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Benzos social anxiety completly destroyd!

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Lot of dick sizing in here with zero benefit to the OP. Save the sob stories for the blog section boys.

There is no benefit to the OP unless we can convince him that this "miracle pill" isn't the answer he should be looking for.
Ok mr. Trainspotter who does suboxone everyday to feel normal, when do u plan on losing your crutch? U cant just, like, hide it under the rug forever, man... jeeze i hate idiots...
There is no benefit to the OP unless we can convince him that this "miracle pill" isn't the answer he should be looking for.
He has to find out for himself it doesn't matter what our problems are big or small it makes not difference there is always somebody worse off than you out in the world somewhere so who cares. We are all in pain so we look for ways to stop it but becoming addicted to drugs and masking it doesn't make them go away. We have all been in your position and made excuses for why we use such as oh I'm young I want to enjoy my years then I'll stop when I want to settle down and have family blah blah blah. Will you be ready to face years of withdrawal symptoms and the lifetime of addiction that never leaves you? I've seen too many people end up 100 times worse than they were due to using drugs for their problems like this but every one started off like you thinking they can control it and who cares it makes me happy for the moment fuck the future lol I'm never growing old but reality comes when you least expect it then you can either continue being miserable, kill yourself or try to get clean and struggle with your brain begging for drugs for years after stopping.

Just use them every few weeks or so if you must the benzos I mean your already addicted to opiates which are a walk in the park compared to benzo withdrawals if you add benzo to the mix your gonna be doing some serious damage to your young mind but do want you must I understand being in pain and wanting a quick fix but I also know what happened to me eventually everything I hid from with drugs came back at once and really started fucking with my mind. Now I see my mom screwed over and miserable/suicidal from being on the crap for years and it tears my heart out to see.

Everyone has to learn for themselves I just pray you can get your life back one day and rid yourself of these terrible drugs before they change your brain for the worst. Being in a drugged up state of mind brings its own set of problems is all I have to say.
Daniel just dont listen to them seriously do what makes u happy. And no u stupid ass im not mad that my dr didnt give me a scriot of valium i dont want a script of that shit all it does is make me pass out. But it does different things for different ppl and i know ppl who have been taking it for years with no side effects like you speak of.. like my 90 yr old grandma, who takes one .5 a day the key is to not keep taking more and more just because u "build up a tolerance" damn it still does the same thing when u take it for yrs u guys just dont see it that way cuz ur addicts.. i am too thats why i dont want the shit too
Ok mr. Trainspotter who does suboxone everyday to feel normal, when do u plan on losing your crutch? U cant just, like, hide it under the rug forever, man... jeeze i hate idiots...

The point is that he knows it's not a permanent answer. He is far from an idiot.
I was on methadone over a year and then suboxone 2.5 years, I knew the entire time that it was only a band-aid covering my underlying addiction.
I knew it was going to end some time. It did.. I wen't through months of WD followed by about a year of PAWS, all so i could remove that band-aid and heal.
The important thing you said there was "crutch" which means not permanent and only temp helping.
What are your vices? If you don't mind me asking?

Daniel just dont listen to them seriously do what makes u happy. And no u stupid ass im not mad that my dr didnt give me a scriot of valium i dont want a script of that shit all it does is make me pass out. But it does different things for different ppl and i know ppl who have been taking it for years with no side effects like you speak of.. like my 90 yr old grandma, who takes one .5 a day the key is to not keep taking more and more just because u "build up a tolerance" damn it still does the same thing when u take it for yrs u guys just dont see it that way cuz ur addicts.. i am too thats why i dont want the shit too

Yeah Daniel don't listen to us and then come back years from now and admit we were right (if you have the courage to).
We are a group of addicts, recovering addicts, and recovered addicts on this site.
We aim for harm reduction. We are trying to help him before he does the same thing some of us did.
But like TS said, a lot of people need to learn the hard way.

My vice is subutex thats why i called trainspot on it cuz hes actin like its sooooo bad that daniel.is reliant on a med to be happy when hes the same way... oooh i pray u can one day get rid of those nasty meds too train like ur subs uve.been doing for 6 months...
My vice is subutex thats why i called trainspot on it cuz hes actin like its sooooo bad that daniel.is reliant on a med to be happy when hes the same way... oooh i pray u can one day get rid of those nasty meds too train like ur subs uve.been doing for 6 months...

