songs about addiction/recovery

melancholy song for me, reminds me of goin' down to the pawn shop myself... oh the things you do for addiction....... sigh

Down here at the pawn shop
What has been sold
Not strictly made of stone
Just remember that it's flesh and bone
What has been sold
Not strictly soul
Please remember, it's flesh and bone

People that loved and cared about Layne Staley really should have listened to his lyrics of this song! He literally explained what was going to happen to him.

He died of a heroin overdose alone. Nobody gave a shit about him in the end, no one, except his grandma. It was her that finally called his landlord to check on him, and found him dead in his apartment of an overdose. He had been dead and rotting for over two weeks! That’s how much people gave a shit about him! They didn’t! It’s all super sad, and a reminder of how much addiction takes from you. It takes everything from you, including your soul. Please remember Layne and the awful consequences of addiction.

I miss him a lot and feel him a lot around me when I hear this song. @ghostandthedarknes, I know you probably miss Layne too.


As I understand the story it was actually his accountant who noticed no money had been withdrawal from his account for about 2 weeks - who then contacted his family... but if it takes your fucking accountant to first realize something is wrong is still just as tragic, if not more.

Layne's voice is so haunting. A comment on youtube nails it. "It's like hearing a dead man sing at his own funeral"

Me and my good buddy Art used to do a lot of H and listen to Layne endlessly. I'm glad we're both still alive. One of my true old friends from AZ.

People that loved and cared about Layne Staley really should have listened to his lyrics of this song! He literally explained what was going to happen to him.

He died of a heroin overdose alone. Nobody gave a shit about him in the end, no one, except his grandma. It was her that finally called his landlord to check on him, and found him dead in his apartment of an overdose. He had been dead and rotting for over two weeks! That’s how much people gave a shit about him! They didn’t! It’s all super sad, and a reminder of how much addiction takes from you. It takes everything from you, including your soul. Please remember Layne and the awful consequences of addiction.

I miss him a lot and feel him a lot around me when I hear this song. @ghostandthedarknes, I know you probably miss Layne too.


my dog's name is Layne.

What kind of evil baby, I don't want to know
Could poison pure waters, just when they begin to flow
Nothing we did baby, and nothing we said
Could call up the demon, that danced inside your head

Innocent light, trapped in the night
Angel of Darkness
You've got it wrong, you don't belong
On the cold streets you roam
Sweet runaway, there's no debt to pay
Angel of Darkness
Find your star, that's who you are, and follow it home

When you were a child baby, you were lost in the wild
With no one to save you, no shelter for your style
Those sworn to protect you baby, they brokered your pain
They nurtured neglect girl, and left you standing in the rain

Innocent light, trapped in the night
Angel of Darkness
You've got it wrong, you don't belong
On the cold streets you roam
Sweet runaway, there's no debt to pay
Angel of Darkness
Find your star, that's who you are, and follow it home

Your fate's in your hand darling
So grace it with pride
The color of night
Will fade to the light
You're looking at an angel's ride

Innocent light, trapped in the night
Angel of Darkness
You've got it wrong, you don't belong
On the cold streets you roam
Sweet runaway, there's no debt to pay
Angel of Darkness
Find your star, that's who you are, and follow it home

Find your star, that's who you are, and follow it home
Find your star, that's who you are, and follow it home


People that loved and cared about Layne Staley really should have listened to his lyrics of this song! He literally explained what was going to happen to him.

He died of a heroin overdose alone. Nobody gave a shit about him in the end, no one, except his grandma. It was her that finally called his landlord to check on him, and found him dead in his apartment of an overdose. He had been dead and rotting for over two weeks! That’s how much people gave a shit about him! They didn’t! It’s all super sad, and a reminder of how much addiction takes from you. It takes everything from you, including your soul. Please remember Layne and the awful consequences of addiction.

I miss him a lot and feel him a lot around me when I hear this song. @ghostandthedarknes, I know you probably miss Layne too.


He had shut himself off after his girlfriend died of an overdose. I loved Layne and the day he died I cried like I had lost a family member.He helped me so much during withdrawals and their MTV unplugged and mad season live at the Moore was on repeat.People tried to see him and the bassist for AIC was one of the last people to see him before he died just shut himself of.I am just glad i got to see him perform with AIC his voice the best. People to cheak out bleed the freak and love hate love at the moore to see the power and control of his voice rest in peace layne you lost your battle but still help many others beat theirs

this song is about alcoholism

"When I wrote the chorus to "Take a Picture" [...] it was just after my friend was like, "Do you remember anything you did last night?" And I was like, "What are you talking about?" She said, "My God, you were throwing beer bottles out of a cab window at a cop car. Do you remember that?" And I said, "Good lord, could you take my picture, 'cuz I won't remember." And that line just kinda stuck. Weeks later, I had another drunken experience – being on a plane and being blacked out and not feeling good and taking my shirt off, half in and out of consciousness – and I'm in the back of a paddy wagon. I’m thinking, "Oh my God, what is my dad gonna think of this shit?" Y’know, "Dad, what do you think about your son now?" So, the song is this amazing thing for me to look back on now."
Testament - Return to Serenity
I always thought the lyrics were maybe talking about a return to a mental 'utopia' from addiction....