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Snorting Ambien

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i just snorted 15mg of the generic ambien... i can feel affects right away, not the full effect but sum. will drinking beer intinsifie it?? BTW OXYCONTIN FTW!!
I just did 10mgs and it didnt burn as bad as some of the rat poison Ive had. this is my first time snorting it, Im tapping an un known resource. Ive got a years worth of prescription but didnt like taking the orally. We are on a new advenure tonight, im excited..kinda
my dr callled me jn 10 ambiens, been years since i used them. I ived 40mg and snorted 10mg and dno't feel anything. i geuss it'd try about benzo tolerebce, i'm on klonopin and valium and can take 60mg of val and not feel anything and take 12mg of kpins and not feel anything or black out

i remember reading 10mg ambien = 10mg valium
I have never snorted them, but as such I have heard it burns like HELL. I am not totally against it, though. 50mg oral is the highest I believe I have delved into. Curious.

Although I believe you have insufllated 50mg, I would like to let you know that there most likely arent enough receptors in your brain to bind to this quantity. Typically, one can only ingest ~30mg to recieve maximum effects. Any more is simply overkill
how does it compare with the 2c-'s in terms of burn?

from SWIMs expecience, the burn of most 2c compounds is WAYY worse than ambien. the reason some people say ambien burns like hell is because they probably didnt remove the coating on the outside (which is easily removed by crushing, and then removing the "plastic-like" pieces that tend to stay connected to eachother. The interrior (good part of the pill) is what you really want to get at.
200mg orally is a trip.... one tablet insufflated is painful.

As i stated above, 200mg of ambien is WAAYYY overkill. ~30mg is the most that can be binded to the receptors in your brain. However, if you ingest this amount over a long period of time, it may be more effective. I am not sure how long it takes to bind/unbind with your brain
ambien question lol

best name i could come up with.... i was prescribed ambien 3 weeks ago for sleep deprivation and i just started taking htme and i felt amazing... like high or something, and i was curious about snorting them so i i snorted my normal dosage tonight but i am thinkin about snorting antoher one just becuase i miss snorting so much.. is that a bad thing.? someone hit me up about this 8)
I snort about 30-40MG and have no visual just feel great... this normal?
400 mgs is bullshit.

I have crazy insomnia I take 20 mgs of ambien at night to sleep from my doctor....now it is IMPOSSIBLE to take 400mgs of ambien and stay wide awake...that is insane...i have mania problems where i will stay up for weeks at a time and 400 mgs would tranq any living thing...that is a load of bullshit....however if u smoke weed on ambien u trip balls...dont snort it it just fucks up ur nose...ive done it ... u just pass out easier
Plugging works fast and hits harder than snorting, but...yeah it's pretty sketchy to some people. I haven't tried IV but it doesn't really seem worth it, unless you are addicted to the needle.
I blew about 75mg's over the course of a few hours. I was seriously messed up; it was like being in an amazing psychedelic dreamscape.
After railing a few of these I got the wonderful idea to go report to probation haha. Luckily I was tripping so hard that I completely missed my subway stop in manhattan and regained awareness of my surroundings in the middle of brooklyn.
After I exited the subway to walk to my apartment, it was raining out, but it felt wonderful since it was a warm summer night; so I walked around my neighborhood for over an hour enjoying the fact that each drop of water on my glasses refracted every color of the rainbow.

In retrospect I'm surprised I got through this trip with no negative repercussions, was successfully able to navigate through NYC, and purchase alcohol without ID 4 times.

Definitely one of my favorite trips since it was so unique to any other experience I've had.
Ambien is a fantastic drug!!!! In fact I would take a few 10mg Ambien over a dose of good ole LSD. The only down side of the Ambien trip is the memory wipe. Sure you'll have a fucking blast but you wont remember shit the next day;)
I snort about 30-40MG and have no visual just feel great... this normal?

No, thats not normal. you need to either learn to crush, learn to snort, or check to make sure those aren't 0.5 mg lorazepams ;)

Snorting 30 mg, I can say [unfortuantely] from much personal experience, will get you crazy slammed. Not goin freakin bonkers, just super relaxed, super uninhibited, and lots of great visuals from the close environment.

Depending on the colors/shapes/patterns on things, the visuals will shift a certain way and favor certain parts of a pictures. I find it so interesting that I wanted to make a collection of Ambien graphics that "respond" in some characteristic way, a la Magic Eye, but not exactly. could be your next coffee table book. wouldn't go over well with the publisher.

If you're down for some scary shit (not freaky as in a full blast pyschadelic trip), snort 30 or 40mg over a half hour or so, no rush, then head to a mirror. cut all the lights except something small like a nightlight or a laptop. Look at yourself in the mirror from diff angles. Sit like 3 to 6 ft away. With minimal light, your brain will be having a hard enough time collecting images. Add the ambien into the mix, and you can witness your own face turning and morphing in seriously creepy fashion. discovered this recently and couldn't believe how entertaining it was!!
*let me say I think 99 percent of pills are best swallowed. BUT i remember snorting my first 10mg ambien and it was funzies
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