Oh ok.
Didn't mean to come off like an asshole if i did.
But i saw you call him an idiot, and that was uncalled for and so not true.
I think he knows he's being a little hipociritcal but just wants to save the OP from getting in a bad spot, as i do also.
People do as they wish though and seek that drug that fixes their problem. The OP called it a miracle pill in a previous post and my point is, it may seem like that now but in the future.. IF BY CHANCE they develop a habit (which no one wants for themselves or anyone else) it's a very hard and painful one to break.
It would be best for them just to use as needed but even if you need it everyday, dont take it daily if you can help it.
Maybe a couple times a week and seek some type of counseling or therapy in addition OP.

I'm glad the OP found something that makes them feel better in certain situations, i really am.
Just remember to use it as a tool and not a lifestyle.

Ok mr. Trainspotter who does suboxone everyday to feel normal, when do u plan on losing your crutch? U cant just, like, hide it under the rug forever, man... jeeze i hate idiots...

I know I'm far from perfect did I say I was? I know what's coming to me if I don't stop. Oh nice I'm an idiot cool your free to your opinion and if all you have to say is name calling then that says more about you than it does me. I find people who resort to name calling are simply unable to use their brain so they act childish.

Hey arnt you the bio chemist who doesn't know the difference between 20 microns and 0.2 microns? And the chemist who doesn't know what the UM means on a micron filter?

I even said in my post I have been through the same thing and ive suffered from hiding my emotions so how does that make me seem like I'm better. Jeez a bio chemist who can't read either. Taking 1mg of Suboxone under the tounge each day is a little better than popping Valium and full opiate agonists 24/7. I Mean i used to do an 8ball of IV heroin a day. I dont hide from nothjng either if im nervous I face my fear and I don't hold nothing back anymore and go get high like I used to. I tell it like it is and I try to stay true to myself also.

Now quit getting your panties in a bunch you haven't called me out on anything Mr Bio chemist.
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Lol u are so stupid... i do know the difference but i said someone said 20um and then said 0.2um so i wasnt sure which it was since i also read that coffee filters went down to 15um.. lol. U just made me laugh so hard thank you... and yea i called u names but i also used my "fancy brains" by saying u were being a hypocrite and saying why... and yes i did call u out. God. This is ridiculous... lol
You didnt say anything about havin had been in his position until your SECOND post, at which point i had already called u on it... go back and read the shit its in that order. Lol.. wow....
already have done that. i'm a college graduate and work full time while going to school to obtain a BA.

with all due respect to the two of you, your situation means nothing to me. having a child is a conscience decision. you don't know my life. my child hood was stolen from me as well, although it wasn't my conscience decision and it happened way before 15. i look for no pitty from anybody only support in dealing with what (i realize) ive done to myself. there's no excuses but monkey see monkey do. i just think its progress that i'm not shooting heroin, watched my step dad shoot h into my moms veins

conscious* - sorry to be part of the Grammar Gestapo that was really bugging me. I hope it's not BA English, though fair enough for trying to better your life. I admire that.

I can't really add more to what's already been stated and echo'd. Forget Benzo's, they're comparable to the carrot-on-stick scenario. You'll be forever chasing something that wont ever materialise. You may get a few nibbles here and there, but you'll never eat that carrot. I get 'talking therapies' don't work for everyone, certainly haven't for me, but please attempt it. Try some counselling. Try some CBT. Try to address your issues without drugs. And hell, if you have to address your issues with drugs, at least address them with a more viable drug such as Gabapentin/Pregabalin or even some of the old Tricyclics which are often brilliant for 'treating' (i use that word lightly) anxiety or at least providing substantial symptomatic relief.

I'm not trying to get on your back, just trying to help. From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely wish you're able to get your issues in check and lead a better life.

Peace, love & hugs and all that <3 xxx
Oh more names? I've experienced this myself and know how addiction can be so I am able to tell him what his future may very well hold.
Just stop while your ahead. You say we all just think he is going to lose control and slip into addiction simply because we are addicts so we're biased? The OP is an addict too he does opiates daily so why isn't it possible he could lose control with benzos? Mabye a 70 year old with no addction problems may benefit being on benzos long term but that is not the situation at hand is it?

