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Benzos social anxiety completly destroyd!

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"Increase your self esteem some way..." lmao, wow, u have obviously never dealt with depression... and trains im willing to let the childish shit go that i called u out on and was right about if u are.
Yeah, try something else to ease your anxiety...hey, have you ever heard of a GABAergic drug called "alcohol"? I hear it's quite popular.
lmao ANYWAYS GUYS. Honest trip report

took 10mg today and fucked up....Will try harder tmrw. Got more than enough to taper so w.e.
Wow,this thread sure sparked a lot of hostility,hurt,and bias from every corner.If I may,I would like to mention benzos without getting attacked and called a bunch of silly shit.The almost constant daily panic attacks,jumping at every noise,not being able to function like a normal human being etc... mentioned by an above poster was my baseline for most of my life.I have been diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder by multiple doctors,including psychiatrists.I won't get into the physiology/psychiatry behind it here,just let it suffice to say that I have a hormonal imbalance in my brain that causes me to be this way and I can tell you it sucks.Yes,I am prescribed high doses of Xanax daily and yes,I also get therapy from a psychiatrist to go along with them.I will probably have to be on them for the rest of my life.And before anyone calls me a some kind of name I freely admit that I sometimes like to party with my prescription meds.There,I said it.Does that take away from the fact that I need them?No more so than my love for pain-killers means the fucked up knee full of pins and screws I have doesn't genuinely hurt like shit constantly.Just because my medications give me a pleasant euphoric feeling if I take a high enough dose doesn't mean I don't need them.

My point is that just because some medications cause a lot of people problems doesn't mean they are the devil and the people who need them are not all a bunch of idiots with a death wish.My life would be unliveable without the medictions I take daily and I would much rather take them than return to the 20+years of heroin hell I went through because I have no medical insurance and a lot of doctors are afraid to effectively treat patients with real needs.Yes,I enjoy a good sedative high sometimes.I'm not denying that and anyone reading any post I've made on here knows I make no bones about it.With that said,I will take a life dependant on medications that make it manageable over going through hell anyday.I've been around the block and then some with each step of the routine:functional addict,worthless addict,dealer,jail,recovering addict,medication dependant patient and so on.People can ruin their lives with anything:food,gambling,sex,workaholic,etc...and what ruins one person may save another.I certainly don't feel that I or anyone else that lives with the assistance of medications should be ostracized or belittled.Just thought I would add a different perspective.Anyone who feels the need to make rude,smart assed comments or make fun of peolpe who are in pain or whose brains just aren't wired right may fire away I guess.
Yea downerhead, thanks for making my point a little clearer... i dont see what it is with the benzo nazism in here but clearly its not all bad, and you are our prime example of that! Maybe people will read ur post and take heed to what i was saying all along, that sometimes it is better to live life dependent and happy, than not dependent and miserable. Then again maybe not because some people are idiots..
Wow. I think some people could be a little more objective than just coming from their own subjective experience and give the OP a little break.

I'm in the boat of having to live on opioids and benzos for life because pf a DDD and comorbid GAD- several drs (Specialists included) have said this to me. So COME AT ME.

Its good people are warning of the affects long term dependency can cause. But do we need to jump down the posters throat and automatically assume addiction problems.

Just take a deep breath everyone and be a little more objective and leave out the personal attacks. It makes this place look ugly.
I'm not "going at anyone" but hearing people complain about GAD and needing benzos for life is what i wish i had.
I have schizoaffective disorder, i would trade anyone any day for just having GAD instead of my fucked up head on my shoulders (which by the way feel like are falling off because of benzo wds as we speak, i think if anyone needs benzos, im a prime candidate BUT they don't work forever!) I was on them for almost 10 years and they stopped being effective in every way besides holding off withdrawals a year or two ago. Until they stopped working, they worked excellent.. now im forced to try other routes for dealing with the anxiety and paranoia that goes along with my condition. Plus the mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, BP meds, and antihistamines (trying to pick up where benzos left off, but they don't compare once you've had that "benzo" type relief).
I understand it isn't a one size fits all type of deal and everyone will become addicted or have the same problems as another person or myself has had.. but there is proof that benzos become ineffective after a certain amount of time. My time happened to be a decade.
Good luck to all you who have legit reasons for your meds as i did up until a year ago when my dr cut me off (after a year long taper) and needed to fill the gap myself and etiz fit the bill. Now im coming off that and it seems to suck worse than clonazepam did feeling wise, ease wise clonazepam was easier due to half-life.. but anyways.
As you were.........

