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Snorting Ambien

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dont do ambien too much, but snorted five 10mg's and got decently fucked up. however when i did this i hallucinated. like if i had done two or so hits of lsd.anyone else had this happen? like i said dont do it often and my buddy did the same amount and he said he didnt have that
Most people experience mild hallucinations from ambien, especially at high doses.
Perfectly normal.
As for the "burn," I agree with allmineyummyyummy (I like your name btw. that's how i feel about ambien and pills in general). It's definitely more of a tingle. I like it. It's like... hydrogen peroxide you know? It's all bubbly or tingly and tickles, but then you know it's working.
Welcome to bluelight btw.
on fentanyl and trying ambien with no results

I have been on the fentanyl patch for the last 6 years on/off. I take 2 100mcg patches every 48hours, plus I will use another 100mcg patch, cut it into 4 pieces and leave in 2 patches bucally for two hours at a time and then switch. Thats take 10mg's of fentanyl buccally in four hours. My doctor gave me ambien 10mgs, for sleep, but after taking 20 ambien in the last 2 hours with the fentanyl patches in, I can feel a little boost ,but nothing like I expected. If you have a very high opioid tolerance, will drugs like ambien not work for you?
snort a 2C efore you think something hurts to snort. Ive snorted 2C-E twice, that hurts like a MOTHERFUCKER. My eyes wouldnt stop watering and i nearly had a bad trip just begging for the pain to stop.
It may be that those who are accustomed to more hardcore downers aren't affected the same by ambien. As a kid I used to sneak a little piece here and there of my father's benzos to remedy my insomnia. I'm kinda thinking that may have given me a tolerance to benzos, and "non-benzos" don't work as well anymore.
Just a theory...
snorting them hurts so frikin' bad but i tryed IVing them and it works wonders
It doesn't hurt...

However I dissolved the powder into a tiny bit of water, then snorted the sludge.
That was a lot nicer...
Just glancing at the first page of this thread... noticing people say railing ambien burns like hell. I disagree, not too bad. Everyone's different though. Also, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree that 2c-b is THE most painful thing I have ever snorted by far. Easy. Burns so bad I pace back and forth for 15 minutes with tears in my eyes, and only then at about the 15 minute mark do I start tripping and the pain subsides to a degree. Mephedrone is like a punch in the face, but then 20 seconds later you're higher than you've ever been so the burn doesn't matter. 2c-b on the other hand is constant agony for 15 minutes. Ouch.
Ambien simply does not do anything to me anymore except give me annoying double vision and make it hard to focus on things. This wasn't the case when I first got scripted it (not very long ago, and I haven't really used it often enough to build a large tolerance). When I would snort it, I would totally trip out, get lucid as hell, euphoria, hallucinations, it was awesome! However it only did this 2 or 3 times and then never again. Just the other night I railed 30mg over the course of about an hour and felt nothing more than just disorientation. No 'high' feelings at all....

This sucks because I really enjoyed the recreational effects I got from it.
Yea... I never found it extremely recreational, but I snort 'em all when I get them.
I have my cannabis card so it's not like i'm trying desperately to get high.
lol I crushed an ambien once because I thought it was oxycontin and sniffed it. I knew something was astray as soon as I tasted it...

Got me pretty messed up
i have a lot (maybe too much) experience in this area...

all i can say is, if the sedative effects overwhelm you to the point that it's lights out before you reach the tripping stage, try crushing up 10-20mg, divide the pile into several small lines (at least 6)..snort one..wait at least 10 minutes.. snort another 1.. then go from there till it's gone...

I can almost guarantee you'll have some minor visuals after that

If i just take huge doses all at once, i just black out
i have NEVER tripped on ambien (but im on 30mg zyprexa) and i've snorted 20mg and then went to work and had a fine day lol
Snorting Ambien used to be a ridiculous habit of mine. I took out the ink tube from a Bic pen and filled the pen shaft with crushed 10mg Ambien and just keep hitting it all day.

Generally speaking, I'm a sensible guy both on and off various drugs. Ambien turned the tables on this paradigm. I caused thousands of dollars of damage to my car as a result of driving while under the influence of it; I've had countless conversations with inappropriate recipients (grandparents, parents, employers, friends' parents, etc.) whilst on it, and despite it's quicker onset snorting relative to orally ingesting the pills, the Ambien 'hangover' still persists well into 5 PM of the following day - causing me completely regrettable performance on exams, dates, and whatever I'd had planned for the following day. Not to mention getting out of bed.

I might be a tad jaded, I acknowledge this; I used at least 20mg of Ambien intranasally almost every day for two and a half years (!!!)... but, that being the case, I know enough about how it can turn from a wildly fun and novel pseudo-hypnotic "trip" into a wacky delirium whose consequences far outweighed its benefits.

My opinions on Ambien? I personally cannot ever touch it again, as I believe it permanently affected my vision, as well as partially warped my mind. It does, however, have its recreational potential, but Christ, use it sparingly!! Zolpidem tartrate is a devious and mischievous chemical. And in the spirit of HR - I recommend respecting it as such. It's just so easy to do something regrettable.

