Share Something Positive from Your Day vs. It's All Around You

I used to hate Sundays but now I love Sundays, Sundays are days to get errands/chores done!
I wish I'd feel the same about Sundays. And Mondays too :)

Extremely busy day today but it's now over and got everything done. I'm glad we have a nice team work!!
The hours added to my day and being able to sleep in with no early rising people to fuck with my anti morning roll.
I'm awake early, feeling positive. I applied to about 10 jobs yesterday and I have a phone interview today. Wooohooooo
Tough days are always difficult but I'm dealing with them much better nowadays.
The real positive change was how I'm waking up. No drama. Just get up and take a quick shower. That was one of the 'impossible' tasks in the past..
Rescued 2 baby squirrels that had fallen out of a tree. Hopefully they make it through the night and I can take them to the wildlife rescue tomorrow.

This is about what they look like although maybe slightly older because they were opening their eyes and claws were a bit longer...

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^ oh man that's the cutest thing. Good luck nutty.

I had an amazing brunch cooked by an amazing woman and made some really good progress in a session with my drug counsellor.
Sobriety kick is going well.
Hope everyone is doing well ; ) I'm on 4 days clean and I feel great. Staying positive and motivated. Enjoy the weekend!
^ yep!! I love Fridays. I know I'm soon going to see this post in the future and that will make me look forward to the next Fridays. :)

Wish you all a great weekend!!
Had insane cravings today but I forced myself to get up and do something and I didn't use. Also, I'm handsome and that is always a good thing ; )
^ Keep up with the good attitude. Craving comes and goes. Just be patient and keep postponing. Not today!
Slept so well last night. I don't recall having such a great night in a long time. :) Quite refreshing.