Hey man I didn't mean to belittle your problems at all. I've lost the plot myself before and am likeky bipolar, but never dx. Ive been dependent for a long time and gone through periods of abstinence so know the hell of benzo wd; it sent me extremely psychotic having come off opioids at the same time.

Everyone has their problems. We should be helping out OP objectively, and not necessarily bringing our own experiences into it and drilling them like "youre fucked from the first dose. Youre going to bw chained to them and walk the depths of hell come time to get off them". Comes off like some DARE shit.
^ i understand.
That's why im going to leave this convo.. for some reason i just can't help the urge to wanna warn someone of something that MIGHT happen like it's definitely going to happen.
I get everyone is different and some people are more prone to addiction than others.

OP it isn't a bad thing that you have found something that helps you, it's a good thing because now you have figured out what helps you. BUT i just want you to keep on your mind (not in a haunting way) that there are other options to help like therapy etc, that you can add on top of the benzo so when your dose no longer works for you, instead of keep needing to up it. Maybe one day you can have the tools to help yourself without the need of drugs and you can say to yourself "ok i keep upping my dose and the anxiety is catching up with it, maybe it's time to try something else".
I say it to my sons mother all the time (he's 10 and she has him on antidepressants smh) I was 12 when they put me on them and it taught me or translated in my head back then as "you have a problem, here this PILL will fix it" and i think that is the underlying reason i became a pill popper although there is no way to tell for sure.
I just hope he doesn't translate it the same way i did.. but back on point.
Wait i forget the point lol, just remember that meds only treat the symptoms and don't get at the source of the problem is what i think im trying to say.

And bobjayne i didn't mean to belittle your GAD with dicksizing disorders either. I realized after i posted that it had been what i did.
My apologies to anyone who took offense to anything i have said in this thread.

And with that, im outta here.

No offence taken hood. You didn't know my problems and I know you're coming from a good place.

My posts haven't been directed to any single perspn. Just an observation of the thread.
Yeah, have fun when the ride's over and you're addicted to both and your social anxiety is so crippling you can't leave your bedroom for months at a time. Be warned.

as others have stated be mindful that this sort of treatment doesn't work forever

if you're going to do it anyway why not instead of shooting the shit with your friends, go engage in counseling while you're all extroverted and not anxious.

Just don't take it everyday, and you will be okay. Or if you do take it everyday, make sure you have a prescription so when you go to get some and your hook up doesn't have any your not fucked.

Listen to this guy. Im currently the guy in the bedroom for months at a time. 6mg of xanax a day and 30-90mg++ of oxycodone or heroin and meth when it was around left me fucked. Xanax withdrawls are like nothing you will ever go through in your life, i cant stress how horrible they are please don't take benzo's every day and only as needed for anxiety. Don't see that working for long though. Diazapam sucks though and that's a low dose so maybe you'll be OK.

Be careful.......taking benzos every day will get you rebound anxiety which in turn males you take more Valium.......I myself love Valium & its great for anxiety, but I don't use it every day because it will catch up to you.

Use it only for severe anxiety & try not to use it every day.

How long were you taking 6mg xanax (daily)?

I have to deal with the WD every time I run out of my script early, which usually means sitting in a chair, dark room, no sound, in and out of a panic state, not eating etc...sure does suck.. :(

I've had similar experience with suboxone WD as well.

If you read through the posts no one attacked the op, they just mentioned it is not a good drug to depend on and tried to explain the severity of benzo WD.

I cannot believe all the moronic and completely unsupportive responses on here. The dude said hes FINALLY able to enjoy shit and not be totally anxious about everything he does anymore.. i think that is fucking great. Anyone who has ever experienced social anxiety knows how bad it can be and how bad u wish u could just be normal and not have your heart racing like a freaking antelope running from a cheetah over just being in public... whats wrong with the guy taking this.shit forever and being addicted to and "crippled" by it if it helps him so much as he has stated? I think its about time doctors fucking wised up and actually listen to their patients about what helps them and what doesnt instead of just thinking "doctor knows best" when they are not in that persons skin and do not know how a particular drug makes them feel... jesus fucking christ i cant believe the idiocy in this place

It wasn't until this^ post that everything got discombobulated.