~ vaya
^kinda like the medicines it was made to replace -benzodiazepines?
i think its funny how they call them in a group "nonbenzodiazepines" and they're supposed to be safer and you hear stories like the one above ^.
I've never had any of these problems...
As someone else said, he went to work on it. It's weak shit.
I'm still completely functional...
Snorting Ambien used to be a ridiculous habit of mine. I took out the ink tube from a Bic pen and filled the pen shaft with crushed 10mg Ambien and just keep hitting it all day.

Generally speaking, I'm a sensible guy both on and off various drugs. Ambien turned the tables on this paradigm. I caused thousands of dollars of damage to my car as a result of driving while under the influence of it; I've had countless conversations with inappropriate recipients (grandparents, parents, employers, friends' parents, etc.) whilst on it, and despite it's quicker onset snorting relative to orally ingesting the pills, the Ambien 'hangover' still persists well into 5 PM of the following day - causing me completely regrettable performance on exams, dates, and whatever I'd had planned for the following day. Not to mention getting out of bed.

I might be a tad jaded, I acknowledge this; I used at least 20mg of Ambien intranasally almost every day for two and a half years (!!!)... but, that being the case, I know enough about how it can turn from a wildly fun and novel pseudo-hypnotic "trip" into a wacky delirium whose consequences far outweighed its benefits.

My opinions on Ambien? I personally cannot ever touch it again, as I believe it permanently affected my vision, as well as partially warped my mind. It does, however, have its recreational potential, but Christ, use it sparingly!! Zolpidem tartrate is a devious and mischievous chemical. And in the spirit of HR - I recommend respecting it as such. It's just so easy to do something regrettable.

~ vaya

i've been using it like this, more or less (30-40mg+ nightly) daily for periods of time and going through w/ds like clockwork.. for a little less than 1yr. i think it's fucked up my brain in some way. i don't experience pleasure much anymore, and it seems i lose touch with my emotions/reality quite suddenly nowadays too.. this is all after months of abstinence.. yet whenever i have a script for it, i fill it asap and the cycle continues till i run out..

i would say stick to the oral route, but ime it really doesn't matter how you take it.. after a few days of use, your tolerance sky-rockets and for a lot of people it's impossible not to abuse, unless they simply abstain from taking it daily (very hard to do when you already have debilitating insomnia)

i much prefer ANY benzo to a nonbenzo like ambien... the w/d happens once it wears off (ie the next day), for example.. and the w/d danger is just as high, if not higher than with many benzos (imhe)
Look up 'derealisation'; it is this that I experienced most significantly from Ambient-induced 'psychosis' as I personally fondly term it.

~ vaya
what ever you freakin freaks do, DONT DRIVE, lol..I learned this the hard way.

Imagine this: I'm at college in Providence, RI and I am partying all night with no sleep, just adderall and alot of alcohol. I have a sexy asian girlfriend who happens to be in the dorm next to me.

To make a long story short, I 'borrow' the keys to her brand new Infiniti G35x, but not before downing about 50mg of ambien. So my friend (who's father was a big time personal injury lawyer in RI) and I take off to buy some chilli dogs from a 24 hour 7-11 (little did we realize it was 7pm).

So anyways I drive her car into a parked car, and completely wreck the front of my girl's new car. But wait, there's more.. Without speaking a word to one another, we continue like nothing happened, so we continue to the freeway and drive into the off-ramp (as opposed to the safer on-ramp). Thankfully the antifreeze/water was leaking everywhere so the car shit the bed on the off-ramp.

All I remember is stumbling out of the car and it looked like her car was melting (which it wasn't of course) and then I get tackled by a big black football player (who ends up being a state trooper) and next thing I know I wake up in a jail cell. My friend was taken to the hospital for-thank-fucking-god only minor injuries.

Moral of that story is: Don't drive on Ambien

p.s. the asian girlfriend actually had the audacity to break up with me :( <--(sarcasm)
i have a lot (maybe too much) experience in this area...

all i can say is, if the sedative effects overwhelm you to the point that it's lights out before you reach the tripping stage, try crushing up 10-20mg, divide the pile into several small lines (at least 6)..snort one..wait at least 10 minutes.. snort another 1.. then go from there till it's gone...

I can almost guarantee you'll have some minor visuals after that

If i just take huge doses all at once, i just black out

This is an excellent idea. If I remember correctly (and knowing Ambien, I wouldn't rely on memory at all) I think this is how I did it the first time because I was being cautious and that's what produced the enjoyable effects. Normally I just rail the whole 10mg pill and wait for effects, I get nothing but drowsiness, then I just go to bed, pass out, wake up the next morning wondering WTF I did. Last night I crushed up 20mg and railed it all, put in a Scarface DVD, and woke up the next morning with it still sitting there at the intro screen :p

Next time I dabble, I will try just crushing up a 10, and snorting 1/4 of it at a time and waiting 10-20 minutes to see what happens.

UPDATE: Tried it, didn't do a damn thing except make me drowsy. Screw ambien dude, this stuff is useless to me.
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