Share Something Positive from Your Day vs. It's All Around You

Thanks Herbavore,
I've also crossed country from CA to Chicago and further south about 20-25 years ago. It's indeed incredibly nice to have people like you to host us when we are most vulnerable and in need of comfort and good advice, orientation.

It brings me the best memories from my host families.<3
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Beautiful day with a full day off work finally. Have not slept this long in a while, feels good to rest. :)

Asclepius, Thank you so much… <3 Yes it truly is the little things. Thanks!
You as well… :)
The long weekend is somethin positive for sure. I was able to do chores and workout with still so much time for other schtuff!
It's been a great weekend. I get the day off tomorrow! Have loads of overtime. :)
I was sitting outside on my break and having a cigarette when this sweet little old lady sat next to me. She began to talk to me and I lit her cigarette for her. We talked about when she was younger and those sort of things.... she was sitting for a moment because she was about to walk home. (She is partially blind and uses a cane frail as well but she still manages to walk... slowly, but surely). She told me how she is afraid to walk across the street in fear of someone hitting her. So I decided to offer to walk her across the street. I held her hand and walked her through the parking lot... and across the crosswalk. She thanked me and was so very grateful. It felt good.

I also helped an older lady who had a stroke. She was trying to tell me something and I told her I couldn't understand her.... she then said that she recently had a stroke. I immediately grabbed her hand and said sorry.... expressed my sympathy and immediately offered any/all the help I could give her. Her son finally showed up later and she told him how kind I was
.. then at the end of it all he personally thanked me.

Not trying to brag or anything or get praise. I just really wanted to share how good I felt and I need to start being the positive change that I want.
Tuesday back to work but it's going to be a short week cause of the long weekend. I'm ready to face the challenges of this day!
I took a solid shit. One whole turd. Made my week.

LOL! Hey, that can be cause for celebration.;)

Got a lot done this weekend.

@Xstayfadedx--I bet that made her day/week/month. Old people get used to being invisible to the young. It's one of the things I love about traveling outside of the country--most cultures do not do this to the elderly. It really creates a spiritual poverty for all people. We need intergenerational relationships--instead we get a culturally manufactured distrust of each other which is so damaging to society as a whole.
^ Right on!

Quite busy day workload is piling up as my colleague has just taken some days off.
Managed it accordingly :) .. it's gonna be a long week!
Can you speak fluent español? I can understand most of it but I speak very slowly.

I've learnt today that my work evaluation was good enough for an increase. :) I'm mostly happy because I thought I was a bit invisible.
Definitely not invisible on BL, Erikmen -- always been grateful for your presence here, man! :)
^yes agree! Erikmen is amazing!

It's Friday thank God!
3 days clean. Trying to get through the emotional distress with hopefulness.
^ Congratulations! Keep on. It will soon get better. :)

Definitely not invisible on BL, Erikmen -- always been grateful for your presence here, man! :)

Thanks J. A Guy! This means a lot to me. :)

^yes agree! Erikmen is amazing!

It's Friday thank God!

Thank you Maya!

Sunny Saturday. Definitely not staying at home all day.
If you need to talk, send me a PM. I've also gone through this and know how hard it can be -- specially in the beginning.