Anyway, stay safe.
Yea ur right lets just blame it all on me... doesnt matter what ppl were sayin it matters that it was nothin but negative ass responses, which is what i said. And it is MORONIC... sorry, but it is. My point was the way u guys were acting over dude sayin he found somethin that works was pathetic, and SUBJECTIVE... as someone has now said and now you are all agreeing with.. yea i let my temper get the best of me sometimes so it hinders me making my point but damn i just cant stand stupid people who wont actually READ and consider a post i make. Its annoying...
"Increase your self esteem some way..." lmao, wow, u have obviously never dealt with depression... and trains im willing to let the childish shit go that i called u out on and was right about if u are.

Wow your willing to let the stuff go that you were right about? You just had to add that in didnt you? Oh god you sure are the bigger man here obviously ha. I'm not a fan of apology's especially ones like yours which is really only more insults.

The fact that you think I should be less stubborn than you both amuses me and also annoys me.
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Yea ur right lets just blame it all on me... doesnt matter what ppl were sayin it matters that it was nothin but negative ass responses, which is what i said. And it is MORONIC... sorry, but it is. My point was the way u guys were acting over dude sayin he found somethin that works was pathetic, and SUBJECTIVE... as someone has now said and now you are all agreeing with.. yea i let my temper get the best of me sometimes so it hinders me making my point but damn i just cant stand stupid people who wont actually READ and consider a post i make. Its annoying...

Good luck explaining how both personal experience and scientific research is MORONIC.

If this guy wants or needs emotional support he should head on over to The Dark Side part of the forum. That was the actual intent behind my third post on page 1.

Would also like to mention that many ex-BLr's got that tag from name-calling and posting ignorant responses in places where they serve no value other than trolling, which is exactly what you have done ITT.

Take Care

The fact that you think I should be less stubborn than you both amuses me and also annoys me

Who are you referring to besides 'denial' guy?
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Only the denial guy everyone is entitled to an opinion and many have given theirs's in a respectful way the only one who can't seem to play nice is the denial guy.
All I have to say is denial has no place in OD.

(possible double entendre in this post)

Only the denial guy everyone is entitled to an opinion and many have given theirs's in a respectful way the only one who can't seem to play nice is the denial guy.

Apologies trainspotter, misinterpretation of your post.. ;)
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Wow. I think some people could be a little more objective than just coming from their own subjective experience and give the OP a little break.

I'm in the boat of having to live on opioids and benzos for life because pf a DDD and comorbid GAD- several drs (Specialists included) have said this to me. So COME AT ME.

Its good people are warning of the affects long term dependency can cause. But do we need to jump down the posters throat and automatically assume addiction problems.

Just take a deep breath everyone and be a little more objective and leave out the personal attacks. It makes this place look ugly.

I'm not assuming anything in his first few posts he mentions how he takes hydrocodone illegally daily is that not addiction problems?
We are simply trying to say that the fake happiness won't last forever and that only in very special circumstances should these be used long term. The guy says he has some social anxiety I have it so do many people and they don't all take benzos sometimes you have to overcome your anxiety rather than cover it up. But the OP can either choose to keep on doing what he's doing or be more careful and try out therapy and other drugs besides dangerous and extremely addictive narcotics.

Red handed denial
I'm not saying no one needs benzos but its not the solution for everyone. I don't think many doctors give advice and say oh you want benzos cause you get nervous around people? oh yea okay here's 90 Valium pop them like there's no tomorrow along with opiates you bought on the streets who cares what could happen, if it makes you happy do what makes you happy. You don't need to worry about addiction or anything everyone who gets nervous should cover up their problems and not try to work through them in therapy after all therapy is for pussies.

I'm just trying to be realistic here and your trying to come on threads and start stuff with people by name calling. You came to call me out? I Mentioned I know first hand how addiction can be I wasn't trying to hide anything just because in my first post I didn't say I'm a Suboxone addict all of a sudden I'm a hippocrite? Man just stop
Please listen to me, this is how I got addicted to benzos, I thought -exactly- the same thing about it getting rid of my social anxiety, and how awesome it was to finally be able to hang and talk to people.
Buttttt, please find out more what it's like to be physically addicted to benzos, how the anti-anxiety effect doesn't last forever, how it will turn your social anxiety even worse, into generalised anxiety disorder. You can't just stop taking them when you're physically addicted, you will get seriously ill and can easily have a seizure if you go completely cold turkey after being on them for a long duration.

Please just be careful and find another way to deal with your social anxiety. Using drugs to cover it up isn't fixing it, it's just a temporary thing.
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