Now I fully expect more names from you so don't bother I've said what I have to say I'm not going to waste time with you when you are just name calling. I got no time for you I've got real problems like making sure my mother isnt going to kill herself during benzo withdrawals because she can't get another doctor to prescribe her benzos after losing her psychiatrist. My mom never had addiction problems before this stuff although this isnt the case for everyone doctors are starting to see it happens today often and seeing benzos should he given out with extreme care.
Daniel just dont listen to them seriously do what makes u happy. And no u stupid ass im not mad that my dr didnt give me a scriot of valium i dont want a script of that shit all it does is make me pass out. But it does different things for different ppl and i know ppl who have been taking it for years with no side effects like you speak of.. like my 90 yr old grandma, who takes one .5 a day the key is to not keep taking more and more just because u "build up a tolerance" damn it still does the same thing when u take it for yrs u guys just dont see it that way cuz ur addicts.. i am too thats why i dont want the shit too



^ Yeah, no kidding Rybee. I'm not gonna bother reading through all this mess but you were given sage advice OP... learn from those who have actually been there. Benzo withdrawal is horrible and lasts way too fucking long, it's pretty sinister. I tried to ration my etizolam use on a very strict schedule and I still got hammered with nasty withdrawals. Yeah technically a thienodiazapene but whatever, so similar the classification is almost negligable.

Imagine an almost constant, daily panic attack, worrisome high HR/BP, severe agoraphobia, jumping at every single noise, and an inability to function as a normal human being for months... I can go on and on. Unless you want to sign yourself up for life it's best to avoid it becauss that relief from anxiety is very seductive, and as time goes on the days that you take breaks will become worse and worse as far as anxiety goes. Once that rebound starts to kick in on your days off what makes you think you will have the self control to not use if your already resorting to benzos for your baseline anxiey? It's a trap....

I know it's bad to reccomend any substance with abuse potential but I feel it's warranted in this situation. Have you tried kratom OP? Obviously by my username you can tell that I may be a bit biased towards kratom but that's because it did wonders for my GAD, lack of motivation, back pain, and times when I was depressed. I self medicated with kratom for years and had minimal side-effects that were far outweighed by the positives. Not saying you will respond to it as well as I did but it's worth a shot IMO.

If in the end you decide that no matter what your going to self medicate please, at least try kratom, or better yet explore other, safer options like counseling and CBT before going on benzos. Even after years and years of use at 3 doses a day the withdrawals from kratom typically never went past the 1 week mark and I'll tell you from experience that mild etizolam withdrawal (in all honesty it was beyond mild, but my habit was miniscule compared to most) is at least 10x worse than a 4 year kratom habit.

Just sharing from experience. In all honesty though any medication for anxiety is just masking your issues, the only way anything is gonna be truely resolved is by overcoming what's causing your underlying issues or listening to what that anxiety is actually trying to tell you. Some people forget that there's nonsense "panic over nothing" anxiety and healthy "I need to fix some shit in my life" anxiety.
^^^if you have to take an opiate/opioid more days than not definitely give kratom an honest try. Use the benzos only to ward off a panic attack when needed. Less the better.


Yeah for real man.. lets see how happy he is with the months-lasting agonizing wds..maybe we can advice him to start drinking everyday because it smoothens social interactions! Throw in some MDMA every weekend for good measure too.
Seriosly tho find something else to help you socialize, i don't know maybe increase your self esteem in some way..
I don't even have social anxiety or gad and i've been taking clonazepam everyday for the last two weeks (quit yesterday), that shit is addictive man, and i don't even have anxiety problems.
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Yeah for real man.. lets see how happy he is with the months-lasting agonizing wds..maybe we can advice him to start drinking everyday because it smoothens social interactions! Throw in some MDMA every weekend for good measure too.
Seriosly tho find something else to help you socialize, i don't know maybe increase your self esteem in some way..
I don't even have social anxiety or gad and i've been taking clonazepam everyday for the last two weeks (quit yesterday), that shit is addictive man, and i don't even have anxiety problems.

Why not? I mean, do what makes you happy, right?

Jeez! Thank goodness there are some people on BL with their brains still in tact to actually provide HR advice!
I was in the hospital today and everyone is pissed at me, due to excessive benzo use. I know it feels good to have no anxiety, but please please realize that nothing is free.

I had never completely lost my mind before indulging in daily benzo use for months. Its not fun to tell people that you're different now and they realize that you're just delusional.

Be safe.
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