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Should I be worried?


Nov 5, 2020
I've been having heart pains, feeling dizzy and short of breath for a long time now but in the last month I've noticed a shift in energy even more so e.g. even going for a shower will make me feel so weak and have chest pain and just lacking in any energy as when I've pushed myself to go out a walk I have to sit down to let my heart rate come back down. I've been putting it down as anxiety for a long time and drinking alcohol plus withdrawals.

So anyway yesterday around 4pm my heart started racing checked my pulse resting and it was hovering around 135 BPM. I thought I was in withdrawals so downed half the amount of alcohol that I usually drink throughout the night within a short space of time hoping that it would ease withdrawal. However, I got worse and I felt dizzy, heart pains and disorientated. I phoned nhs24 who thought I might have covid??! Took 2 hours for ambulance to arrive and when it did the lovely guy checked my blood pressure and stuff which was high and my BPM was now 179 BPM they got me over straight away to hospital and they gave me a drip and an IV of electrolytes and stuff. It came down to 130 and then went back up again accompanied with a high temperature and felt like I could pass out. They gave me more electrolytes and stuff and it came down again then sent me for x-rays and they all came back fine thankfully! They let me go as BPM was down to 120's and gave me a 5mg diazepam. They also thought I have a virus but weren't concerned it was covid (don't even know if I was tested but got bloods done)

Today my heart is still racing not sure how fast as scared to check but if I had to guess I'd say 120-30's and that's with half life of diazepam. My doc has gave me 3days worth of diazepam which I still have to pick up from the chemist and I've not to take my blue inhaler or smoke weed although I do have to drink so many units at night and take my diazepam in the morning.

I dunno it's just really unsettling as I'm only 29 should I be worried about this as still getting heart pains. The GP thinks that it's definitely the alcohol but tbh I'm not so sure as it happened before when I was sober for a year and took some dodgy e only that time I nearly went in to cardiac arrest but at least there was an answer to why that time. And I'm worried whatever I took this time last year has caused or exasperated this with my heart. My dad has heart problems severe but GP doesn't seem to be worried enough to investigate this in me any further. Getting a detox in a few weeks was put off for a few weeks so I can move in to my new place. I'm hoping it is the alcohol and this will work itself out from sobriety however my gut feeling is that it is not. Gotta follow docs advice though I mean what do I know in comparison 😃

Anybody had similar experiences?
I've had chest/heart pains from anxiety alone, I'm not surprised you're feeling like that if you're also dealing with alcohol withdrawal!
I've had chest pain from anxiety as well in the past I've got gad think that's why I had put it down to that for so long. But this went on for hours just kept getting faster and I had technically had enough units as been doing what I'm told. Fine every other day with same routine so it's strange. Mad thing with alcohol it's a catch 22 because it increases BPM whilst drinking but also whilst in withdrawals 😐 edit: my doctor told me alcohol increases BPM which it does but I just googled and educated myself lol and as you keep drinking your BPM slows! It makes a bit more sense now!! Plus alcohol messes about with the electric currents in the heart.

Editedit:Been threw a spanner in the works just when I was sure it was withdrawals. I am just off the phone to my addiction specialist an she says by how much I have been drinking and symptoms that it doesn't sound like withdrawal. So now I have two conflicting opinions and that's me confused/worried again.
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Sitting in hospital BPM up again drank enough and had diazepam.... Fuck knows
If there's anything wrong with your hearts electricals it should show up on an ECG. In my experience they give an ECG for almost everything so I doubt you haven't had one by now (It's where they stick a bunch of pads on your chest and they get an readout on your hearts electrical signal).

It does sound like somethings wrong apart from withdrawal, it's hard to say what though, hopefully the doctors will do some tests and get a better idea. <3
Thank you so much ❤️

Had an ECG twice and all fine thankfully in terms of heart. It's just beating way too fast. Not as fast as the other night 179 but still up to 140. Yeah hopefully they can figure it out!
the does sound super scary!! glad you have seen a doctor and hope they can get to the bottom of this.
Thanks a lot ❤️ (ironic heart emojis lol 😂)
I'm back home to rest and getting a 24hour monitor off my GP later and hopefully some more diazepam.
I'm also avoiding rising to any bait that my 'partner' throws at me he is almost punishing me for being unwell. Should have kicked his arse out last month but I always give him the benefit of the doubt and don't wanna make him in his blackmailing words 'homeless/commit suicide'. But now he's went too far- pressuring me to give him money all the time and silent treatment, slamming doors if I don't bow to his every need. It's sadistic to try and get a rise out of me just now when I'm trying to stay calm so I don't have to go back to hospital Again. Sorry for ranting, I could go on and on but I won't, well I have already oops lol. I just am devastated as he's all peaches and cream when things are going his way and I genuinely thought he loved me unconditionally. But it's all about him. Wanted to settle down in a couple of years and have a family but ahh well life's a bitch and then you die lol maybe il meet someone else in the future and be an older mother.

Thanks for your replies I needed a wee word of kindness.
yes get rid!!! that behaviour is abusive and i doubt he will change his ways. usually people get worse once they start down that tack. it will not do your physical or mental health any good to stay in that relationship.

i had to make an ex of mine street homeless. he was dangerous to me, i felt awful putting him out on the streets but i had to protect myself. his threats are manipulative, even if he would actually be homeless. you don't deserve that shit.
To be honest with you's it's been worse and better. It wasn't untill I got some sort of backup that the physical violenc toned down. I am fucked no doubt of a lie. I find myself wishing he would hurt me physically again so I would have the courage to leave. I know how pathetic that sounds as well I am I'll at the moment with my heart and don't really have anyone just wish the 5 years I had put in cause I loved him would at the very least entice him to do the same for me 😟sad lady
Why wait for something as awful as physical violence to happen again? Once is enough to be rid of them!

I know being alone sounds scary but it's better than living in fear.

It's not as simple as that as he threatens suicide and I have ptsd because my ex is gone and I found him(not suicide) .... so am stuck between rock and hard place. Thanks anyway ❤️
Don't mention it, honestly, you'd be better off with a fresh start. Find someone who treats you with respect. <3

Don't have children with an abusive man...
I defos won't (have children) believe me lol

I want children I just won't cause I know what it's like xcx
Anyone pulling the 'i'm gonna kill myself if you leave me' is just pulling at your heart strings because they know you care about them. It's a completely selfish thing to do to someone and shows how little he really cares.

You're 29. You're still young. You never know what's around the corner :) things don't need to be this bad.