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Shrooms improved my well-being - What effect have they had on you?

Shrooms are my mental medicine.

I had a number of problems. I wasn't really comfortable with myself for awhile. I was the quiet kid.

After tripping i realized what was important. I removed the superficial pressures on my life. My first time taking shrooms was like my first time breathing. The air literally felt different in me that day. My life was changed permanently and profoundly. It is as if nature pre-packages wisdom into edible mushrooms.
Just make sure that at some point you work on learning how to cultivate this state of mind without a heavy psychedelic regime... take it from me, who has had a period of two years of a heavy psychedelic regime. At some point the drugs will become drugs and hinder your progress. You'll need to learn how to maintain this state without external help. Just a tip. :)

Thanks for the advice

I understand that I'm going to have to exercise this state with periods of sobriety. Ive been doing more physical activities during this time, which I can continue during my periodical breaks