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Opioids Smoking rc opiate

i wonder why no new analogs of say Hydromorphone or of any of the codones have been manufactured, perhaps because theyre naturally derived ? but they should be able to create some analog of say oxycodone since its semi synthetic ya think? perhaps because itd be too complicated it hasn't been done
i find nothing feels as good as a natural opiate like morphine/Heroin and the more synthetic you go the less pain relieving it gets aswell, don't get me wrong oxy works wonders but isn't close to the pain relief i get from morphine, been awhile since i've had some dope, been thinking of getting some for awhile now, not to iv but to smoke, its always nice to smoke some good product now and then. been thinking of putting up the extra bucks and getting some proper opium to mix up with my crack

The research right now seems focussed on modified 14-dihydromorphinones like benzhydrocodone, oxymorphol (which is a mixture of hydromorphinol and another oxymorphone relative 4,5α-Epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3,6β,14-triol) and derivatives thereof by pharmaceutical companies like Endo, and then there was the work by the Schmidhammer crew at the Universität Innsbruck starting about 20 years ago with 14-methoxymetopon which is a million times more potent than morphine. There is actually a lot of work that was done in the 1920s and 1930s on morphine and dihydromorphine derivatives which was not pursued further because about a dozen new semi-synthetics had already gone on the market from 1914 to 1941.

Detailed information on several hundred of these drugs, as well as a great deal of research on morphine, codeine, and opium and all the rest, can be found in the National Research Council of the United States' publication The Report of the Committee On Drug Addiction 1929-1941 & Selected Reprints, the PDF can be found by starting a search at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jps.3030301214 -- it is also a 1000-plus-page book that can be tracked down. For instance there is detailed information on such things as codeine's isomers which include allocodeine, pseudocodeine, pseudoallocodeine, and isocodeine, an important one four times stronger than codeine. Dihydroisocodeine (DHIC) has been used as an uncommon pharmaceutical in Europe and other places; I have used it in the past and all I can recall for a brand name was DHIC and that I got it in Spain. Then of course there is heterocodeine, 72 to 108 times stronger, also covered in the book.

Also there is more discovery of yeast, fungi, and bacteria naturally making morphine, codeine, thebaine, papaverine, oripavine, and semi-synthetics like oxymorphone, hydrocodone, hydromorphinol and a bunch of others -- in this latter case, the Pseudomonas putida Trevisan 1889 serotype M10 used to eat crude oil spilled on the ocean. That was 1993; the yeast that turn sugar to morphine was two years ago.

Then there were attempts to modify the effects by combining morphine with other active agents, like sticking dinitrophenol to morphine to get 2,4-dinitrophenylmorphine to reduce the respiratory depression. They started inventing antagonists and agonist-antagonists in 1915 by sticking things to the 17 position, halogenating the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and/or 14 positions has all sorts of effects and so on, so I think that heading down to the stacks to look through some of these older journal articles and so forth and using the formulae searching computer to play Tetris and surf tasteful progressive pr0n for a day or so might have some serendipitous effects . . .
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never even heard of 0-dsmt or the other one you mentioned will look into them, with the carfentanil I was gonna buy like 5 grams and mix it with maybe 3 or 4 ounces of cut then try a small bit to see how it is? I assume it’s smokeable because people must smoke it in USA?
Sorry if this has been said already but NO NO NONONONO NO NO NO!!!!!

Please weigh every dose out separately then mix with the amount of mannitol you want to use. Mixing large amounts causes hot.spots and WILL kill you before you've taken the tooter out ya mouth.
Not a good way to be found...
I was actually thinking about the hot spot issue when making cookies earlier, and I don't think there is any safe way to snort or smoke or shoot powder carfentanil and the like -- if one gets a gramme of it and they have a gas mask and a glove box like for handling radium, then maybe mixing it into 100 litres of water, stirring with an immersion blender for an hour and drinking the stuff, but even if I liked fentanils as narcotics I wouldn't take that chance either, same with other things like bridged oripavine derivatives, benzimidazoles, any other ultra-potent opioids, not to mention corrosive stuff like Upjohn 44700.

Hasn't anybody heard about the fellow who put 20 000 hits of acid in a water cooler, it settled to the bottom, he got drunk at a party, ran, slipped, hit the water cooler and got it all dumped on him, and has been in (insert facility name here) for 50 years now, thinking that he is a glass of lemonade and people are coming to drink him?

And to the dealers mixing in one or more of the above and non-opioids like RC benzodiazepines and selling it as smack and Vikes and so forth -- that is something even Satan does not want on his conscience and he is looking for you and is going to work you over big time with his 4000°C pitchfork . . . stop now if you know what is good for you . . .
I was actually thinking about the hot spot issue when making cookies earlier, and I don't think there is any safe way to snort or smoke or shoot powder carfentanil and the like -- if one gets a gramme of it and they have a gas mask and a glove box like for handling radium, then maybe mixing it into 100 litres of water, stirring with an immersion blender for an hour and drinking the stuff, but even if I liked fentanils as narcotics I wouldn't take that chance either, same with other things like bridged oripavine derivatives, benzimidazoles, any other ultra-potent opioids, not to mention corrosive stuff like Upjohn 44700.

Hasn't anybody heard about the fellow who put 20 000 hits of acid in a water cooler, it settled to the bottom, he got drunk at a party, ran, slipped, hit the water cooler and got it all dumped on him, and has been in (insert facility name here) for 50 years now, thinking that he is a glass of lemonade and people are coming to drink him?

