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Singles thread - home of the quirky alone!?? :p

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Wait... streetsweeper, thats streetsurfers new name. Interesting....

Why are you bitching about feminism in the singles thread? Aren't you a homo?
streetsweeper said:
Feminism makes me sick. Seriously, I want to punch them in the fucking face and say "There, thats equality for you you nasty mouthed bitch, how does that feel?"
I have been called a sociopath and abused because I dare to say that there are intrinsic differences between males and females. Not better, not worse, just Different. But These ideolologically driven fuckwits insist that the last 500,000 years of natural selection has given us no difference between the sexs, that despite obvious phisiological and hormonal differences we are *exactlyX the same and its only the systematic oppression of women by a patriacal system from birth that leads to the differences in behaviour between the sex's.
I have found women to be far more violent, a man will punch you in the face, its all over, life goes on. A woman will devote extrodanary resourses over a long long period of time to utterly destroy somebody.

Feminists should look in the fucking mirror

Wow, and they say feminists are the crazy angry ones hey ....
so, im talking to my old friend / lover / guy who's virginity i took (charming arent i ) again..
I seem to be having an abundance of men from my past popping up recently:\ why all at once i have no idea
I'm all about this thread.

Between the (now far more seldom) moments of wishing for the old long-term gf and the wonder of being able to do whatever the fuck I want... It's an interesting interesting life.
Up, down, left, right... It's all one hell of a ride.

Forza being single, for now at least :S

^I think this is a timely reminder for all 'quirky alones'. :|
(edit trancegurl) ^ 'talking', is that what you kids call it these days?
Okay you motherfuckers, here is the Raz Challenge(tm):

NOBODY is allowed to post in this thread until it gets to the next page unless they can present something overwhelmingly positive about being single. I don't mean...ooh it's okay and my last boyfriend was a dick anyway but maybe one day I will find someone, until then it's okay.....I mean...Hey it's great! I don't ever have to pretend ABBA doesn't make me barf and I can listen to Tom Waits as much as I fucking well like!

Seriously, being single is GOOD.

It is ON.
Raz said:
Okay you motherfuckers, here is the Raz Challenge(tm):

NOBODY is allowed to post in this thread until it gets to the next page unless they can present something overwhelmingly positive about being single. I don't mean...ooh it's okay and my last boyfriend was a dick anyway but maybe one day I will find someone, until then it's okay.....I mean...Hey it's great! I don't ever have to pretend ABBA doesn't make me barf and I can listen to Tom Waits as much as I fucking well like!

Seriously, being single is GOOD.

It is ON.
Ok, i'll take the Raz challenge.

Today we had a new guy start at work who we imported from Vancouver. Last year he won numerous international awards in his field and is one of those people who is super laid back, everyone likes, very witty and is just plain cool/interesting to hang with. 2 minutes in we're getting along like a house on fire and upon request i'll be showing him the (social) ropes. His agenda? Do a couple of years down in Aus and check it all out, check out brisvages, party a little, travel, and sweet talk some Aussie ladies.

For such a geeky industry our team has some very cool people but they're mostly in relationships so they have obligations. ie. do the same as yesterday with their SO. As much as ive seen couples try to resist, the path of least resistance eventually wins and it always ends up surrendering to 'do nothing'. Today was a classic example of seeing that written all over their faces.

Them: Work, go home, small talk with loved-one, watch tv, occasional dinner party, repeat
Me: Work, make a new friend, party, travel round aus, new conversations, fresh ideas, challenged perspectives, play tourist, play wingman and watch the ladies swoon. repeat
Honestly, which lifestyle is getting the $ worth out of living?

If that isnt enough I should point out that that was just today. Tomorrow there is potential for any number of other opportunities. Walk off and travel around the country for 6 months, move overseas, catch up with some random from dinner, go to a gig at the last minute, etc.. If I choose to, I can

Relationships = stagnation
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theres plenty good things about being single. One of them being plenty of sex (which should happen in a good relationship too mind you - if you're both quite sexual etc) but fuckbuddies - i know it's been discussed but positive things were asked for and i think this is high on the list. Good sexual connections and friendships. Makes life so much more pleasurable :)
m4dd0g said:
Them: Work, go home, small talk with loved-one, watch tv, occasional dinner party, repeat
Me: Work, make a new friend, party, travel round aus, new conversations, fresh ideas, challenged perspectives, play tourist, play wingman and watch the ladies swoon. repeat
Honestly, which lifestyle is getting the $ worth out of living?

If that isnt enough I should point out that that was just today. Tomorrow there is potential for any number of other opportunities. Walk off and travel around the country for 6 months, move overseas, catch up with some random from dinner, go to a gig at the last minute, etc.. If I choose to, I can

Relationships = stagnation

You make a good poing dawg & i would be very inclined to agree with you had i not seen how my best friends relationship with her boyfriend has blossomed over the past year or so.

Relationship doesnt always have to = stagnant. If its with the right person.

They are constantly going on weekends away, have travelled together and are currently planning the next, he has broadened her mind in so many ways (she's a bit of a home girl this one), he keeps her grounded and is one of the few people who loves her for her not her looks. And she gives him more than enough freedom, they lead very separate lives but they just connect with each other perfectly.

Im happy single tho :) im young, finding myself yada yada yada. Lonliness does creep up on me occasionally, i wont lie but otherwise i honestly love it. ive grown a lot because i havent been tied down. Im in no rush to be stagnant. I want to learn and grow and experience new things my whole life! Stagnant scares me/ the trick is finding that person that will grow with me i think (if that makes any sense whatsoever)
sydkiwi said:
*peeks in the thread*

Tragic ;) :p :lol:

yet somehow you cant keep away :D

Single is good because you get to have a singles thread and entertain bored coupled up people :D
Being single has so many good points. It's the perfect time to focus on some self awareness and work out where you want to go in life and who you want to be.

/.end optimisim

On the other hand I miss snuggling. It also hurts when you find out your ex has hooked up with someone (possibly numerous people) post breakup. I guess everyone's allowed their slimy moments but ouchie :\
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