to play with archetypal characters, and then so, a enough wise man/woman could get help to him/her self and even cure.

And, like aybody cares, i can't battle/communicate with Aya, just worship the CEVs in different body positions.

But with 4-aCo-DMT it's easy to communicate with the temporary psychic telepathic force. And it's not schizofrenia symptom because it's different.
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