And to the dealers mixing in one or more of the above and non-opioids like RC benzodiazepines and selling it as smack and Vikes and so forth -- that is something even Satan does not want on his conscience and he is looking for you and is going to work you over big time with his 4000°C pitchfork . . . stop now if you know what is good for you . . .
This is the only way to handle something as potent as carfentanil.
Your correct there is no way to have powdered carfentanil.has to be liquid
Does anyone have any experience smoking any rc opiates? Which ones are the best to smoke, this carfentanil idea might be abit crazy, it’s 2nd November and gears already started going downhill where I am. I’m not interested in shooting it in between my toes or squirting it up my ass I just want something decent to smoke, there must be a decent rc opioid for that?
While we’re at it are there any rc stimulants that can be smoked like good ol crack? With a simmilar kind of buzz not something that has u awake for a week and convinced your a wizard
Looking at Gray's Anatomy and Waldeyer's Anatomie des Menschen makes me think that people . . . well, just under 50 per cent of the population . . . will have better luck shooting into their nutsak than going betwixt their toes -- in either case, cleanse the injection site thoroughly as anywhere else . . .
So this info came from the world health orginization

• In healthy non-drug-using volunteers participating in a PET imaging study,
a 0.019 μg/kg dose of carfentanil given as an intravenous bolus produced self-
reported adverse effects in 60% of subjects, with dizziness (60%) and nausea (33%)
being the most common symptoms, followed by vomiting and itching (both 7%;
Minkowski et al., 2012).

So the average human Is 62 kg

.019μgX 62 =1.178

That means just over 1 microgram is the dose for the 62kg human that is non tolerant.

1 gram= 1000000 Micrograms

Weigh out 100 mg That's 100,000 doses

Do you trust your scale to weigh 10mg? That would cut you down to a still not manageable 10,000 micrograms

Brains getting foggy from disso ATM but I think that would mean you would have to add 10 grams of cut to a measly 10mg of product and be sure enough that you can mix it evenly.

When that's all said and done you would still only need 1mg of the final product~

Don't take this as fact I took it far enough to show you how ridiculous working with this chem is and may have done the last equation wrong.

Bottom line is it would be a fucking nightmare to try to work with
I don't use a scale I make a nise solution with a gram of butyr per 1L-1.5L depending on how potent each batch is.
corrosive stuff like Upjohn 44700
Nico, is this similar to U-47700?
Does anybody here have any experience with U-47700? They say that It's 7 to 8 times stronger than Morphine which makes me think that it is much less risky than Fentanyl analogs.
Is there a way to make it less corrosive so that it can be consumed?
Nico, is this similar to U-47700?
Does anybody here have any experience with U-47700? They say that It's 7 to 8 times stronger than Morphine which makes me think that it is much less risky than Fentanyl analogs.
Is there a way to make it less corrosive so that it can be consumed?
Same thing.ppl i.v. it.i think it's a pethidine or tramadol analog.not overly awesome but gets the job done.
Nico, is this similar to U-47700?
Does anybody here have any experience with U-47700? They say that It's 7 to 8 times stronger than Morphine which makes me think that it is much less risky than Fentanyl analogs.
Is there a way to make it less corrosive so that it can be consumed?

Yes Upjohn in Michigan came up with U-47700 in the 1970s and were concerned about the corrosiveness. The team there went on to come up with related κ opioid ligands discussed at some length in Goodman & Gilman's Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics and of course the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry numbers from the 1970s., and I have heard the group referred to as benzamide opioids.

I have only taken it mixed with chocolate milk and I think the narcotic effect burns off too quickly, and preferred Allen & Hambury's 7921, which I also mixed with milk, but nothing is better than morphine and derivatives.

It hit the media in North America at the same time as furanylfentanyl as part of a mixture called Grey Death and Readymix. By itself it is called Pink. The way it was put to me, If one gets pink smack on the street and they are not in West Bengal they should get to work on some buffering and/or Liquid Volumetric Dosing, because it will otherwise probably eat a hole in one's septum much quicker than C-Jam and who knows what it does to the inside of veins. As far as what would be a workable buffer, I am not sure I could even speculate. U4 and U4ea are older names for 4-methylaminorex which have been sometimes used for it. They found U-47700 in Prince's system along with a couple of fentanils as part of counterfeit Vicodin that he ostensibly sourced for peace of mind as he knew what was being done to doctors is what it sounds like. He was in lots of pain from several things including on-stage injuries.
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but nothing is better than morphine and derivatives.
So, so true. Oh how I wish I could get maintained on morphine, heroin or one of its other analogues instead of methadone.

Don't get me wrong though, methadone is a decent substitute and the long duration is to die for (although it wouldn't be too hard to develop a time release for morphine and co. to give them a similar duration, i imagine an osmotic pump like in concerta would work wonders) but it just ain't M and it certainly isn't H.

For years I've imagined how great it would be if someone developed an opioid identical in everyway to morphine except for having the duration of methadone - Morphodone anybody??

Yum yum yummy.
Looking at Gray's Anatomy and Waldeyer's Anatomie des Menschen makes me think that people . . . well, just under 50 per cent of the population . . . will have better luck shooting into their nutsak than going betwixt their toes -- in either case, cleanse the injection site thoroughly as anywhere else . . .
Yeah I always found that weird. I know I certainly don't have any veins in between my toes!! Well maybe there are small ones? But even if there were I'm sure they wouldn't be appropriate for injecting in lol